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                Connie awoke to total darkness and the worst headache she’s ever felt. She tried to speak or yell but soon finds that she is gagged. Suddenly she remembers what was said before she was hit and passed out. “No one knows where I am,” she thought “the boys don’t even expect me back at the hospital until tomorrow morning. What am I doing to do? I have to protect my boys.” Connie slowly tries to move and get a feel for where she is. She moves her bound hands around and notices a tire iron. “I must be in the trunk of my car.” She moved to see what else she could find and happened upon a box cutter. Her husband used to work for a company that makes boxes and used to have these around all the time.

                Connie opened the box cutter carefully and proceeded to cut her hands loose soon followed by her ankles. She pulled the gag out of her mouth and removed the blind fold that had shrouded her vision. Luckily Connie had one of the cars that you could get out of the trunk through the backseat. She quietly moved the back seat down little by little to make sure her attacker wasn’t sitting there waiting on her. She put it all the way down and saw she was parked in front of the hospital. She looked out the window just in time to see the man who hit her walking back her way. She quickly closed the back seat again and grabbed the tire iron just in case he was coming back for her.

                The man climbed back into her car soon followed by someone else Connie didn’t remember seeing. “That asShole Scott is in room 480. Let’s figure out how to get in there and finish the job without alerting the cops hanging around. I didn’t break out just to get put back in for something worse.” Connie gasped when she realized she had been kidnapped by the very man who had hurt her precious son. She knew she had to take action to save Scott and warn him of the impending doom. When she heard the car doors open and close again she took the chance to peek out of the back seats. She saw the retreating figures of the two men walking into the main lobby of the hospital.

                Connie bolted out of the trunk and swung open the car door. She sprinted in the direction of the er knowing she could get to Scott faster through that entrance. As she ran into the er a nurse tried to stop her and ask what was wrong. “I don’t have time to stop,” Connie panted, “just call 911 and send them to room 480.” She continued her trek to the elevators and on to the 4th floor praying she got there in time. As the doors opened Connie hopped out of the elevator and raced to Scott’s room. She burst in the door to find an alarmed Scott and Mitch in each other’s arms looking at her like she’s a crazy person.

                “Mom what’s wrong? You weren’t supposed to come back until tomorrow?” Scott asked her looking worried at her frazzled appearance.  “That man is on his way up here boys. I don’t know how but he broke out of jail with some other guy and he’s on his way up here to hurt you. We have to barricade this door and wait for the cops to get here and arrest him.” Mitch shrinks in fear down to the floor of the hospital room and starts to rock back and forth. “This is all my fault. He’s going to kill me. He going to kill my Scottie. I didn’t even get to enjoy him yet. I’m going to die a virgin.”  Connie grabs a nearby chair and crams it under the door handle of the room and slides the curtains shut. She paces over to Mitch. “No one is going to die. I want you to take Scott and hide in that closet over there. It’s going to be a tight space but no matter what you hear I don’t want you coming out or making a sound. Take this scalpel I found on my way in here and if anyone opens the door without announcing that it’s me I want you to stab them as many times as you can and run with Scott.”

                Mitch obliges to Conn’s demand and carefully helps Scott out of the bed and into the closet. Scott winces in pain as Mitch closes the door effectively hiding the boys from the impending danger just outside the door. Phil comes to the door of 480 and tries to open it shocked he got this far without any issues. He claimed to be Scott’s father and wanted to see how his son was doing. “Open the door son it’s just your daddy.” Phil smirked as he tried again to open the door. “I’ll never let you in here you monster. You thought you were going to hurt my son and I wouldn’t be there to defend him. He’s long gone I heard all about your plan as you had me tied up in the trunk of my car. I sent Scott and Mitch away a long time ago they are nowhere near this hospital and you will never hurt them so long as I’m around.”

                “Now I know where Scott got his smart ass mouth.” Phil sneers through the door. “You open this door you bItch or you will live to regret it.” Connie makes sure the chair is firmly against the door as she pushes the nurse call button attached to Scott’s bed. It takes a minute but the nurse finally responds. “This is Nurse Jackie how may I help you?” Connie sighs in relief they hadn’t hurt anyone. “Yes this is Scott Hoyings mother and the man who attacked my son is outside his door right now trying to hurt him more. Please get the police here as quickly as possible.” The nurse pauses for a moment before Connie hears a scream and then a gurgling sound. “Now Connie Hoying do you honestly think I’m that stupid,” Phil’s voice comes through the speaker, “you just cost that pretty little nurse her neck. Think you can live with that because until you send that fAggot son of yours out here I’m going to kill every person who comes to your aid. Then I will begin going into each room and killing off the patients. I mean hell they are all near death already I’m really just doing them a favor.”

                Connie fell back onto the bed now unoccupied by her son. What have I done? She begins to go into a panic attack feeling the full weight of the life she just ended. She soon recovers knowing she must not lose her head now because she had two boys depending on her to protect them. She pulls out her cell phone begging for it to have reception. She’s in luck its only got a few bars but it’ll do. “911 what’s your emergency.” Connie thanks God she got through. “Hello my name is Connie Hoying I am in room 480 of Methodist hospital and there is a mad man trying to enter my son’s room and kill him. Please send help he’s threatening to kill all the patients and he already ended a young girl’s life.” The operator pauses. “I will send help your way ma’am hang in there. Please stay on the line until you have been safely rescued.” Connie is about to respond when her phone beeps and when she looks at the screen its black. “ShIt why didn’t I charge my phone?” She scolds herself.

                Connie knocks on the closet door and tells Mitch it’s her. He slowly opens the door scalpel ready just in case. “Mom what are we going to do I don’t think Scott can stand much longer he’s really hurting.” Connie looks at her son white as a ghost sweating very hard. “Come on Scottie let’s get you laid back down. The cops are on the way and they should be here very soon. “As Connie lays Scott down she hears a banging on the door. “Open up bItch I heard you talking I know he’s in there. Just end this now and let me take care of my unfinished business. Trust me I’m doing us all a favor. I can rid the world of a faggOt none of us need. Oh and Mitchie I heard you too. I guess I can kill two birds with one stone.”  Mitch shudders as he hears the voice of his lifelong abuser. He takes Scotts hand, “I’m so sorry I got you into this. I would do anything to take back meeting you just so I could spare you this pain.” Scott looked at Mitch with his clear blue eyes, “I would never take back a second with you. It’s been a wild ride already. Definitely one to tell the kids about.” Mitch kisses Scotts hand and goes over to hug Connie who is panicking in the corner. As Mitch walks in her direction he hears a splintering sound and suddenly sees an axe being slammed through the hospital door. “Ready or not here I come” Phil’s evil grin shows through the hole he just created.


My Saving Grace (Scomiche fanfic) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now