*^*Chapter #17|Hubbies*^*

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Izukus P.O.V

"What does regret feel like?" I asked as I turned to my side, facing my mom.
"Well, lemme think for a moment, it feels terrible, like you wanna just flip your insides out and never see the face of the earth anymore. You feel bad and upset. Does that make sense?" She asks, a small smile on her face as she runs her hands through my hair. I nodded slightly and leaned into her touch.

"I wish I could see you again, I'm sorry for not being there, helping you." I sniffled a bit, tearing up and covering my face.
"Hey baby, don't cry, everything will be ok!" Inko exclaimed and hugged me, I sobbed and pushed her away.

"You're not real! You're not real, you're just a figment of my imagination." I cried and shut my eyes tightly, hearing some mumbles as he curled up in a ball. The voice disappeared after a bit and I looked up. Not seeing anything and biting my lip.

"Why must it be like this..."

I haven't been called down to work in a couple days. It feels like I've been forgotten and now I'm rotting up here. I haven't gotten any calls, messages nor has anyone come to talk to me. I miss my friends, I miss my mom. I wanna go home. Let me go, why can't I escape, please let me-


I flinched and quickly sat up, wiping my tears and looking over at the door to see a panting Kirishima who just ran in and slammed the door behind him. He hugged and painted, sweating a bit.

"I can explain." He said, looking up at me and walking over. I titled my head in confusion as he walked over.
"I had, Bakugo won't let anyone up here so, I had to make a run for it." Kirishima said, a grin on his face and I opened my mouth slightly with a gasp.

"Are you alright!? He didn't hurt you right!?" I asked quickly, pulling Kirishima down onto the bed and checking for any burn marks. Frantically panicking.
"Hey heyyyy, chill out man, I'm fine." Kirishima chuckled, pulling away from me and rubbing the back of his head.

"If you say so." I said worriedly, glancing around him and fidgeting with my fingers. He smiled before ruffling my hair.
"Honestly I'm fine, I just wanted to hang out with my bro! Why haven't you been around?! Did something happen~" Kirishima joker and winked at me which made me chuckle slightly before frowning.

"Not much, I just miss home." I said in return, a little sad being reminded of it. Kirishima lost his smile before cheering up again.
"Well not to worry! Everyone here is like home to you! I'm like your best bro now right!?" He asked cheerfully and I giggled
"Yeah I guess."

"I guess!? Betrayal bro, so betrayed" Kirishima pretended to wipe a tear from his eye, bringing a hand up to his chest.
"Hmm, anyway, how's it been? Have you seen To- the boss? I haven't been called down for work in awhile." I ask, looking at the other male nervously.

"Uh, I don't know, I haven't heard much either but I think he went on a mission." Kirishima shrugged, leaning on his hand with a smirk.
"Ah... also what's with the smirk?" I ask, confused a bit.

"You can't lie~ I know you're just worried about your hubbie~" Kirishima snickers, wiggling his eyebrows and smirking at me.
"I- theyre not my hubbies! You know exactly why I am terrified of the boss and Kacchan, well, he's different." I glared at Kirishima with a pout, crossing my arms and looking away.

"Fine fine, whatever you say~" Kirishima teased.

"Like any of that is gonna happen anyway."
I muttered quietly, looking away.

(A/N- sorry about dying, I plan to make this book a happier for a bit from now on. Update: Actually idk how many years later I'm not continuing this)

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