Chapter Eight

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Jess's P.O.V

(Three days later)

The boy's, Ella and I were sitting in the living room watching the news. I always loved the news. It really was quite interesting.

"Breaking news! Two teenage girls were kidnapped on south Wood Street last week. Holly Bridge with the latest." I frowned. Those teenage girls must be us.  A blond woman popped on the screen.

"Thanks Wendy, Two teenage girls were kidnapped here, On South Wood street last week. 17 year old Ella Jones and 18 Year old Jess Williams were taken by 2 men in all black. Now we will speak to an eye witness.  Lacey our best friend popped on the screen.  I looked at Ella she looked panicked.

"Guy's, we know who that is. Her name is Lacey Grande. She's in our grade. Were best friends." The boy's looked scared.  Ella piped in.

"She lived across the street from where we were kidnapped. She must have seen you guys take us." She ponded what she said for a moment.

"I was just thinking." Ella started. "Who's the ones that took us anyway?"  Zayn decided to speak up.

"I took You, Ella and Harry took Jess." I looked at Harry and blushed. I have feelings for my kidnapper. How funny. Harry looked at me and smiled. I blushed (AGAIN) and smiled back.

Ella snuggled into Niall's side more.

"Ni what are we going to do?" I heard Ella whisper. He looked at her sadly. I thought and thought.  An idea popped in my head.

"Guys... I have an Idea"

Lacey's P.O.V

I walked down the street and waited to the bus to come. There's police and FBI agents' swarming the area so I don't feel afraid. The large yellow bus rounded the corner and stopped at the sign. The hopped on board with the rest of the kids and sat down. The plugged my ear buds in and shuffled through my music and noticed I had multiple songs by One Direction on my list. I pulled up the first one I saw. Steal My Girl. I teared up. I wasn't a big 1D fan but Ella and Jess were.  When we would hang out and this would come on the radio, they would blast it and sing it loudly. Well Jess would sing it loudly. Ella was a quite person. The bus stopped next to the school. I got up and was the first one off the bus. I rounded the corner of the school and walked past it. The waited until 8:15 to walked back to the front. Nobody was there. I smiled at my small victory. I started my 15 minute walk back to my house. I smiled. It was the first time I skipped school. I walked down the path to the shortcut to my house. A black van turned and went the same way I did. It was following me. I frowned and ran. Let's just hope it's the same people that kidnapped Jess and Ella. I thought. Wait!! Why am I still walking? I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I looked back. It would not stop. The gave up and flopped on the ground. It abruptly stopped and let somebody out. The person ran up to me and stood there. They took their mask off.

"Aren't You Zayn Malik?" I asked panic leaving my body.

"Yeah. Ella and Jess wanted to talk to you. So can you please come with me." I shook my head no.

"I want proof that my best friends are with you. He looked back and nodded. The van door opened Liam Payne walked out. He sprayed something on a rag and handed it to Zayn. The last thing I reambered was saying

"Please don't hurt me." Then I blanked out.

Sorry it's so short. Chapter 9 will be up around 5:00. Be alert. I may post 10 at a time unknown.



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