*^*Chapter #11|Terrified*^*

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(When you listen to the pi song I-) (Sorry in advance to mobile readers who couldn't see the end, I think I fixed it, have a nice day)

~2 Days Later~

Izuku's P.O.V

I shivered once again, staring at the figure above me, I sat on the cold hard cement on the floor, barefoot, shaking in fear, my breathing uneven. Their grey and icy blue eyes staring into mine, "S-sorry... I'm so- AHHHH!" I screamed in pain as ice once again shot through my leg, blood covering it, "That should teach you a lesson." His death stare directs away from me as I cry and hold my leg in pain, letting out weak sobs.

I look to where he's looking and see Kacchan with ice through his stomach, my eyes widen, "Kacchan!!" I scream and try to drag myself over to him, "Stop." His foot stomps me to the ground, "NO KACCHAN!!" I watch him as he wobbles a bit. I reach out to him again, "KACCHAN!!" He falls to the side, his head hitting the floor and I scream, he's dead again.


"NONONONO!!" I shoot up, pain emitting from my body as I pant harshly, my head pounding, "Hey, lay down." I jump at the voice and see the nurse from before, she takes my trembling hands into hers and gives me some gummy bears, "You're safe here." I look around the room, seeing the nurse's office, white walls and a curtain separating me from everyone else.

"W-what...?" The old nurse smiled, "Boss brought you back, he was devasted but I think you should talk to him yourself." She then left the bed and went out of the curtain. I look and see my shoulder bandaged and my leg in a cast, hanging from the ceiling.

I let out a shaky sigh laying my head onto the soft pillow, I close my eyes.

seeing Kacchan's dead body.

I snap my eyes open and shake my head, 'it's just a dream.' I think to myself, clenching my fists. 'Was that girl and that room just a dream too? No, I have bandages on my shoulder wh-where she cut me...' I hear a door open and close, "Is-" "He's awake, just woke up. Please be careful." I hear a sigh and the curtain opening, I look to see who it is and freeze up.

The same grey and blue eyes staring back at me. "I'm so glad-" "G-go I- no- go-I-" I tripped over my sentences as I looked away, my body trembling with fear. "Midoriya, I came here to apologize."

I ignored him and kept my eyes shut, ignoring the torturous scenes my mind is showing me. "I shouldn't have done that and- goddammit... I-I'm so-orry okay?" His voice cracked, my fists clenched and tears swelled up in my eyes. A small sob fell from my mouth, the weight on the bed next to me disappeared, "Midoriya?" He went around the bed, he reached out to touch me and I slapped his hand away, scooting away. He froze for a second and I faced the bed.

"I understand, I'll leave" Soft footsteps tap on the ground before he leaves. I look up and see he's gone. I let out a shuddering sigh and try to prop myself. I rub my arms, trying to get rid of the goosebumps as tears roll down my freckled cheeks. Quiet sobs filled the, otherwise, empty room, they echo throughout the nurse's office and I try not to close my eyes, afraid of the nightmares coming back.

Katsuki's P.O.V

I hear the door open and I put away the strawberries I had, "How'd it go?" We stared at each other for a good few seconds before he let out a long sigh, "He wouldn't even look at me, he was shaking and crying. When I reached out to comfort him he slapped my hand away so I just left, I don't want him to have a panic attack." Shoto says and I walk up to him, wrapping him in a hug, nuzzling my face in his hair.

(Sorry to interrupt but in this book, Bakugo is the tallest of the three.)

I rub his back as he hugs me back, "Has he been eating?" I ask and Shoto shrugs, "I-I don't know, he looked really skinny though." I nod in response and pull away slightly, wiping the tears from his eyes with my thumb, "I'll make some food and bring it to Deku alright, go rest." I kiss his forehead and he nods, going upstairs. 

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