*^*Chapter #8|I Can't Eat*^*

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~2 Day's Later~
Izuku's P.O.V

I stare down at my plate of food before picking it up and throwing it into the trash bin, I put the dish in the sink before changing in a black suit, attempting to once again tie my tie, failing. I sigh in defeat.

I take a glance at the trash bin where I threw my food away, 'Don't feel tempted Izuku. You're just going to throw it away like every other meal you wanted to eat, fucking fat pig.' I hold back tears as I hear my door open, I look over to see Todoroki, "Hey Todo- err- sir." I walk over to him and he just hands me a clipboard and walks out, following behind him, I close my door.

"Sir, you okay?" I ask and he hums, looking away. I pout slightly.

Oh did I mention that these past two days both Kacchan and Todoroki have been ignoring me, ever since Kacchan hugged me when I was sad. I don't know what I did, but if I did know I would've apologized immediately just to break the awkward tension around us whenever we're in the same room.

After reading out his schedule he takes the clipboard and we make it to the door. We walk in and notice Kacchan's already sitting at the table, signing away. He glances up at me before signing again. I tense up and walk over to my desk.

~Time Skip~

I sit down in one of the break room chairs, waiting for the kettle to go off. I lean my head on my hand, looking out the window. My eyes swell with tears thinking about her. "I miss you mom, I hope you aren't too worried," I say to absolutely no one but myself, wishing she could hear me.

I rub my stomach, furrowing my eyebrows and staring down at the table, 'Should I... I'll try.' I go into one of the cabinets and pull out a piece of bread. I put it in the toaster and pull the lever down, waiting for the pop.

Once I see it go up I grab it carefully and pull it out, waving it around a bit. I soon take a bite of the plain, warm, crunchy bread. I bite a chunk of the corner off and chew it, painfully slow, hating the bitter taste in my mouth before swallowing it. "I don't remember toast tasting this bad?" I take another bite and swallow it after chewing.

Suddenly, a bubbly feeling emits from my throat and my stomach turns and twists. My eyes widen and I run over to the trash can. I hold onto it with a death grip and vomit all over it, the vomit splattering on it as my throat burns and tears fall from my eyes. I hear the kettle go off but I ignore it. Puking out bread chunks and other, disgusting edibles.

I soon dry heave over the trash can, sitting down and leaving my hand gripping onto the trash can, soon noticing the revolting stench, but I didn't care at this moment as I panted heavily, trying to catch my breath, not caring about the mess on the floor trash can or my clothes.

I hear the door click and I jump, looking towards it. "Ummm..." The pink-skinned girl says. Her hair curly like mine and little horns coming from her head. I start to panic and dart my eyes around. "You okay!?" She asks and runs up to me before stepping back a bit from the stench.

"Gross! Here let me go tell the bosses what happened I'll be back!" She gives me a thumbs-up before closing the door behind her. My mind is on a loop of what happened.

I was making tea for Todoroki, I thought of my mom, I ate some toast, I threw up in the trash can, a girl came in and is going to tell the bosses.

She going to tell...

My mind decided to start working as I wipe the vomit from my mouth, now noticing the taste, "nonononono! They can't see me like this!" I rush over to the stove and turn on the sink, washing out my mouth before, 



"Midoriya!" I jump and turn around, the sink water still running, the kettle still screaming for someone to get it off the stove. The stench still in the room and vomit inside the trash can and around it, also on me.

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