Chapter Five

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Lacey's P.O.V

I walked out of the police station and sighed. I can't believe that my only best friends got kidnapped! They are all I have. We have been friends since 8th grade. You may say it's not that long but to me it is. We were going to graduate together! Have a triple wedding and have babies on the same day!! I don't understand, why does the world hate me?

"Lacey it's OK honey. Don't cry." My mother cooed. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the warm tears dripping down my cheeks. My Dad gave me a small sad smile. He knew how much those girls meant to me. I got into my dad's car and we drove home. We passed my house and drove on to Ella's House. I hopped out of the car along with my Mom and Dad. We knocked on the door. A little bit later Ella's Mom's face appeared in the doors window. She had tears running down her face. She opened the door and smiled sadly at us.

"Hi! Mr. and Mrs. Grande! "She said with almost no enthusiasm.

"We can tell since your crying you know about Ella?" My Dad spoke tension on his deep voice.

"N-no what's wrong with my baby? Where's Ella?" A small tear escaped my eyes. Mrs. Jones must have noticed.

"Please come in I need to know what is wrong with Ella!" My dad went first and my Mom and I followed. She led us to the kitchen. Everything was thrown everywhere. Beer bottles were overflowing from the sink. I fridge door as torn off and the stove was on the other side of the room.

"Oh My Gosh!! Janelle!! What happened!!" My mom asked worry in her small voice.

'J-James he babysat Ella last night. I came home early from work and he was beating her with his b-belt. I tried to stop him but he back handed me. I stumbled into the kitchen and fell causing a portion of this mess. I got up and called the cops. He found me on the phone and what he heard me say sent him in a firing fury. H-he came and beat me. I was only worried about Ella. I crawled into the living room. He shirt was off so I saw her back was worse than slaves in the civil war. I protected her all I could. I fell asleep. I woke up and seen that James either escaped or the cops arrested him. I hope they arrested him. I told Ella to go to the bathroom to clean herself up and get ready for school. I went into the kitchen and seen all the beer I had kept in here from when David and I were married. All that is left are the empty bottles. About the stove, I don't know how that happened." My Mom was crying, my dad hugging her. My dad sadly looked at Mrs. Jones.

"I hate to tell you this but... Ella and Jess were... Kidnapped this morning walking home from school." The look on Mrs. Jones face resembled the ones of dead people. Her  face went pale and her eyes greyed.

"B-but this can't be she couldn't have been walking home. They have school today! Their at school!" I sighed and spoke up.

"Mrs. Jones, We didn't have school today. It's a snow day. I'm sorry. I saw them being taken by 2 men. They put them to sleep with sleeping stuff." If she didn't lose it before she did now.

"W-why did m-my baby have to b-be t-taken!!" She stuttered sobbing. My mom walked over and hugged her. I sat next to my dad, letting him embrace me. I cried onto his shoulder thinking of the horrible things my best friends could be going through right now. They might be d-dead.

"It was James. He wasn't arrested he ran off and wanted revenge. So he kidnapped Ella and Jess and now there probably dead or being beaten."

The thoughts ran through my head. I had so much running in my head. I passed out.

Ella's P.O.V

I woke up in a bedroom with a pink bed and a purple bed. I looked over and seen Jess in the purple bed, Asleep. I yawned and noticed that I was not tied up. I walked over and shook Jess.

"Jess! Wake up!" Her eye's fluttered open and she also yawned.

"Good Morning Ella!" She smiled at me and got up. We walked into the hallway. It was lined with 7 doors. Those were most likely the boy's rooms, the bathroom and a closet or another room. We walked down the stairs and seen Liam and Niall sitting on the couch. Niall's eye lit up when he seen me. I blushed. He smiled and patted the couch next to him. I gladly sat.

"Good Morning Ella!! Good Morning Jess!!" Liam looked up from his phone and seen we were there.

"Oh sorry, Good morning!"  Jess and I mumbled good mornings.

"You girls want some breakfast? Or do you want to wait for the rest of the lads?"

"I think it would be best if we wait for the boy's." I said with Ella nodding in agreement. Not soon after Zayn and Louis walked down the stairs. Louis in superman Pjs and Zayn already dressed and hair fixed.  

"Good Morning Sleepyheads." Niall laughed. I smiled. Zayn looked offended.

"I have not been sleeping this whole time. I woke up at 9:00 to start on my hair." Jess' and my mouth dropped.

"Close your mouths," Louis tisked. "You'll catch flies." Jess and I closed our mouths and laughed along with the rest of the boys. The laughter of the boy's must have woken up Harry. He came stumbling down the stairs and flopped on the couch next to Jess. He laid his head on her shoulder and soon fell back to sleep. Jess blushed.

"Aww is baby Jess have a wittle crush??" Louis asked in a baby voice.

Harry must not have been asleep. I saw him smirk when Louis said crush.  Liam being the responsible one spoke up.

"OK people who wants pancakes?" Everyone but the sleeping Harry cheered yes. Louis even started dancing around the room chanting, "We are having pancakes we are having pancakes." Everyone laughed at his immaturity. We all were pushed into the kitchen by Liam. Zayn being in front of the line fell when everyone was pushed.

"Hey!" He yelled.

Liam looked sheepish.

"Sorry mate. I'm just very hungry."   

Here's chapter 5 for Stockholm Syndrome!!! I gave in I had to post it. So.. .I hope you enjoyed it!!

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