*^*Chapter #2|Todoroki & Bakugo*^*

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3rd Person P.O.V

Todoroki flung his arm around his boyfriend, snuggling up to him. "The fuck? Get off I gotta take a shower." Bakugo pushes Todoroki off of him and the other male sighs, sitting up. "I wish you were more cuddly," Todoroki says and glares at Bakugo's back as he stretches. Once done he turns his head to look at Bakugo, "And I wish you weren't cuddly." Bakugo walks into the bathroom with his towel.

Todoroki gets up and stretches also, oh he wished he had an assistant, "Hey babe!" Todoroki exclaims, getting Bakugo's attention. The other male grunts loudly as a response, "Should we take the day off today we haven't..." He pauses and opens the bathroom door so he didn't have to yell, "We haven't had a date in a while." Bakugo looks at him, not getting up from his bath.

"sure." He says and Todoroki smiles at him before closing the door and changing, not bothering to bathe with Bakugo since he already took one last night. Todoroki tightened his tie and sighed heavily as Bakugo stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed clothes, "What's wrong?" Bakugo asks putting on his boxers. "How'd you-" "You always sigh like that when you're in deep thought," Bakugo exclaims and Todoroki chuckles, he knows him too well.

"Bakugo do you think we could have a poly relationship?" Todoroki asks as Bakugo finishes getting dressed, tie hanging loose. "Of course, whoever it is will have to accept us or-... or I'll kill them," Bakugo says and grins. Todoroki sighs, "Alright, where do you wanna go?" Todoroki asks and Bakugo asks, stunned that Todoroki asked him. Usually, he doesn't let Bakugo pick because he knows where he'll pick and if anyone recognizes him, they're in deep trouble.

"you already know." Bakugo grunts and Todoroki smiles, "Alright we'll go then." Todoroki says and Bakugo's eyes widen, "You're joking." Bakugo says and Todoroki shakes his head, "I'm going to treat you today." Todoroki says and Bakugo smiles softly, "Thanks." He says and Todoroki nods, "You ready?" Bakugo nods and they tell Kirishima to tell the others they have the day off before leaving.

~Time Skip~

We make it to the village after a lot of walking, "I wonder if we'll see him here." Todoroki looks at him confused, "Him?" He asks and Bakugo jumps, "Nothing don't worry about it." Bakugo says and stomps forward. Todoroki sighs and follows him, "Where do you wanna go first?" Todoroki asks and Bakugo pauses, looking around, his eyes stop at a certain book store seeing someone with green hair walk out, carrying an All Might comic book, "Deku?" He quietly says and watches as the boy disappears, he shakes his head, it can't be. 

"The book store." Bakugo states and Todoroki stifles a laugh, "What!?" He yells and Todoroki calms down, "I just never thought you to be the book type." He says and grabs Bakugo's hand, dragging him inside. The bell rings and the old man turns around, "Oh hello, welcome how may I help you?" The man says and Bakugo examines his features, 'He seems a lot older... WAIT HE DOESN'T RECOGNIZE ME!?' I clear my throat.

"By any chance did someone just get an All Might comic here?"Bakugo ask and the man smiles, "Oh yes, a little man did, he's so sweet you know, he comes almost every day." Bakugo nods and leaves, "Bakugo who is this him you're so interested in?" Bakugo sighs, "I-... I'll tell you more while we eat." Bakugo says and takes Todoroki to a small restaurant and take a booth.

"So?" Todoroki asks and Bakugo groans, "I knew him before I came to the mafia." Todoroki tilts his head, "His name is Izuku Midoriya but I called him Deku, I was there to... I don't know... protect him, I was his only friend kinda, I hurt him and bullied him." Bakugo's fists clench, "I want to apologize but then I learned that you would never let me back here so I just accepted the truth, but even if we're here I can't go up to him, he'd recognize me immediately." Bakugo explains and Todoroki nods, "You should've told me sooner, now it's too late, you've been gone over 10 years." Bakugo sighs, "I know." He looks out the window as sees the boy he was just talking about walk past the restaurant, towards the... hill?

Bakugo shakes it off as the waitress comes up to them, "What do you two handsome boys want today?" She winked at them and Bakugo groaned, "Mentaiko Pasta." He grumbled out and Todoroki smiled at the girl, "Cold Soba with Gobocha tea." He says and she nods, walking off.

Bakugo starts to curse under his breath and Todoroki chuckles, "Stop being so sour, we have the whole day, do you want to go somewhere after this?" Todoroki asks and Bakugo shrugs, "I don't know, we could walk around." He says and looks up at Todoroki who is smiling, "It is a nice day outside isn't it, we don't get to go out much." Bakugo rolls his eyes, "Stop being so sappy, it's unlike you." Todoroki ignores him and watched as people pass outside.

"By the way what did this Mi-" "Here are your orders!" The waitress interrupts Todoroki and places their food and Todoroki's tea. Todoroki thanks her as Bakugo starts to eat the food, "My cooking is better." Bakugo complains and Todoroki rolls his eyes and starts to slurp his Soba.

~Time Skip~

Soon the two mafia bosses went everywhere they wanted to go. They started to walk down the path to go back as the sun goes down when a green-haired, big doe-eyed boy stops and they freeze up for a second as the boy makes eye contact with them.

The said boy waved at them before running off but that wave made their hearts burst and they already knew what they wanted.

"We get him."


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