*^*Chapter #6|Worthless*^*

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Izuku's P.O.V

I woke up with a yawn, my alarm blaring in bold red letters, '7:00 am' I opened my eyes slightly and turned off my alarm. I take a look at my surroundings and sigh. Sliding out of bed I rub my eyes and go over to the closet, opening it, I look at the tuxedo's and sigh, closing the closet door.

"I'd rather die than be here." I feel my stomach rumble but I ignore it and go over to the couches, I turn on the T.V not caring what channel it was and rest on the arm of the couch, spacing off.


"Mom!" I exclaim and run up to her, crying. "Oh! honey, what happened?" She asks, engulfing me into her warm hugs. "K-K-ka-Kacchan..." I cry into my mom and she picks me up, wrapping my legs around her body, "Shh... it's okay Izuku. He'll come back." She says and I cry harder, "Th-they, bullied m-me again!" I cried loudly and my mother put me on my bed, tucking me into the bed, getting under with me.

She runs her fingers through my hair and I nuzzle into her. My eyes getting droopy as she sings a hums a small song that I never knew the lyrics to but made up my own...


I snapped out of my trance when I felt warm, fresh, tears falling down my face. I jump and wipe them away, being met with pain on my left cheek. I hiss in pain, remembering what happened yesterday. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror, a purple and black handprint on my cheek, stinging a bit.

I find the first-aid kit and rub some cream on it before wrapping my cheek in a bandage, covering my eye. Not wanting to have others worried or mad at Kacchan. I sigh, "Wait what time is it?" I ask myself and go into the room, I look at the clock, '8:43' shouldn't they have come to get me by now. I go to check the doorknob, 'yup locked, but why aren't they here.... they probably just don't want me anymore. given up on me. Or Kacchan convinced Todoroki that I'm worthless.'

"I'm such a pig! If I hadn't eaten Kacchan's muffin in the first place I wouldn't be here!" I exclaimed, tears pricking in my eyes. I go over to the couch and lay on it, curling into myself.





you need to stop ea-

A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts, I shakily get up and wipe my tears. making sure no tears are falling from my eyes I open my door, seeing Todoroki. My breath hitches, "Sorry I was la- why aren't you ready?" He asks as I hide my face, "Umm I-I no one c-came to get m-me so I th-thought..." I trailed off, holding back a sniffle.

I up at him slightly, "I-I'm sorry... I'll get ready." I walk back but he grabs my wrist and my eyes widen and I look back at him, "What happened to your face?" He asks and I avert my eyes away, "Don't worry about it." I say and he sighs, "Come here." He closes the door with his oot and I walk over to him. He pulls me into a hug and I gasp.

"W-w-what!?" He wraps his arms around me and my face becomes red, "Why were you crying?" He asks and I wrap my arms around him shakily and hide my face in his chest, "Umm I-I... I wasn't." I say and he squeezes tighter, "okay but you can tell me later alright?" He asks and I hesitate to nod.

"Okay then, umm get ready." He suddenly pushes me away. I look up at him and see pink dusting his cheeks before he looks away. My face was still red and I was embarrassed but I smiled slightly, "O-Okay... can you... look away?" I ask awkwardly. He jumps before looking away, at the door.

I pull out a suit and put it on, making my scrunched up tie, since I don't know how to tie one. "So you ready?" He asks and I slip on my shoes, "Um yeah." I respond and he turns around, "Ok." We walk out and it becomes an awkward silence, I fidget with my fingers.

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