Chapter Eleven

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Lacey's P.O.V

I woke up in Zayn's arms. I smiled. I'm glad Ella and Jess had me listen to 1D last week when they were sleeping over at my house. I walked into the kitchen. I jumped startled at what I saw.

"Jess and Harry can you please not kiss in the kitchen! That's nasty." Jess and Harry jumped. They must not have known I was standing there.

"Sorry Lacey!" Jess said leading Harry into the living room. Minutes later a sleepy looking Zayn staggered into the kitchen. He was still tired. When he seen me his eyes' lit up and all traces of sleep were washed away.

"Good morning babe!" He walked over to me and gave me a kiss (on the cheek). I smiled and hugged his neck. I looked into his dark brown almost black eyes'. He smiled and pecked me forehead. He sat me on the nearest barstool and got into the fridge. He pulled out the eggs and bacon. Along with the butter and milk. I knew what he was doing. He was making breakfast. I hopped off of my seat. I walked up next to him and whispered in his ear.

"I'm going to go change. Is there anything I can borrow? Hence I have not clothes here." He nodded.

"Liam can you come here mate!" Not even seconds later an alert looking Liam walked into the kitchen.


"Can you watch these eggs? I need to find Lacey something to wear."  Liam nodded.

"Sure!!" He smiled at me and walked to the cabinet. He pulled out an apron. What was on it I never expected. It was a man's abs with Kiss the Cook on it. I giggled. Liam must have noticed why I was laughing. He chuckled. Zayn shook his head smiling. He grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs. Zayn was about to open his door. Ella walked out of her room in a fresh outfit. I smiled at her.

"Good Morning Lacey, Zayn!" I smiled at her again.

"Good Morning Ella." I said Zayn nodded. She continued her journey down the stairs. She stopped halfway and came running back upstairs.

"Your my size aren't you Lacey? Right?" I nodded I was the same size. "The rest of the boys were talking and they decided to take you shopping this afternoon. So you can borrow something of mine until then. I smiled and followed her into her room. She opened her closet. It was huge!

"Wow Ella I have never seen this many clothes before!" She smiled and nodded.

"Go ahead and browse and see if you find anything."

"OK." This closet was like a small clothing store. I looked through everything. After 5 minutes I found what I wanted to wear.  It was a beautiful skater dress with a black belt around the lower waist. I found a pair of light blue converse. I slipped them on and applied my makeup. I smiled at my reflection. I left my hair in the natural slight wave. I walked out of the room and into the hallway. I knocked on Zayn's door to see if he was still getting ready. He opened the door seconds later. His eye's popped.

"Lacey you look beautiful!" I nodded blushing.

"Thanks...." He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the stairs. I giggled. I walked side by side to him until we reached the bottom. The guys and girls looked up and gasped.

"You guy's look like you were made for each other." I looked up at Zayn and smiled. He bent over and kissed my cheek. I blushed. He kissed me in front of the boys. Liam coughed and spoke up.

"Lacey. Do you want to go shopping now?" I thought for a moment.

"Sure thanks!" They all got up and walked to the door. Zayn opened it for me and bowed. I giggled like a little school girl. He chuckled. I curtsied. I walked out the door and to the car. Before I could open it Zayn's large hand enveloped mine and opened it for me. I smiled and blushed. He is such a gentle man. I sat down and he scooted in next to me. Liam started the car and we were off.

Jess's P.O.V

Harry, Niall, Ella and I stayed in the car. They forgot that we had to stay home. Ella and I decided to stay in the car. Harry and Niall being our boyfriends offered to stay in the car with us. Harry and I were playing Fruit Ninja. I was winning. May I add I beat him, FIVE times. I giggled to myself at my many victories. Harry looked at me as if I were crazy. I gave him a wonky look and concentrated on my game. An hour later the rest of the boy's came back out with a bag each. Louis being the cheeky boy he is carried the bag from Victoria Secret. Zayn kept giving him the dirtiest looks I have ever seen. Liam opened the back end and places the bags in. I smiled as Lacey slid in next to me.

"How did it go?" I asked.

"Louis insisted he got bra shopping for me. I told him I like going for myself. He bought me yucky things like see through bras. I told him that I would never where that. Zayn said never in a million years." I giggled at the best song ever reference.

"So I take it went well?" She nodded

"Over all, Yes it was fun!" We continued chatting about odds and ends she got while shopping. Ella piped up.

"Did anybody recognize you?" The three boys shook their heads no.

"Not that we noticed. This mall is farther away from Erm where we took her so not many cops would be swarming." Ella nodded snuggling into Niall arms. She fell asleep not soon after. I smiled also snuggling into Harry's chest. I knew I wanted to be here forever.


Hey my wonderful friends/readers!! I want to know if you are reading this. Please leave some feedback on what you think. Is the chapter to short to long. Let me know!!





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