*^*Chapter #5|Not a Dream*^*

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Izuku's P.O.V


I groan and reach for my alarm but only having my hand fall onto a velvety mattress. 'what?' I think and feel around. A realization hit me like a rock and I sat up, looking around, "N-no... I-I thought... i-it was a dream." I look over to my clock seeing 7:03 blaring red on it, I turn the annoying alarm off and pinch myself, once, twice, three times but nothing happens. I slap my hand and hiss in pain, "Yep, not a dream... but that means."

Tears prick in my eyes but I quickly wipe them away, I can't let Todoroki and K... him know I was crying, they'd probably kill me for being so weak. Why me anyways, I'm just useless...

I shake the thought out of my head and get up, I walk to the closet and grab the handle waiting for the inevitable, I open the closet and cringe as it's full of suits and ties, along with some pajamas. I sigh and grab one, looking at the untied tie, this is going to be a mess. I walk into the bathroom and look in awe at the bathtub. I shake my head and turn on the water well fumbling with it for a bit before I got it perfect, as I let it fill up I grabbed a towel and put it on the sink.

I undressed and hid my clothes in the cabinet under the sink, if he's hopefully not gonna be here for the rest of his life he's gonna have what he liked to wear.

~Time Skip~

After many failed attempts of trying to fix my tie I just leave it in this shriveled up bunch. I walk up to the door and turn the handle, stopping as soon as I turned it, "Oh yeah, wait how am I supposed to work if it's locked!?" I groan with frustration but kinda happy since I don't have to see Todoroki and umm Kacchan.

After a few minutes, a small click  filled the silent room and I jumped up, "Kirishima is that you?" I look behind me to meet eyes with Todoroki, 'it could've been at least Kacchan...'

I stand up shakily and walk over to him, "H-hey." I say and he stares at me, "I-Is something wrong?" I ask and he shakes his head, "Your tie." He says and I nervously chuckle, "I- Ummm don't know how to tie one." I say and he softly smiles before going away as soon as it came, "Alright then, follow me down to the office, I will show you the way." He says and I quickly nod. Shuffling right behind him.

He hands me a clipboard, filled with a stack of papers that could fit the clipboard of course. "Umm..." I look at it and Todoroki sighs, "Mine and Katsuki's schedule, read this to me or Katsuki in the mornings if there is anything there for us in the next hour or so. I nod quickly and look at the papers.

~Time Skip~

After walking up some flight of stairs, walking down endless hallways full of doors with very little decoration we finally make it to the oh so familiar large dark brown wooden doors with a gold trimming. I swallow harshly and he opens the door, we walk in and I freeze, Kacchan is staring right at me.

I look away and towards Todoroki, "Umm... where do-" He points to a desk that's towards the corner of the room and I sigh, seeing the giant stack of papers on the desk, "A.. alright." I walk over, trying not to look in Kacchan's direction because of the stare engraving into the back of my head.

I sit down with a small sigh and put the clipboard down. I grab a pen and paper at the top of the documents and read through the paper, signing down on the bottom once I'm done.

Repeating this process until...

"Midoriya." I jump at the sudden sound from the room that has been quiet for the past couple of hours. "Y-yes!" I ask quickly and see a small smile forming on his lips before going away, "could you get me some tea, what would you like Katsuki?" Kacchan continues to sign papers fairly quickly before saying, "My chili muffins are in the cabinets above the microwave, get them."

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