Chapter Nine

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Zayn's P.O.V

If/when we get arrested it's going to be for life. We just kidnapped Lacey Grande. Ella and Jess's best friend. I feel so bad for her. Before we knocked her out, She said Please don't hurt me. She is so beautiful. I sat on the side of her bed. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep. She stirred in her sleep. I smiled and got up, letting her rest. I walked out the door and met the guys. in the hallway.

"Is she OK?" a panicked looking Ella asked.

"She's sleeping. She stirred when I was in there. You guy's might want to go in when she wakes up. She might not trust me." I walked into my room and slamed the door. I ruined my changes of ever dating that beautiful girl. She knows it was me.... She asked me for crying out loud if I was Zayn Malik. I kicked the wall. My foot throbbed. I pulled it out of the small hole in the wall. I sat on the bed. I grabbed my hair and pulled it. A small knock sounded in my room. I frowned.

"Go away!" I yelled.

"No! I will not go away... Your my brother and I need to see if you're OK" I didn't know who it was until I realized it was a female voice. I turned in  my bed to see a frowning Ella.

"El, I'm Ok. Ok? Just leave me alone." She looked at me quizzingly. She looked at me and smirked.

"I know what's wrong with you...." She said

"Y-you do?" I asked afraid of the answer.

"You like her. Don't you? You like my best friend." I blushed.

 "I don't like Jess. Harry likes her. I like her as a friend but not the way you think."

"No her!!! Lacey! The one you just kidnapped. I can tell in your eyes'. It's the same way Niall looked at me." She blushed at the mention of his name.

"OK fine I do like Lacey. She's so... Beautiful. She just won't fall for me the way I am. She's never going to trust me. I knocked her out. I yelled I got up and kicked the wall again. A coarsening pain radiated though my foot. I throbbed worse that the last time I kicked. She looked worried.

"Zayn. Come sit down. I need to see if your foot OK." I nodded hopping over to her on my good foot. I sat on the bed. She pulled my shoe off and sock. I winced in pain. She noticed and frowned

"Sorry." She said smiling sadly.  She looked panicked.

"I think you broke your foot, Zayn. Your going to have to go to the hospital. I know you don't want to but it's what's best." I nodded. She got up and walked into the hallway and shut the door. She cam back in with a panicked Liam.

"Zayn how the heck did you break you foot." I smiled like a little kids getting caught eating cookies from the cookie jar.

"I kicked the wall." He rolled his eyes'.

"Why did you kick the wall?"

"I was mad."

"Why were you.."

"Will you both shut up that's getting on my nerves!?!?!?" Ella whisper yelled.

"Sorry." Liam and I said at the same time.

Harry walked in.

"Ella... Lacey woke up. She wants to see you and Jess." Ella nodded got up. She gave me a hug and walked out. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Perrie!! I totally forgot about her. I need to tell her to meet us at the hospital. She would want to be there. I picked up my phone and texted her.

Perrie can you come to the hospital with me. I need to get my foot check out. I think I broke it. I typed as fast as I could. Seconds later I got a reply.

How did you manage to do that? How many times did I have to tell you. Don't kick the wall! I frowned and typed her back

Sorry Pez. I was trying to let off some steam. Are you going to be there or not?

Of coarse I will. I love you Z. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Ok good see you then boo!

I slide my phone in my pocket and let Liam and Harry guide me to the car.

Ella and Jess couldn't come due to the fact that they were kidnapped.

5 minutes later......

The Liam and Harry guided me to the hospital entrance. Liam's eye's darted to a blond girl kissing a tall nurse to me. He laughed nervously. I glared at him.

"What's your problem mate? Why are you laughing like your hiding something?"

He huffed and walked over to the girl pulling her off of the guy. My eye's popped out of my head.

"What the HECK!!"

I hope you enjoyed chapter 9!! Chapter 10 tomorrow!!


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