Chapter 10 M&M

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        Mitch awakens hours later realizing it’s already dark outside. He attempts to move without waking Scott but soon finds out Scott is already awake when he feels his strong arms pull him back down next to him. Mitch looks up into the beautiful blue skies that are Scott’s eyes and give him a small smile. “I don’t want to hurt you Scott you just had surgery. I shouldn’t even be laying here with you but I needed to be close to you.” Scott looked back into Mitch’s chocolate eyes, “I couldn’t be happier than to wake up next to you my little chocolate M & M.”  Mitch giggled looking at Scott expectantly, “Chocolate M&M? Really?” Scott smirks his sideways grin, “Well yeah your eyes are the color of a chocolate. Makes me want to see if you melt in my hands or in my mouth.”

                Mitch gulps and looks at Scott seductively. He leans in to kiss his lips when he feels Scott go stiff. He looks up to see he has put too much pressure on him and is causing him pain where the knife wound is still fresh on his stomach. “Oh Scottie I’m so sorry I wasn’t thinking. You really know how to make a guy lose all his rational thinking you know that.” Mitch gently gets up and scoots into the chair earlier occupied by Mrs. Hoying. “Are you ok Scoot? Do you need me to call the nurse?” Scott looks at Mitch, “I’m ok M&M just got to remember I’m fragile right now. I can’t wait to get better so I can test out that theory of mine.”

                Mitch chuckles, “Well if I’m a chocolate M&M then you’re a cookies and cream Hershey bar.” Scott’s eyebrows raise and he looks at Mitch like he’s speaking a different language. “You’ll have to explain that one to me Mitchie I don’t think these pain meds are helping with my problem solving skills.”  Mitch snickered at Scott’s response. “Well they are white chocolate which matches because you are about the same color.” Scott gives him the stink eye with a little huff of frustration. Mitch continues becoming very sensual, “but the cookie pieces are placed into the chocolate carefully. So since I am apparently at least chocolate I would love to be the candy pieces in your white chocolate any day.” Scott blinks a few times trying to get his racing heart to slow down so he can think. “Oh you dirty, filthy little man. The things I will do to you when it doesn’t hurt me so. You tease you.” Mitch glances at Scott with a shoulder shrug. “You started it Mister.”

                Scott chuckled to himself and looked at the time. “Hey Michelle when did my mom leave? It seems kinda late and I thought she would be back by now. I just hope she’s not doing anything stupid like cussing out the police.” Mitch looked at the clock on the barren white wall, 7:30 that was at least 4 hours ago that she left.  “She left around 3:30 or so.” Mitch replied to Scott. “Would you call and check on her please Mildred I just want to make sure she’s ok.”  Mitch took Scott’s phone and dialed her number. “Anything for you.”

                Mrs. Hoyings phone rang as she just finished talking to the receptionist and was beginning her walk out to her car. She stopped in the lobby when she saw it was Scott’s number worried something had happened. “Scottie are you ok? Did something happen?”  Mitch looked at Scott and smiled, “Hey Mrs. Hoying this is Mitch. Scott is fine he wanted me to call you and make sure you were ok and see if you were coming back to the hospital tonight?”  Mrs. Hoying sighed in relief, “I’m just fine Mitch and remember call me mom. I’m sorry I forgot to call and let you boys know I was going to be a while. I had to fill out paperwork to make sure your step dad is put away. I don’t think I’ll come back tonight will you keep an eye on him for me sweetie? I want to let his dad know what’s going on and figure out our next course of action.”  Mitch smiled to himself she really does like me. “Of course Mom I will be happy to stay with him. I was hoping I could anyways I’m scared to go home.” Scott slipped his hand in Mitch’s as he talked about going home.

                “Don’t worry Mitch we won’t let anything happen to you. I’ll go check on your mom and let her know what’s going on and where you are. No one is allowed in that room without your permission and I won’t let her come there unless you want her to.” Mitch squeezed Scotts hand tightly at the mention of his mother. “I would rather she didn’t come here honestly I don’t know what to expect once she finds out my part in all of this.”  A soundless tear shed Mitch’s left eye and he swiped it away before Scott could see it. “Ok sweetie try not to worry you are in safe hands. Give Scottie a kiss for me and I’ll see you boys in the morning ok. Call me at any time if you need anything don’t hesitate.”

                “Thank you mom. Goodbye” Mitch whispered as he hung up the phone and placed it on Scott’s side table. Scott looked at Mitch and could see his sadness. The tear he tried to hide still clung to his cheek finding its way into his adorable dimple. Scott gently wiped it away. “Your mom loves you Mitchie she just doesn’t know what she's doing. No matter what I’m always going to be here for you and so will my family. My mom seems to have really done a 360 with how she feels about you. I love seeing you two get along.” Mitch climbed back into bed with Scott carefully placing his head in the crook of his arm. “Thank you Sweet cheeks for everything you have done for me. I’ll never be able to repay you for the sacrifices you have given. I hope when all this is over we can be in each other’s lives forever and always.” Scott kissed the top of the beautiful boys head before pulling his chin up to place a delicate kiss to his lips. “Forever and always M&M, forever.”

        As Mrs. Hoying walks out of the police department she can’t help feeling the slightest bit uneasy about this whole situation. She shakes it off and walks to her car thinking about what to say to Scott and how she can best protect her son. As she began to get her keys out to unlock her car she feels a sharp pain in the back of her head. She falls to the ground and just before the world goes black she sees an evil smirk on her attackers face. “Nothing personal lady but I have some unfinished business with a boy that looks a lot like you.

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