Chapter 4 Will it ever get better?

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        Mitch walked nervously after Scott into his living room and sees his mom and dad sitting on the couch. "Hello my name is Mitch. I live next door it's very nice to meet you." Scotts parents say their hellos and look back to the boxes they are unpacking. Scott rolls his eyes and pulls Mitch back to his room. Mitch is amazed for only being here one day Scott works fast. His walls are covered in posters. Mostly Beyoncé which happens to be Mitch's favorite artist too. Wow we have so much more in common than I knew Mitch thinks. It's a very simple room but nice. Scott has a beautiful 4 post bed with white curtains hanging down on each side. You can see his bright red comforter through the curtains. What a contrast Mitch thinks. As he looks more around the room he notices Scott is staring at him with a little smile on his face. "What?" Mitch asks shyly. "Nothing you just look good in my room. You bring out the beauty of everything." Mitch begins to blush and lightly punches Scott on the arm. "Are you trying to seduce me Mr. Scott?" Scott looks at him with a shocked face, "Now Mr. Mitch would innocent little me try to seduce such a beautiful boy....Is it working?"

        Mitch giggles and pushes Scott's chest. "You're gonna have to give me more than pretty words to get this boy." Scott smiled at him, "I'll remember that you are definitely worth working for." Mitch is so confused. How could this boy like him so much and have just met him today. If he only knew the truth he would change his mind. If he saw all the bruises he wouldn't want to be with Mitch in any way. "Why would you want someone like me Scott? You don't even know me yet. We just met today. What about me makes you so interested?"

        Scott just stares at Mitch. He wants to make sure he answers this exactly right because his whole future depends on how he answers him. "Honestly Catherine you just have this energy about you that pulls me in. Of course you're beautiful I'm sure you know that but that's just what lead me to you at first. It seems like every time you speak or move you command the room and all the attention goes to you. You're such a light in this dark world and I will do whatever I need to do to be a part of you. Whether its friends or I hope someday your boyfriend."

        Mitch starts to get tears in his eyes and hugs Scott with all his strength. "You don't know how much that means to me Stephanie. No one has ever spoken so sweetly to me. I hope you still like me when you see I'm not everything you think I am." Mitch gasps, I can't believe I just said that. He quickly kisses Scott on the cheek and runs out of his house and climbs into the bedroom window he left open because he refused to risk them being in the living room when he came home. Mitch sits on his bed panting and going over everything he and Scott talked about. He feels bad for just running off and texts Scott. HEY IM SORRY I RAN OFF I JUST DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU YET. IF YOU FIND OUT WHAT MY LIFE IS LIKE YOU PROBABLY WONT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH ME. IT'S NOT EASY AROUND HERE. I HOPE YOU STILL WANT TO BE MY FRIEND.

        As Mitch finishes the text, his door bursts open and the monster jumps on him. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU AND WHO TOLD YOU IT WAS OK TO LEAVE THIS HOUSE. I OWN YOU AND YOU DON'T EVEN TAKE A PISS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION." Mitch shakes but tries to sound strong, "I took a walk I didn't want to hear you hurting my mom anymore. How can you be such a monster?" Phil gets right in Mitch's face and says with the calmest voice, "Boy you are getting bold. Looks like I need to knock you back down to your place. You don't talk to me like that you respect me because I've allowed you to live this long. Do you think I don't know you were over at the boy's house? Did you let him touch you? Did you give yourself to him?"

        Mitch is visibly scared but he knows that's exactly what Phil wants and he's tired of being scared, meek little Mitch so he gets right back in Phil's face. "You're right I was at his house and I didn't have to let him touch me. He likes me because I'm wonderful and you can't stand that someone would like me and want to be with me instead of staying out of fear like my mom does with you." Phil reaches back and punches Mitch square in the face making him fly back onto his bed. "I know exactly how to deal with ungrateful little punks like you Mitchie. Once I'm done with you no one will want you."

        Mitch tries to cry around his black eyes after Phil finally is satisfied with what he has done. "At least he didn't take my innocence," Mitch whispers to himself. The monster had really done a number on him this time. Mitch stood slowly his legs sore from all the hits he took and looks at his face in the mirror. His eyes are swollen almost shut, his lip is busted in 3 places, and his nose is bleeding pretty badly. He reaches into his dresser drawer for some wet wipes to try to at least stop the bleeding but there's no use. His face is too marred this time. "What will Scott think when he sees my face? It's not like I can hide from him until this heals. I guess the monster wins Scott will never what anything to do with me now."

        Mitch curls up in his bed and prays he doesn't wake up the next day. As he starts to drift off he hears his phone chime. He pulls it from his pocket and finds a text back from Scott. IT'S OK MITCH I KNOW IT'S SCARY TO FEEL SO STRONGLY FOR SOMEONE SO SOON BUT I FEEL LIKE WE ARE MEANT TO BE. I KNOW THAT'S CRAZY AND I HOPE IT DOESN'T SCARE YOU OFF BUT I REALLY LIKE YOU MITCHIE. I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. PLEASE COME BACK. Mitch doesn't know what to do. He wants so badly to go back and snuggle up in the strength of Scott and forget how bad his life is. How will he explain his face?

        Mitch steps out of his room and finds his mom sitting on the couch looking just as bad if not worse than he does. "Where's your husband?" Mitch says to her. "He left I don't think he will be back for a few days I threatened to call the cops on him when I heard him hurting you. I'm so sorry sweetie. Mommy's going to get us out of here. We can go stay with grandma until I get on my feet." Mitch sighs, "Mom this isn't the first time you've done this you know you will just come back and I finally have something good going for me. I met a wonderful boy next door and I want to see where this goes. Let's just stay here instead of facing his wrath when he gets back and we are gone. I'm going to see Scott and see if he will still like me after he sees how I look now. I love you mom I really do but I don't think I can ever forgive you for letting this happen to me." Mitch walks out the front door with a slam and knocks on Scott's window.

        Scott is lying in his bed thinking of Mitch when he hears a knock on his window. He stands up and checks his hair in the mirror really quick before he opens the window and helps Mitch crawl through. He immediately pulls him into a hug not noticing how Mitch flinches in pain from the contact but squeezes as tightly as he can. "I'm so glad you came back I didn't want our night to end that way. I really like you Mitch a lot." Scott pulls Mitch back and sees his face for the first time. "Oh sweetie what the hell happened to your face? What aren't you telling me?" Mitch looked down and knew it was time to bite the bullet and probably lose Scott in the process. "Let's sit down I have a lot to tell you."

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