Chapter Seven

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Niall's P.O.V

I smiled and sat down on the couch. Jess was helping Ella get ready for our date. It was 6:00. I don't know why it take's her an hour to get ready. I looked over at Zayn and again his nose as burried in his phone.

"Zayn for the past 4 day's your nose had been burried in the phone. What's up mate?"

"Oh um nothing. I have been reading up on some fan tweets." I nodded. I didn't believe him.

"Ok sure." He looked relived that I "fell" for it but I didn't. He was lying and he was hiding something. I sat thinking about the possible things that could be going on with him. Jess jogged down the stairs.

"Niall, Ella's ready. Are you?" I nodded and she smiled. Minutes later Ella came down the stairs. Her dress fit her perfectly. Her long brown hair was twisted into a braid crown on the top of her head. She had nude eye makeup on but I did notice some shimmer. Her lips were tainted with lipstick. The color of a rose. Bright Red. Black wedges completed her outfit.

"Ella! You look amazing!!" She blushed and smiled.

"Thank you Niall. You don't look to bad yourself." I could tell she was nervous. The boy's looked up and seen Ella. Zayn's eye's lit up and he smiled.

"Ella you are beautiful! Just like Mum." Again she blushed.

"Thanks Zayn." The rest of the boy's complemented her outfit and again blushed every time.

"Well, Ella are you ready to go?" She nodded and we walked outside. I opened my passenger door on my Range Rover. She climbed in and thanked me. I walked around and climbed in my side.

Harry's P.O.V

I sat on the couch with the rest of the boy's. Jess sat at my side. I looked at how beautiful she looked. He long brown hair fell so perfectly. Her blue eye's shown bright. I could help but feel love for her. NO! I couldn't! She's like a sister to me. Almost, like a sister to me. I just wish she liked me to.

Zayn's P.O.V

I typed a reply to the person I was texting.

When can I see you next. I had fun the other night.

my phone was on vibrate and I felt it buzz in my hands.

Maybe tomorrow night. I know the Ice skating was fun! I have to go. I love you Zayn!

I quickly typed back.

 I love you too!

I smiled and pushed the phone in my pocket. I watched the corny sponge bob episode with a smiled on my face. I'm in love.

Jess's P.O.V

This sponge Bob episode was just a repeat. I wasn't really watching it. I was thinking about Harry. I really want to be in love with him but I can't. My mother would never allow it. Hell my mom would kill me when I get home for being kidnapped. She doesn't like me. She always dreamed of sailing around the world visiting all of the cities that are in her dreams. When I was born her dreams were crushed. She raised me counting down the days until I moved out. She can't wait to sail the world and forget about me. Yeah I have dreams. If a kid got in the way of those dreams I would just fix the dream to include a family. I shook my head and tried to focus on the stupid show.

Lacey's P.O.V

I knocked on Jess's door. Her mom was home; her car was in the driveway. My mom reached door the bell. Before she hit the button the door swung open to see Mrs. Williams.

"Hello Kelly. Um Can we come in?" She nodded and led us into her living room. 

 "What's seems to be the problem? Is Jess OK? She didn't come home yesterday." I noticed that the emotion in her voice resembled excitement. Not fear sadness anger.

"Um yeah Kelly, I'm sorry to tell you this...." My mom said. A single tear slipped down Mrs. Jones cheek.

"Jess and Ella were kidnapped yesterday. We went to the police, They are looking into it now." Mrs Williams looked.. happy. I took the time to speak up.

"Not to be pushy or anything, But Mrs. Williams You look happy not sad, scared, Angry. Why are you happy that your only daughter is gone?" She scowled at me and smiled.

"I never wanted her. She was in my way, Crushed my dreams. I'm glad she's gone." My mother and Mrs. Jones looked shocked.

My mother got up quickly and walked out. Mrs. Jones soon followed. I looked at Mrs Williams.

"You're the type of person that makes me sick." I got up and walked out. I got in the car and my mom drove on.

Hi Guy's!! I didn't want to make the chapter to long.. I know one page may not seem like much but they wil get longer when I have the time to type 1,000+ words. Thanksgiving is tomorrow so I can't update on Thursday or Friday. I may surprise you and give you chapter 8 and chapter 9.I didn't want to leech on the topic of Mrs. Williams. So I decided to tell you now what's going on with her. A few days after Lacey and the mom's go and confront Mrs. Williams about Jess' kidnapping, she packs her clothes and leaves. She is fulfilling her dream of traveling the world. I might surprise you all in a later chapter with a Mrs. Williams and a Jess encounter. But I'm not promising anything. I hope your enjoying!!!! Vote share and follow me at @Cammieloves1D Thanks!!


BTW, Happy Thanksgiving to all of my friends and followers in the U.S.A!! I'm thankful for all of my readers and followers, Family and Friends and My religion.




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