Chapter 5 Are you real or Am I Dreaming?

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        Scott holds onto Mitch like he’s made of fragile glass as he leads him to sit on his bed.  He hopes whatever has happened to Mitch is a fluke and not a regular thing.  Mitch looks around Scotts room nervously not sure how to begin to even explain his home life to this boy he’s come to care so much about without scaring him off for good. Scott sees a tear stream its way down Mitch’s rosy cheek and wipes it away gently before pulling Mitch onto his lap and lifting his chin with his fingers.  “Mitchie whatever it is we can get through this together. Just tell me. I know you don’t know me that well yet but it feels like we have known each other forever and I want you to know you can trust me. I’ll always be here for you Michelle no matter what.”

                Mitch looks into the stormy skies that are Scott’s eyes and knows everything this amazing boy just said is true and he truly cares what has happened to Mitch and wants to help.  Mitch sits in Scotts lap basking in the warmth that is Mr. Scott Hoying fighting an internal battle on whether or not he should tell Scott everything. Sure Scott said he would be there but once he knew the truth maybe he wouldn’t want to be in such a messed up situation. Who would want such a train wreck in their lives? Especially someone as wonderful as Scott. It was also dangerous for him. The monster told Mitch if he ever told anyone the truth about what happened to him that person would feel 10x the pain Mitch had ever felt at his hand. He couldn’t live with himself if Scott got hurt.

                Scott knew Mitch was struggling not knowing what to say and he would do anything to ease his pain. He stroked Mitch’s hair as he pulled out his iPhone and shuffled through his playlist on iTunes. He suddenly comes across John Legends “All of me” and thinks I hope this isn’t too soon but so much of this applies to what I feel right now about my gorgeous Mitch.  He turns the song on and gently rocks Mitch in his strong arms singing along in perfect harmony.

                Mitch’s eyes sting with the tears threatening to spill over as this unbelievable boy does everything he can to comfort him. As Scott begins to sing Mitch closes his eyes and listens to the words of the song. “What’s going on in that beautiful mind? I’m on your magical mystery ride and I’m so dizzy, don’t know what hit me but I’ll be alright. My heads underwater but I’m breathing fine. You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind.”  Mitch suddenly looks Scott deep in his baby blue eyes and begins to sing with him. “All of me loves all of you.  All your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections. Give you all to me, I’ll give my all to you. You’re my end and my beginning even when I lose I’m winning.”

                “Wow this kid has the most enchanting voice I’ve ever heard. Not only is his speaking voice beautiful but his singing voice blows me away.” Scott thinks.  “Is there anything you can’t do perfectly?” Scott asks Mitch with a small grin on his lips. Mitch lowers his head and begins to sob frantically.  “If that were true and I was perfect my mom would love me enough not to let him hurt me anymore. I’m not perfect I’m worthless and disgusting. There’s nothing good in me I’m a waste of space. That’s why he hurts me to show me how unwanted I am.”

                Scott sits stunned not sure how to answer. He thinks for a few minutes as Mitch composes himself and the tears roll down in a steady stream but aren’t so frantic that Scott can’t understand what he’s saying. “Mitch who hurts you sweetie. I swear I’ll kill him with my bare hands. Who could harm such a beauty. Never doubt your self-worth you are amazing. You’re beautiful, talented, kind, and an all-around great person.  Why would you ever left an idiot bring you down with his hurtful words and anger? Don’t give him that power he is not worthy of you being within his sight let alone his life. Let me help you Mitchie. Let me heal your pain and show you what you are worth, which is so much more than this.”

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