*^*Chapter #10|Torture*^*

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~3 Days Later~
Izuku's P.O.V

I thank the nurse for the food, throwing it away once she walks out and placing the tray onto the side table. My legs are in bandages and the room is on a hot temperature... it's been a couple of days and my leg still hurts when I move it, it hasn't completely healed yet, and I don't think I ever want to leave this room, scared of facing... you know.

I hear the door open and I look up seeing the exact person I did not want to see. My breath hitches and I start to tremble, the memory of the agonizing pain in my leg came flashing through my mind and my throat closed up, making me not able to breathe as I stare at his face.

Suddenly, I get wrapped in a hug and I notice it's Kacchan, "Hey, it's okay Deku." He grits out then gets up, "Shoto, you can't do this to him, please let it go." I watch as Kacchan begs him and I become confused, 'what? wait... does Shoto want to kill me...?' I try to remain calm and take deep breaths, "The decision is already made Katsuki, stop trying to stop it." He glares at Kacchan, "look he's not even fully healed, just-" "LET IT GO KATSUKI!!" Shoto yelled and we both jumped, Bakugo stepped back and walked over to me, "Shit. Deku I'm so sorry. I tried, I tried so fucking hard." He cried into my chest and I started to panic, "Wha-" "Yayorozu." I see a girl walk in with long black hair, up into a ponytail, going to the side. A loose tux on and gloves.

"Katsuki lets go." Kacchan got up and glanced at me before ripping himself away from me and walking over to Shoto, "Take him." Then they left the room and left me with the girl. She stares at me, looking at me, "Gosh, Shoto you idiot. But it's my job." She mutters to herself before walking to me, "Hey, sorry about this, hopefully after everything we can be friends, but now, no more good conversation." She smiles softly before losing it, "What do- AHHH!" I scream as she lifts me up, letting my leg fall. 

She starts walking out and tears prick in my eyes, my leg bouncing up and down, "P-please... s-st-stop!" I exclaim before hissing in pain, I let out choked sobs, gripping onto her tux from the pain. Gritting my teeth together, it hurt so bad, please, make it stop.

~Time Skip~

By the time we make it, I felt like dying, begging her to stop moving, tears falling from my face, pain surging through my leg. She walks in a door and places me down on a... not so comfortable bed, I sigh in relief. I take a whiff of the room and I scrunch up my nose, it smells, rotten?

"W-what-?" The lights turn on and the sight before me makes my stomach turn.

Dead bodies littered the room, blood splattered the walls, some body parts floating around here and there. Weapons and torturing items spread out onto a table. The bodies were rotting a bit, the room had no windows and one metal door. I sit up, ignoring the pain in my leg, that being the last of my worries.

'She's gonna kill me... I'm going to die.' My body trembled and shook with every breath I took. Tears once again fell from my face and a look of fear spread over my face as I looked up at her. She looked, emotionless, she was trained to do this, painfully. My breath caught in my throat.

"I-I..." I couldn't form words as she turned to pick a tool, I wanted to run, escape, but I couldn't with this leg. I saw her smile as she picked up something small, "I- no- I-I can't... d-die..." she frowned at me, "Don't worry, I won't kill you." She smiled softly and rubbed my pale cheek with her thumb. Chills ran down my spine and tears fell from my freckled cheeks.

"How bad does this hurt?" She squeezes my injured leg, "AHHH!!" I screamed and jolted away, only for her to squeeze tighter and my chest hurt, my whole body hurt and I couldn't do anything about this. 

She soon pulled away and looked down at my leg, spacing off as I was catching my breath, trying to calm myself down even though the throbbing pain still surged through my leg. My breathing was ragged and hiccups came out every now and then. I gripped the sheets in pain and looked up at her, "oh! I got it!" She went back to the table and grabbed a box from under, grabbing bandages, "What are you....?" I trailed off as she came up to me, kneeling down to my leg.

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