Chapter 8 Guilt

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p.s if im missing any p's in this let me know. for some reason my button is sticking like crazy but im going to edit it i just miss those things sometimes.

        Mitch is sitting in the family waiting room bawling his eyes out. What is going to happen to Scott? As soon as the machines started going off the room was rushed by doctors and nurses who pushed Mitch out of the room to work on Scott. He was rushed to emergency surgery and Mitch hadn’t heard anything in hours. “What if he’s gone? What am I going to do? How will I live knowing im the reason he isn’t alive?” All these questions run through Mitch’s head as his tears stream hot down his paler than normal face.

                Suddenly Scott’s mom comes rushing into the waiting room screaming. “WHERE IS MY SON??? SCOTT HOYING WHERE IS SCOTT HOYING?”  Mitch slowly walks over and taps her shoulder. “WHAT? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?” Scott’s mom screams in Mitch’s face. He shrinks back and replies carefully; “I’m Mitch your neighbor. Scott texted me when he was stabbed to come and help him. It was my stepdad who did it because Scott was trying to protect me from him. He’s in surgery I don’t know what’s going on. The doctor told me before he had some internal bleeding but I haven’t heard from them in hours. I’m so sorry Mrs. Hoying this is all my fault.”

                “You’re damn right it’s your fault my boy knows you for one day and now he lying in a hospital possibly dead. I want you out of here. You don’t go anywhere near my son ever again.” Mrs. Hoying slaps Mitch across his cheek leaving an impressive red handprint as she storms towards the nurse’s station. “What’s going on with my son?” She demands from the nurse. “Tell me right now before I get even angrier and get that misfit out of here I want him banned from here.

                As the nurse begins to look at Scott’s medical file the surgeon walks out and approaches Mitch. “Hey Mitch, Scott’s ok. I know you got a pretty good scare back there. We took him into surgery and his stomach had been lacerated but luckily it was a clean cut through. We were able to stitch it up and he’s as good as new. He’s going to be sore for a while and we are going to keep him for at least a few days to make sure there are no other complications but as long as these next 24 hours go smoothly he should be able to go home by the end of the week. If you want to go see him he will be back in his room in a few minutes. He asked for you the second he woke up”

                “Thank you sir so much.” Mitch exclaims and hugs the doctor tight. Before Scott’s mom has a chance to stop him Mitch bolts to Scotts room and shuts the door quietly. Scott looks so weak laying there but hes smiles when he sees Mitch come in. “Wow I must have died and gone to heaven because I see an angel in front of me.” Scott giggles at his own pick up line.  “You’re such a dork.” Mitch sits next to scott and grabs his hand. “You really scared me Stephanie don’t do that again ok. I might be young but I can still get a heart attack you know. If you want wanted my attention all you had to do was ask.” Mitch jokes back trying to keep the mood light and his tears at bay. He knows any minute Mrs. Hoying would come in and kick him out so he wanted his last moments with scott to be fun and enjoyable. “Now he tells me. To think I let myself get stabbed just to hold your hand.” Scott smirks back at Mitch and squeezes his hand lightly.

                “Are you a library because I’ve been checking you out all day……I don’t know if libraries still exist.” Scott looks at Mitch giggling at himself. “You know Hoying you should stick to your day job because pick-up lines are not your expertise.” Scott scoffs looking shocked at Mitch, “Do you mean to tell me I haven’t made you swoon at my suave choice of words yet? Wow I must be losing my touch. Must be all these drugs they have pumping into me. Making me lose my mojo.”  Mitch suddenly gets serious and notices everything Scott is hooked up to, letting a tear escape the corner of his eye. “I’m so sorry Scott. This is all my fault. I never should have let you get involved in my bUllshit. It was my fight and I should have been the one laying in this bed not you. Your mom hates me and she blames me for all of this and she’s right. I should just leave your life now while you still have a shot at living. I can’t be the reason you don’t exist. I could never live another day knowing I took your life from you.”

                As Mitch tries to pull away and leave Scott yanks him back with all his strength making Mitch lay down in the bed next to him. “I don’t know where we are going to go from here Michelle. If we will be friends or more but I will tell you one thing. None of this is your fault. You didn’t push that knife into me that monster did. I’m glad he did because now he will be out of your life forever and can’t hurt you anymore. I would rather be stabbed everyday than to ever see you hurt again. As for my mom, she will learn you are a part of my life now whether she likes it or not. We are in this for the long haul Mitch. Just you and I facing the world together always.” Scott lightly kisses Mitch’s forehead and pulls him in as close as he can without messing up any of the wires sticking out of his arms.

                Mitch snuggles into the crook of Scott’s neck trying to hide the tears coursing down his cheeks. “Well when you put it that way I guess I can stick around for some more of those horrible pick-up lines of yours. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two. Oh by the way can you feel my shirt?” Scott touches Mitch’s shirt, “that’s boyfriend material.” Scott giggles and kisses Mitch lightly on the lips.  “Kiss me goober.”  Mitch leans up to kiss Scott fully and mumbles into his lips “That’s the best line I’ve heard all day.”

                As the boys kiss, Scott’s mom enters the room and gasps. “What the hell are you doing in there get away from my son? Haven’t you done enough damage? I told you to leave and never come back.”


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