*^*Chapter #13|Endeavor*^*

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Izuku's P.O.V

I slightly opened my eyes and looked at the face above me and smile. I yawn and wiggle out of his grip. I sit on the edge of the bed and notice my crutches all the way on the other side of the room, near the door. I look back at Kacchan and frown, 'I don't want to bother him.' I grip the pole of the bed and slowly lower myself to the ground.

I sit backward and use my arms to prop myself up. I use my good leg and push myself backward, dragging my bum across the ground. I soon make it and grab them. I grab the door handle to pick myself up and prop myself up and put my weight onto the crutches. I look at Kacchan and sigh of relief, knowing I didn't wake him up.

I hear my stomach growl but I ignore it and walk over to my closet, "I need a bath." I mutter to myself. I put my weight onto one of the crutches and grab some boxers and pajamas. I then grab the other crutch and walk over to the bathroom. I go in and close the door with my foot. I sit down on the bathtub and lean my crutches against the wall.

I turn on the bathtub and let it warm up. I slip my shirt off my shirt then add bubbles to the water, I slip the rest of my clothes off and pick myself up, getting inside the tub, sinking into the warmness.

~Time Skip~

I let the bathtub drain before grabbing my towel and drying myself off. I slip on my green pajamas with small white bunny heads on it. I slip on white bunny slippers and grab my crutches and stand up. I open the door and immediately get hit with the smell of eggs and pancakes. I smile and slowly go over to the kitchen, "Hey Kacchan." I say quietly and he turns his head towards me and smiled softly, "hey. How was the bath?" He asks and I shrug, "A little harder to get it started." I say and he chuckles.

"You could've just woken me up." He says, flipping the pancake with some great skill. "I guess, you just looked so peaceful in your sleep," I say and sit at the island table, putting my crutches on the side. He nods and places pancakes and eggs on a plate, he spreads peanut butter on it and sprinkles it with sugar, placing some strawberries on the top and topping it with syrup on the top. My mouth watered as he brought it over to me.

"How-!" I exclaim, baffled. "I remembered how you liked your pancakes is all." He says and hands me a fork. I feel my stomach growl,  I take a small bite and swallow it whole, forgetting to chew. "Ahhh, your cooking is so good Kacchan!" I smile and I see his face turn pink before turning away. "S... SHUTUP! I HAVE TO FOCUS!!" He yells and his mixing in the batter bowl suddenly getting violent. I look away and continue eating my pancakes.

I soon take 2 bites of my eggs and 3 BIG bites from my pancakes away from me, Kacchan still eating his next to me. He looks at me, waiting for an answer to my sudden change in attitude. "I'm not hungry." I pout and he pushes his food away too, "then neither am I." He says and I look at his plate and see only one and a half of eggs done and I gasp, "N-no! You must still be hungry!" I exclaim and push his plate towards him before he pushes it away, "no. I won't eat unless you do." he grumbles and I quickly shove some of my eggs in my mouth, "Fee I'm eafin!" (See I'm eating!) I exclaim and he chuckles continuing to eat his food.

I take crumb size bites as my stomach starts to turn and look at Kacchan's plate seeing he just started his pancakes, he has three and I only have one, I ate the eggs already. I tear up before blinking them away, 'I'm going to throw up if I eat the pancake, but if I stop Kacchans going to as well and he has a lot to eat, he must be really hungry...' I make my decision and put a piece of pancake in my mouth, ignoring my stomach churning and swallow it whole, ignoring the burn in my throat.

I soon finish it and sit up quickly, "d-done!" I exclaim, putting on a smile, Kacchan nods and takes our empty plates and puts them in the sink. My throat burns and my stomach twists and turns as vomit builds up in my throat but I try to swallow it down. "I'm proud of you Deku, you ate the whole plate." He smiles at me and guilt washes over me, 'I'm just gonna throw it up later.'

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