*^*Chapter #14|Hide*^*

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(It's 2:06 am for me (When I'm publishing this) right now... I wanna cry.)

Katsuki's P.O.V

My eyes widen as Deku stares down at the table, 'What the fuck did that burnt ass trash can say to him.' I quickly hug Deku, "We picked you because... because..." Why did we pick him again?

I hear him sniffling and a small sob escapes his mouth, "I-I'm so useless and  p-pathetic." I squeeze him tighter, "You're not any of those things Deku! You're amazing and great at so many things!" I exclaim and he hugs me back, "But I'm quirkless, I can't d-do anyt-thing to h-help!" He cries and I rub his back, "You've helped me and Shoto so much!" I exclaim and he backs up to look me in the eyes, "H-how?" he asks, sounding desperate.

"You... you've helped Shoto and I do paperwork, you've taught Shoto to forgive, you've helped me in so many ways, seeing how different people think, I've learned to not just think about myself so please don't say you've never done anything because you've already changed your surroundings every step you take." I hold his shoulders in place as he starts to tremble, tears start to fall again before he wipes them away, panic washes over until he speaks.

"Th-thank you Kacchan! I-I-! I love you so much, thank you!" He hugs me and my face flushes.

'He didn't mean that, right?'

'No way he loves me, I'm just here for some comfort, nothing more.'

I shake my head and hug Deku back, "Anything for you Deku..." I whisper to him as he cries into my chest.

~Time Skip~

We make it back to Deku's room and he rushes to his bed and flops onto it, almost falling over in the process because of his crutches. He grabs a pillow and stuffs his face into it, screaming. I look at him confused until he lifts his face up. He sighs and gets off the bed and goes to sit on the couch. When he makes it everything goes silent. Not a breath, voice, sniffle.

"Kacchan?" I jump from the sudden noise, "Y-Yes?" I stutter a bit, mentally slapping myself.
"oh you're still here. Hey, in the closet, by the dresser is a bright yellow bag. Can you get it for me?" He asks, turning a but to look at me. I nod and go to get it.

'What did he mean by "oh you're still here." does he suddenly hate me? Did I do something? What if-'

"Ah!" I cars into the closet door, stumbling but catching myself, I hear a small gasp, "Kacchan are you okay?!" I ignore Deku and open the closet and spot the yell backpack immediately. I grab it and stomp over to Deku.

"Fucking door getting in my way. It's lucky I didn't just blow that fucker up. If I-" Kacchan. You can put the bag down now." I snap out of my thoughts and apologize quickly, putting down the bag. Deku grabs the bag and shuffles through it. He pulls out a sketchbook and really fancy looking pencils and markers.

"uhh..." I stare stupidly, "Come come, sit!" He exclaims and pats the spot next to him on the floor. I awkwardly sit next to him, "C-can I... umm... show you...?" Deku asks quietly, I chuckle and nod, "Really? Usually, people would umm... nevermind." Deku mumbles and I look at him confused, I hold the sketchbook down, "Do what Deku?" I ask.

"Umm... they would grab my notebook and tear my pages out and if I was lucky they wouldn't tear it to pieces and I could save it." He mumbles out, "I'm sorry that happened to you." I say and Deku giggles, "No it's fine! I could always just redraw it!"

~Time Skip~

After Deku showed me his sketchbook and me teasing whenever I saw myself in it, I sat on the couch watching him scribble on his paper as music played on the T.V. I looked down at my watch and noticed it's 1:24 pm. "I'm gonna make some lunch," I say getting up and going to the kitchen.

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