Chapter 16 Mommy why?

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Chapter 16

                Scott awoke to the soft breathes of Mitch on his chest. He smiled to himself and kissed the top of the boys head. He began to remember last night and couldn’t believe what had happened between them. These last months have been a whirlwind. It seemed like he had just met Mitch yesterday but it also felt like they had been together forever. He couldn’t imagine what his life would be without Mitch and he was thankful everyday he got to see him and feel his warm embrace. He squeezed Mitch lightly before sliding out from underneath him to use the bathroom. He looked into the stand-up mirror in his room and tried to smooth his wild hair down some. He finally gave up sighing and walked to the hall bathroom.

                Scott tried to open the door but for some reason it didn’t want to open. He could feel some kind of weight sitting behind it so he pushed with all his strength until there was enough space for him to slip in the room trying to figure out why the door was so hard to push. As he made his way in he tripped over whatever was blocking the door. He hit his elbow on the bathtub and began rubbing it trying to rub the sting out. It was then he noticed he was streaking blood down his arm. He tried to look all over at where he could be cut before he remembered he had tripped over something. He looked over to see his mom lying on the floor lifeless and pale with a puddle of blood surrounding her very still body.

                Scott let out a scream that could be heard for miles. Mitch was jolted out of his sweet dreams and looked around confused. He could swear he heard Scott scream but maybe he just dreamed it. He began to rub his eyes and roll back into his pleasant dream when he heard Scott scream again,” mom, mom please wake up. Mom no why would you do this. Why would you leave me alone like this. I thought you loved me.” Mitch came bolting into the bathroom and slid through the crack in the door Scott had left. He looked down to see Scott holding his mothers lifeless body in his arms. He was covered in blood and sobbing his eyes out. Mitch felt hot tears streak down his cheeks as he realized all the blood was Connie’s. He could see the cuts on her wrists that she had made.

                Scott looked up at Mitch and asked, “What do I do? Why won’t she wake up Mitch? Make her wake up.” Mitch began to sob, “I wish I could honey I’m so sorry I’m going to go call 911 you stay here ok. Try not to move too much.”  Mitch walked out of the bathroom on autopilot and called 911 explaining what he had found to the operator. He walked outside to wait for the ambulance and give Scott some space. He didn’t know what was going to happen. What would Scott do? He now had no parents. Would his mom let Scott live with them? What if he lost him?

                The ambulance pulled up and Mitch directed them into the bathroom. “Scott sweetie you have to let her go hun. These guys are going to take her to the hospital. You have to let them do their job.” Scott looked up at Mitch with chagrin and slowly lowered his mother’s body to the ground. He shoved past Mitch and the paramedics into this room slamming the door. Mitch moved into the living room to allow them to take Connie’s body out of the house and to the nearest hospital.

                Once they had left he went into the kitchen and found some cleaning supplies. He cleaned up the mess in the bathroom and made Scott something to eat. He hoped giving him some time to think would help him wrap his head around what was happening. Mitch knocked on Scott’s door. “Scott, it’s me. Can I come in I have some food for you? You need to eat you haven’t had anything yet today. We can go to the hospital whenever you are ready. What can I do baby?” Scott never responded. Mitch tried to open the door to find that Scott had locked it. Mitch felt his face fall. He took the food back to the kitchen and put it in the microwave to keep warm. He wasn’t going to let Scott shut him out. He had been there for him through the Phil ordeal and he would do the same for Scott. He knocked louder on Scott’s door. “Just let me in babe. I just want to know you’re ok. I just want to be there for you like you were for me. Let me be your strength.”

                Mitch heard stirring behind the door and felt the lock click. He slowly entered the room to find Scott sitting in his boxers on his bed. He had thrown the bloody clothes in the corner and didn’t seem to have moved since then. Mitch walked over and sat next to him on the bed. He gently placed his hand on Scott’s leg and tried to look in his eyes. Scott flinched away from his touch and moved to the end of the bed. “What have I done Scott? I just want to help you. Please don’t push me out.” Scott looked at Mitch with fire in his eyes.

                “If you hadn’t come over here worried about fucKing me I would have been with her. She never would have done this if you had never come into our lives. This is all because of that bAstard of a step father you had. He almost killed me, he made my dad leave, and now he killed my mom. Maybe he was right about you Mitch. You are a plague. All you have brought is bad to my life. Get the f*ck out of my room and never come back.” Mitch ran from Scott’s room into the living room and heard Scott’s door slam and lock behind him. He sat on Connie’s couch and cried his eyes out. When he felt no more tears left and his body was weak from the pain he laid down. No matter what Scott said he wasn’t going anywhere. He had heard worse and been treated worse and he knew Scott was scared and alone. He wouldn’t get rid of him that easily.

                Mitch fell asleep on the couch and upon waking he heard Scott’s phone ring. He tried to press his ear to the door to hear the conversation.

Scott: Hello

Doctor: Is this Scott Hoying son to Connie Hoying?

Scott: Yes it is.

Doctor: We called to inform you that your mother is going to make it. She lost a lot of blood but we were able to stich her up and replace most of what she had lost.

Scott: oh my god I thought she was dead! Can I come see her?

Doctor: I’m afraid not son we are transporting her to a mental facility for further evaluation. We will contact you in few days to give you the name and address of where she will be staying. You will be able to visit her once a week but she must stay in the program for a minimum of 6 weeks until we will think about letting her go home.

Scott: thank you doctor please tell her I love her.

                Mitch moved away from the door shocked and elated. He couldn’t believe she had survived. He was so happy now Scott would realize he wasn’t a f*ck up and hopefully they could forget all of that happened and get back to being happy. Mitch sat on the couch anxiously awaiting Scott to come out and tell him the news. Finally after what felt like hours but was only about 10 minutes Scott walked out of his room towards the kitchen. He stopped and looked at Mitch, “Why the fuCk are you still here didn’t I tell you to get the f*ck out of my house and my life. You’re lucky my mom survived all this bullsh*t. I’m going to go see her when I can. I’m going to get something to eat and I want you gone once I come back.” Scott walked into the kitchen without another glance at Mitch. Mitch hung his head but still refused to leave. “I will fix this no matter what he says. He loves me I know it.”

                Scott walked back out of the kitchen and still saw Mitch sitting there with his head in his hands. He just scoffed and walked back into his room. He couldn’t understand why he was still there. Didn’t he understand that Scott wanted to be alone? He didn’t want Mitch involved in this anymore. He had been through enough. He hated treating Mitch this way he truly loved him but he knew the only way to get him out of this mess was to push him away. Mitch deserved better. Scott slowly ate the sandwich Mitch made him and laid back on his bed. How did all of this become such a mess?


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