Chapter Two

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Lacey's P.O.V

I sat in my kitchen and looked out the window at the red brick building across the road. It may be a day off of school, but there will never be a day off of homework. I looked down at the math problem and sighed. 

"Why does school have to be so hard?" I asked my mom.

"Well.. School becomes more challenging the older you are and the higher grade your in."

She has a point. I closed the book giving up. I walked the the front window and looked out seeing my to best friends Ella and Jess, running down the road. They ran around the block.

I darted to the kitchen and saw them resting on the brick wall. I was going out to go out and see if they wanted to hang out. I grabbed my coat. I looked out the window once more. Ella was kicking a mound of snow and Jess was still hanging out by the wall. I turned and grabbed my gloves off of the kitchen table. A man walked up behind Jess and held a rag to her face. She looked panicked but soon gave in and slumped in his arms. Ella picked up and hand full of snow and turned. 

"MOM!!"  I screamed. She ran into the dining room and time. 

"what are you screaming about Lacey?"

"Mom Jess just got kidnapped. Ella's all alone! Look." She walked up beside me and watched Ella. She was looked scared outside by herself. A man walked up behind her, held a rag to her nose. She gave up a good fight, and slumped into his arms. 

"Honey go get your father we need to go report this."

I ran up the stairs and ran into my brother. I pushed him out of the way and darted into my dad's room . 

"Dad!! Jess and Ella got kidnapped!! We need to go to the station and report it.!!" 

"He grabbed his coat and in seconds we were in the car and down the road. 


Jess' P.O.V

I woke up and tried to stretch. I couldn't. I realized I was tied up. The memories from.. Honestly I don't know when, flooded into my mind. I tried to shake them out and think of positive things. But all I thought about was being kidnapped. 


"What are you doing come on they'll get us!!"  I panted 

I could barely speak. 

"They GASP Slowed GASP down." I looked and seen that it was stopped. 

"Were crazy. It's probably the meat guys that ALWAYS bother this neighborhood." I said feeling stupid

"OK let's just walk the rest of the way to your place. I'll call my Mom to pick me up from there."  Ella nodded. 

El  leaned against the brick wall and rested. I walked up next to her and did the same.

"I'm going to walk ahead." I nodded and stayed put. 

Ella  stopped for a second and kicked a bank of snow. All of a sudden a rag with what smelt like chloroform, (don't ask me how I know) came into contact with my mouth and nose. I tried screaming but I didn't want them to hurt me and Ella. I stayed quite and finally took a breathe and passed out.

Flashback over

I tried to roll off the bed but ran in a rock hard body.  It flinched and moved. In my head I screamed not wanting to anger the man.  He rolled over to where  I seen his face.  I looked in shock as I met the green eyes of... 

Harry Edward Styles.

Ella's P.O.V

My arms and legs were tied "I am going to die I am going to die" I repeated in my head. 

"No your not."  A voice said. I turned and looked.  I shook my head not believing who I saw. 

Zayn Malik was sitting on the bed next to me. My heart fangirled but my brain didn't consume the intoxicating waves of affection and love.  

I wiggled in the ropes. He noticed my discomfort and a pain stricken face replaced the cool guy look. 

"I'm so sorry we kidnapped you and Jess, we had no other way!" he looked down and frowned. I tried to talk but it only came out as a mumble. He took the cloth off my mouth. anger soared though out my body. 

"NO OTHER WAY TO DO WHAT!!! KILL US?? RAPE US??" I said tears falling down my face. 

No. Was all he said. using his thumb to catch the tears rapidly falling down my face. 

"My mum wanted me to find you but she told me not to exactly what we did."

"Wait your Mum, why did she want you to find me? Why did you take Jess too!?!?!?"

"Well she is always with you and if we let her go she would go and tell the police that we kidnapped you and.." Pain crossed his face for a second

"Well why does you Mum want me?" 

"She had a baby when I was two gave it up for adoption but is feeling guilty." tears rolled down his cheek. " She wants to see you before she passes on." Confusion rolled into my brain and knocked me out cold 

 Hello again reader!! I hope you enjoyed the 2nd chapter to "Stockholm Syndrome" 

I wanted to let you know when i'll be updating. I'll update EVERYDAY until i reach chapter 20. After I reach 20 it will be every other day or once a week. IDK yet.


Thanks for reading!! i hope you enjoyed it!

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