*^*Chapter #15|Interrupted*^*

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Izuku's P.O.V

I scrambled to the closet, leaving my crutches behind. I made it to the closet, finding the tiny door and slipping in, careful of my leg of course.

I closed the tiny door and went quiet, I was nervous and scared. What would happen if he found me? God, he would kill me.

I heard stomping, he's coming up the stairs. Oh god, oh diddly darn, I'm dead. I GOD I LEFT THE CRUTCHES OUT THERE."Fucking Deku! I know you're in here!" Kacchan yelled and I flinched. I am worried as fuck. Oh no.

'Please don't find me. Please.'
"Hi Deku." I jumped and stared at Kacchan in the eyes for a good few seconds, "How... Did you find me?" I ask, scared even though I know he won't hurt me. Kacchan chuckles, ruffling my hair.

"You were muttering to yourself," Kacchan says and I sigh, I need to stop that habit. I scoot out of the room and out of the closet, Kacchan following. He grabs my crutches and hands them to me. I thank him quietly before grabbing them and standing up carefully. "Come on, you still gotta eat," Kacchan said and I nodded.

He picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder, making me drop my crutches and I gasp in surprise, "K-KACCHAN!? WHA- Put me down!" I shout and wiggle around, he chuckles but doesn't let go of me. "Never." He said, starting to walk down the stairs. I pout and just dangle there, I had nothing else to do.

We make it to the door and I see Kirishima, I flush red in embarrassment, hiding my face in Kacchan's back. "The nerd's crutches are upstairs, bring them to his room. We'll be in there." Kacchan then leaves, shutting the door behind him. We walk to my room and go in, he plops me on the couch. He goes back to the kitchen, probably getting our food.

My stomach rumbles and I cringe, I don't feel like eating. He comes back with two hamburgers, mine has a lot less stuff than his but I don't care. He places my burger in my lap and sits next to me, starting to eat his. I pick at the bread, eating basically crumbs. "You gotta eat Deku." Kacchan suddenly says, making me flinch

"I-I know..." I say, picking up the hamburger and taking a decent-sized bite. My stomach screaming at me not to swallow it but I do, chewing it of course. I sigh, taking another bite after another. Basically spacing off at this point, not wanting to think about it. I stop once I feel myself bite my finger, I jump and look at my plate, realizing I ate it all. I look at Kacchan and he's smiling at me.

"Good job, I knew you could do it," Kacchan smiles at me before going back to finish his food. I nod slightly and put my plate on the coffee table. Turning on the t.v and going to Netflix, making my own account and looking for a movie, "Do you have any personal favorites?" I ask, glancing at Kacchan. He shrugs, swallowing his hamburger.

"No, I don't watch movies since I'm so busy all the time and if I do I never get to finish them," Kacchan explains and I nod, alright then I'm picking one. I find Spiderman 3 and start it and leaning onto Kacchan sightly. I watch the movie, enjoying it.

Eventually, Kacchan finishes his burger and places it on the coffee table, he leans into the couch and takes a deep breath as I snuggle up to him. I was entranced in the movie, hiding on some parts. (Dude, I watched Spiderman 3 when I was young and I don't remember anything from the movie, don't judge me.)

~Time Skip~

The movie ended and I yawned, stretching a bit. Kirishima came in a little while ago and gave me my crutches before leaving. God that was long. Kacchan grabbed the remote and turned the t.v off and faced me, "Hey Deku," Kacchan said, grabbing my attention. "Yeah?" I ask, looking at him.

"I've been thinking about this for a while and I'll have to talk to Shoto about it but... I lik-"

knock, knock.

Kacchan stopped talking and growled under his breath. "What?!" He shouted, angry. I flinched before looking at the door, it opens and a girl walks in with a box, she had short purple hair and something dangling off her ears. She wore big black boots and a leather jacket but a normal shirt with a tie, some pants with it.

"There was a package in the mail for Izuku Midoriya." She says and I shoot up, "Th-That's me!" I exclaim and she nods, standing there for a few seconds. She looked at me confused, "Aren't you gonna come and get it?" She asks and I realize why she was just standing there.

"O-Oh I can't I have a broken leg. Can you bring it over here?" I ask and she nods, coming over and handing it to me, I thank her before she walks off. I look at the box, noticing it's bigger than his head. He shakes it a bit but it makes no noise.

"Just open the damn thing," Kacchan says, I look at him and sigh. "I don't have scissors," I say, he stares at me for a second before getting up and going to the kitchen, he rummages through some drawers before coming back with a knife. I thank him and take it from him, cutting off the tape before putting the scissors on the coffee table.

I open the box and gasp in surprise, STUFFED ANIMAL!! I grab the green bunny that was on the top and snuggle it, 'I FORGOT I ORDERED THIS!!' I think happily. I rummage through the box, finding more bunnies, different colors, and sizes, dog plushies, and cats.

I put them back in the box, "Kacchan place this on my bed. I'll be there in a bit." I say, Kacchan nods and takes the box, going to put it on my bed. I grab my crutches and slowly get up, heading over to my bed. I make it and sit on it, dragging myself onto it and sitting criss-cross in front of the box. I dump out the plushies before throwing the box aside. I set up the plushies carefully.

After finishing I smiled, proud of myself. I felt a weight on the bed and I turned, seeing Kacchan. "Deku I need to tell you something," Kacchan says, I nod and scoot over to him, smiling. He takes my hand and holds it, I look at him confused as he takes a deep breath.

"Deku I like you or love you. Would you mind joining me and Todoroki in a poly relationship?"


(A\N- SORRY THIS TOOK ME FOREVER TO GET OUT, I'M SO SORRY ;^;. I love you all, thank you for 5k+ reads. I love you and I cried when I saw the number. I never thought this would get so popular and I just love you all so much. Continue being yourself because your the best. Have a nice day!)

Word Count: 1142

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