*^*Chapter #7|What'd you do!?*^*

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Shoto's P.O.V

Everyone had a break today, Bakugo and I had to speak with a certain someone.


"BRAIN FREAK!" Katsuki stomped down the hallways, me slowly trudging behind. "Katsuki, calm down, we don't even know if he did anything." Katsuki turned to look at me and sighed, "Fuck. I know but something happened to Deku and he is our only culprit. I nod in understanding.

We soon make it to his door and Katsuki swings it open, the door hitting the other side of the door, "Hello, what do you two need from me?" Shinsou stood up and walked over. I closed the door behind me and Katsuki picked Shinsou up by the collar, "What the fuck did you do to Deku." Katsuki demands an answer and Shinsou looked at him in confusion before realization hit his face and he smirked. "Why? Did I make him come running to you? Crying?" Katsuki's teeth gritted against each other and my glare hardened.

"Shinsou just tell us." I said, he sighed, "I just mind controlled that baby and got him to tell me his name and his role, the fucking brat is your assistant, asshole thinks he's better than me. I called him something and he left." Shinsou explained, "What the fuck does that mean Shinsou, Deku would never brag about that shit." Katsuki said, his knuckles turning white and his face red.

"He might have not said anything but we all know he was thinking it. Fucking I called him worthless for eve- GAH!" Katsuki threw him on the wall, his explosions making the impact harder. "YOU FUCKING GET NEAR HIM AGAIN I'LL KILL YOU GOT THAT!?" Bakugo had a death grip on Shinsou's arm as he tried to catch his breath.

Shinsou quickly nodded and Katsuki let go. "Let's go Shoto." I nodded, "Go ahead." I said. Katsuki glanced at me with a smirk before nodding and leaving. 

I walked over to Shinsou and he looked up at me with fear in his eyes. I grabbed his jaw and snapped his head towards mine. "Just for extra measure."


Shinsou screamed out in pain, his arm in an odd position, yes I just broke his arm. "Also, I'll be sending her down. I hope you'll finally learn your lesson. I got up and wiped my hands off, "Try anything again and I'll show you how fucking bad I can get." I walked out, slamming the door behind me.

Izuku's P.O.V




I groaned and rolled to my side.



I jumped at the voice and sat up almost immediately. I took in my surroundings before flipping the blankets off of me. Realizing I'm still in a suit I get up and go to my closet and change into some comfy pajamas. 'Why is he here? I thought we had the day off. Unless Uraraka lied to me.' I gasp softly even though I'm alone. "DEKU I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD!!" Another pound and I groaned.

"Wait one sec!" I yelled back and the pounding stopped.

I go over to the door and unlocked it, before I even had the chance to open it, the door swung open and I was pulled into a hug. I heard the door close and lock and I got placed on the couch, between both of the mafias bosses. I tense up, realizing I'm just in a  long shirt and shorts, along with some socks. Heat rises to my cheeks, 'Fricken. STOP BEING GAY IZUKU!!'

"You okay?" Kacchan's voice broke the awkward silence and I jumped slightly, "uhh yeah. Why?" I ask and he looks at me, "One of the people who work here, Shinsou... we talked to him." I tensed up at the name and kept my eyes locked to the ground.

"W... what did he say?" My voice cracks a bit as my eyes water but I hold back from the falling. "He told us what he did to you yesterday." I nod slightly and rub my eyes, "I'm fine don't worry." I flash them a small smile before looking away again.

"Fuck. Izuku listen."

My eyes widened and I perked up, looking at Kacchan.

"I-I... I ca-... Fuck. I care about you okay!"

An unknown feeling washed over me and tears pricked in my eyes. My body trembling as they pulled me into a hug, "Shit. Okay? You heard me I care about you. Please tell me when somethings bothering you." I wrapped my arms around Kacchan cried into his chest, I felt exhilarated, lighthearted.

I calmed down and relaxed, closing my eyes and going limp. Falling asleep.

Katsuki's P.O.V

I glared at Shoto, "We never speak about this." I say firmly and Shoto smirks, "Whatever you say, softy." Shoto softly rubbed Deku's back, making him relaxed in his sleep as small sniffles came from him. "Once he gets off of me you're dead," I said rigidly and Shoto put his hands up in defensive. 

"Ok, ok. Let's put him on the bed." I carefully lifted Deku up bridal style as he held onto my shirt. I walked over to his bed. I placed him down and turned to Shoto, "Alright let's go." As soon as I took a step a small tug on my sleeve stopped me, "D... don't leave." Deku muttered in his sleep. I glanced at Shoto and he smirked, "good luck with that, I have to go catch up on some paperwork, see ya." He left and I silently cursed at him.

I heard some whimpering and I turned back to Deku to see tears falling from his eyes and he's curled into himself, a death grip on my sleeve. I grunted before slipping under the covers and pulling him into my chest, nuzzling my face into his hair and rubbing his back, whispering comforting words.

Soon he stopped shaking and his grip on my shirt loosened. I look down at him and smile softly before closing my eyes, falling asleep as well.

Shoto's P.O.V
~Time Skip~

I yawn as I walk down the hallways. I make it to my door before pausing, there was no yelling about how I came back late. I smirk and glance at Midoriya's room which was next to Katsuki's and mine. I walk over to the door and peek in seeing them cuddling on Midoriya's bed, I smiled softly before slowly shutting the door and going to my room and going to bed.

. . .

"shoto." I groaned and opened my eyes, seeing Katsuki stare down at me from our bed, "Hey babe." I say and he growled,

"You knew I was in Deku's room but didn't wake me up?" He asked harshly and I got up.

Memories flooded my mind and I smirked, "You looked cute." I see Katsuki twitch and I knew I done fucked up but I didn't care.

"SHOTO I-" "Katsuki quiet down, Midoriya's still sleeping in the next room over."

Silence fell between us until Katsuki spoke up.

"Fine, I'll just kill you silently."






I dominated him that morning.

(A\N: HELLO! Early update! A short chapter for an early update, a chapter will still come out on Saturday, I just wrote this and I thought I might as well update this now then one on Saturday. After this, it will go back to normal unless I'm in another good mood to write more than once a week. Anyway have a good day!)

Word Count: 1161

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