Chapter Fifteen

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Ella's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and stretched. This hotel bed was super comfy. I rolled over and snuggled up next to the end of the bed. For some reason I like the ends of the beds. I'm kooky. I snuggled up to the pillow and fell back into a dreamless sleep. I could hear Zayn on his phone tapping away. Seconds later the rest of the boys and girls piled into the room. They were very loud may I add. As soon as they loudness came into the room Zayn hushed it. Everyone aww'd at me. If I weren't sleeping I would slap every one  of them upside the head. Their lucky I'm sleeping. I rolled over. Little did I know I rolled right off the bed. I awoke with a start and grabbed my arm. I must have fell on it. A heating coursing pain surged through my wrist. Everyone was gathered around my bed looking at me. Niall pushed through and knelt next to me.

"Are you OK, Princess?" I nodded

"I think so. My wrist it very hot and it hurts." They look in Niall's eyes changed from worry to pain.

"I'm sorry" He pulled me into a hug and buried his face in my neck. I love when he hugs me. It feels so right. I pulled away from the hug and looked at him.

"Why are ya sorry?" I giggled at how I said it. I sounded like and Irish women. His face went from sad to amused.   Jess spoke up.

"When I was younger I fell on broke my wrist. I had the same pain in my wrist." My heart hurt. No my wrist cannot be broken!! A single tear slipped down my cheek. Niall saw and kissed it away.

"Niall I can't go to the hospital! If they see me there then they'll arrest you guys. I don't want that. You're like my brother. Except for Niall he's my boyfriend. Zayn really is my brother." I let it all out sobbing. Zayn came up next to me and sat down.

"It's Ok sis, we'll come up with a plan." I smiled up and my big brother and looked at the people that love me. I'll fight until I die for these boys.

Liam's P.O.V

I had to come up with an idea. I can call Simon and explain it to him. He can convince the cops to drop the charges. But that might make him drop us from the label. I thought so hard; I ended up with a headache. I looked at the 3 girls that we kidnapped. Good things have come from this but the cops won't let us go past the charges. Maybe the girls can have their parents drop the charges. That might work. I don't know how the girls can contact them. An Idea popped into my throbbing head. The girls can call their parents and explain it to them. Ella will go first. Then Jess and Lacey. This might just work.

About an hour later.

Lacey's P.O.V

The Louis pulled into the gas station. Did I mention that he SUCKS at driving! He doesn't even have a license. I hopped out of the car and walked to the phone booth. Jess and Ella trailing behind me. Ella went in first and we went in behind her. She dialed her Mom's number and let it ring for a few seconds.

(E=Ella) (EM= Ella's Mom )

EM- "Jones residence may I ask who I'm speaking to?" Ella teared up.

E- "Mom it's me..."

EM- Oh Ella honey are you OK? Is Jess OK?" She smiled

E- "Yeah Mom were fine."

EM- "where are you I'm coming to get you. Who kidnapped you?" I could hear the relief and sadness in her voice.

E- No! Mom were fine! One Direction...." She said barely above a whisper.

EM- "What?!?" Her mother asked. "Did they hurt you your hallucinating." Ella giggled.

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