*^*Chapter #4|Mafia*^*

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Izuku's P.O.V


"Where am I" I look around me and I can see? Wait it's pitch black. I feel around me but nothing comes up, "Hello?!" I call into the void, "hey..." A faint voice responds and my eyes widen and I look around me but don't see anything.

Suddenly I see a shadowy figure walk towards me and I try to walk forwards but, I'm frozen in place, "Hey you okay!?" I ask whoever that is out there but they don't say anything and start to walk closer, shivers run down my spine as I look for anything else but can't.

They stop right before I could see who they are, "Run." They say and I look at then confused, "What?" I ask and the man shudders.

"Wake up and run far away before they get you." He sounds desperate, "Who's they?" I ask, " Don't ask and run....-" he paused and jumped, "They're here,






My eyes snap open and I sit up but before I could even get the chance to look around a cloth wraps around my eyes and a hand covers my mouth.

I try to flail around but somebody pins my arms down and a needle stabs into my neck, I muffle a scream and my eyebrows scrunch. The man let's go of my arms and I get picked up.

I start to feel sleepy and my arms go limp and before I pass out I hear my mom.

"Give me back my Izuku!!!"

~Time Skip~
Kacchan's P.O.V

I watch as they take Deku into the room Shoto instructed them to put him in, the door closes behind them and I sigh as Shoto's arms wrap around me, "I hope we made the right decision." I mumble out as Shoto pecks me on the cheek, "I promise we did, he's just gonna have to... get used to it, but hey you're not the one who had to hang out with him the whole day and when he wakes up he's gonna find out it was me." I chuckle and push him off me, "Back off Icy-Hot, not in public." I grunt and start to walk to our office, "OK BOOMER." (FHKJBIUWB) I glare at Shoto, "First of all I'm the same age as you and second, who taught you that?" I ask and he shrugs, "Denki." I groan and roll my eyes before pushing open the giant double doors.

I go to our desk and sit down with Shoto, "So... when do you think he's gonna wake up?" I ask and Shoto shrugs, "Who knows only time will tell... Also..." Shoto pauses and looks me in the eye, smirking, "When did you grow a huge soft spot." My face flushes and I blow up Shoto's face, "SHUT UP ICY-HOT!!!" I scream at him as we continue to argue.

Izuku's P.O.V

I groan and roll around, 'Damn... when did my bed get really comfy.' I try to stretch but my hands are tied behind my back and a sudden realization hit me, 'This isn't my room.' I quickly sit up and look around me. A grey room surrounded with a swirly, white, type trim, (Idk what they called.) A couch on the right side of the room with a t.v and a coffee table, some bookshelves on the sides, sadly empty. On the left is a closet door with a painting and a cushion off to the side. In the middle of the room is a large white carpet with a chandelier hanging from above. On the back wall where the bed is are two windows on either side, probably locked. A door to the left of me is a bathroom with a marble sink and a bathtub, maybe more I can't see much. To the right of the bed is an indent in the wall with a big tanned marble kitchen with appliances, plants filling the room here and there and an air-freshener plugged in near the kitchen.

Panic starts to set in as I hear the door opening, I look towards it and I hold my breath, "Oh you're awake finally, sorry about earlier, ya know the whole kidnapping thing, the bosses orders." He walks closer to me and I try to scoot away, "bosses?" I ask and he nods grabbing my tied up hands and picking me up abruptly making me yelp, "Oh! Sorry did I hurt you?" He asks and I shake my head no and he sighs of relief, "Good. Anyway, yeah we have two bosses, they'll introduce themselves. By the way, I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" He exclaims as he drags me down the seemingly never-ending hallways, I'm walking behind him, back to back situation.

"Oh I-I'm Izuku M-Midoriya." I stutter and he chuckles, "I know." He says and my chest squeezes, "Where are we and where are you taking me?" I ask, "Well I'm taking you to the bosses and this my pal is the mafia." "THE MAFIA!?" I scream and start to kick my legs, "Hey! Midoriya we're here!" I jump and see a door behind me, my eyes widen.


"I SWEAR I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" A couple of explosions are heard, "Calm down, we have to be tidy for when he gets here." I shudder and Kirishima lightly chuckles, "Sorry these guys are like this sometimes but it'll be over before you know it." He knocks on the door  and suddenly the commotion stops, some ruffling his heard and panicked talking but soon we heard a faint, "Come in." Kirishima opens the door, "Just leave him there." Kirishima turns me around and walks out.

One person has their chair turned around, growling a bit and the other... "YOU!" I yell and look at his features, yup the same person but he seems a bit more, stern? "Y-You lied to me! What t-" "Shut up and stand still." he suddenly hits the desk and talks loudly making me jump and look away.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." I tense up and look up at him, 'He seems a lot more intimidating then when I last saw him.' You are here for a job, assistant, you will help us with paperwork, well me. Get coffee for us and other things like telling us our schedule, tend to our every need. You will wake up at 7:00 am and sleep at 9:00 pm sharp. No. Exceptions. Name is Shoto Todoroki but you just call me Sir or Boss."

I start to shake, THE BIGGEST MAFIA HAS KIDNAPPED ME AND FORCED ME TO WORK AT HIS SIDE, "Umm, I can't-" "And you don't have a choice in the matter, if you try to escape we'll kill you immediately." I jump and my mind goes blank as my surroundings fall before my eyes, every chance at anything I've ever had gone.

'There's no way...what about my mom? I can never see her again? How about my stuff, and friends... well like I had those but still. No choice in life, no more trying to be better, no more drawing and reading... my mom and everything else... ' "We'll talk about it more tomorrow you should get some rest." My eyes widen and my heart races, "N-NO!! I CAN'T LEAVE MY MOTHER ALONE-" I snap at him before being interrupted, "I said we'll talk about it more tomorrow. By the way, introduce yourself  K A T S U K I." Silence until... "Hey Deku."

No, it couldn't be, "Kirishima." My eyes widen as I feel him pull me from behind and I start to restrain, "NO I CAN'T!! KACCHAN DO SOMETHING, MY MOM-" The door closes before I could finish and I choke a sob, just letting Kirishima take me back as I stare at the floor.

Kirishima then drags me down the long corridors an awkward silence between us both, not like I didn't mind it until he spoke up, "Sorry it had to be this way..." He says, sadness lacing his tone. I grunt in response, trying to hold back tears.

"Everyone had their stories ya know! But hey, I promise it's not all that bad here once you get used to it!" Kirishima exclaimed and grinned.

'He doesn't understand... I won't get the chance of life again.'

~Time Skip~

Kirishima unties me and he closes my door behind me, click, "Of course he locked it." I mumble before going to my bed and jumping onto the soft, green, velvety bed. I hug my pillow and cry, just sobbing, how and why did this happen to me?!

Throughout the whole night, I was crying and rolling around, I couldn't sleep. How could anyone after they found out they've been kidnapped and forced into the Mafia. 

(A\N- Not edited yet, edit later. I hate how I wrote this chapter might fix or not it matters if I remember\want to.)

Word Count: 1468

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