*^*Chapter #16|Regret*^*

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Izuku's P.O.V


I asked stupidly, did I hear him correctly, no way did he just ask that. Kacchan stared at me, worry washing over his features and he gets all fidgety. He lets go of my hands and laughs a bit, looking away from me and I see small tears fall down his face.

"I-I'm sorry. I just-" "No Kacchan! It's okay, I was just shocked." I try to reassure him but guilt washes over me, do I even like them? I don't but... I see the tears stream down Kacchan's face. Pain wrenches my heart. But how could I say no? What would happen? Would they throw me out like he did? What if they do the same thing?

I kept overthinking it, shaking slightly. Relationships kinda scared me after my last one. I couldn't be in one, not right now at least. I don't even like them.
Chills ran down my spine and tears pricked in my eyes, memories of him, went through my mind and I shook my head. 

"I-I can't I-I'm sorry. I don't l-love. s-sorry." I stutter out, trying to wipe my tears. Kacchan went silent and stood up, looking away from me, "It's alright. I just have to... have some space." Kacchan said, heading towards the door of my room and leaving. 

I was still crying. Hiccuping badly and heaving, sniffling. Trying my best to calm down but failing badly. I messed it up, I messed it up I can- no you cant think like that. I sighed heavily, calming down. Sniffling a bit still but on the other hand calm. I laid down on my side, tearing up again. I cuddled up to one of mu plushies. feeling terrible.

I know I should be feeling alright, I know I should be getting better but what am I supposed to think after that? That everything will be ok. That everything that I've been working so hard to bring back up hasnt been destroyed? No, thats not how it works, I wish. I wish everything could be ok and not be ruined. I wish everything can go back to normal. I wanna be back home, I wanna see my mom, draw everyday- but Im stuck here. Having these feelings tear me down slowly, never ending. Now even worse after that.

"I'm sorry Kacchan. I'm so sorry."

(A\N- *clears throat* no, Im not off my hiatus. I just felt bad for leaving you on a cliff hanger so heres a very short chapter. After this Im not posting anymore chapters on my books until my hiatus is over. I apologize if my writing isn't good, this was rushed. But I think I got better. Anyway, I apologize again. Have a nice day or night!)

Word Count: 389

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