*^*Chapter #12|Shoto*^*

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~3 Days Later~
Izuku's P.O.V

Kacchan has is hands loosely wrapped around my waist as I sit on his lap as Recovery Girl speaks.

"You are free to leave since the tissue in your bone and your muscles have mostly grown back but you will have to walk in crutches, having a cast on your leg. Come back after a month and we'll do a check-up." She hands me a lollipop, "I'll see you in a month." She leaves and Kacchan puts me down. He's been here all the time, helping me, even if it was only 3 days, it felt like a whole month. I haven't seen... umm, him since he came in.

He cleans up the dishes and packs some of the clothes and plushies I made him get for me. He swings the backpack over his shoulder and grabs the crutches and I shakily lift myself up, I stumble a bit and Kacchan catches me, "Just lift you leg Deku." I nod and lift it off the ground.

He opens the door for me and I use my crutches, walking over. We leave the office and go... left?

"umm Kacchan?" I ask, a little behind him, getting used to the crutches, "Yeah?" He asks, not stopping to talk. "I-Isn't the stairs that way?" I ask, nudging my head behind me. He suddenly stops and lets out a chuckle, "Fucking nerd. You wanna try going up the stairs?" He asks and the realization hits me like a rock, "O-oh umm no..." I say and he grins, "That's what I thought." He turns back around and starts walking again, "We're going to the elevator."

I make a small 'o' with my mouth, then realize


~Time Skip~

We make it to my room and he opens the door for me, I go in and walk over to the couch and sit down. I lean back onto, "Kacchan!" I call out to him and he grunts, "What?" He asks and I smile, "In my nightstand, there's a notebook with a list of things I wanna buy, it has T-Todoroki's credit card in it, can you get me it?" I ask him, looking behind the couch. "You can walk now, get it yourself." He mutters, walking to the kitchen and opens the fridge.

I pout, "Kacchannnnnn!" I exclaim but he ignores me. I mutter out mean things about Kacchan, "What the fuck you say nerd?" I jump, "N-Nothing!" I exclaim and he goes back to what he's doing. I groan and grab my crutches, getting back up. I maneuver around the coffee table and make it to the nightstand. I let go of one of the crutches and lean down for the handle before.


"FU-" "Deku!" I see a blurry Kacchan run over to me, is it blurry because of the tears in my eyes or my head, I question as I hold my head in pain because I hit it on the nightstand when I fell. "Let me see." He says and I pull my hand away, "Fuck Deku, we just got back fro the nurse and you're already bleeding out." I weakly chuckle, "Sorry..." I mutter out an apology.

"Don't move." he gets up and walks over to my bathroom as I lay limply on the floor, breathing through my mouth, trying to keep back the tears.

He comes back with some bandages, "This will have to do for now." He sighs and slowly sits me up, wrapping the bandages around my head. "I... I told you to get me the stuff." I smile at him and he grumbles, "Whatever." He stands up, opening the drawer and taking out the stuff, handing it to me. I thank him.

He leans down and puts his hands under my back and legs, "Kacchan what are you do-ING!" I yell as I'm suddenly picked up bridal style, I hiss, "Kacchan, be careful. My leg is still healing." He chuckles, "Right. Sorry." He walks over to the couch and puts me down, bringing my crutches over.

"Tell me if you need anything. I'll be making some sandwiches." My stomach turns and I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out, "Yes Deku?" He asks and I look away, "nothing." I say and he walks away.

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