Chapter Four

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Jess' P.O.V

 I followed the boy's into the kitchen and seen Niall and Ella laughing and eating pizza. 

"Hey lads, Jess!! Want some?" NIall asked us with a mouth full of food. I chuckled along with the boy's. 

Liam spoke up. "Sure thanks, I'll take a few pieces." Niall smiled.

"Help yourselves." I sat down next to Harry. He smiled at me, dimples evident. I grabbed 2 pieces. I chowed down happily. 30 minutes later we all finished and shuffled into the living room. 

I sat next to Ella. 

"What do you want to do?" I asked into her ear. 

"I don't know. I might want to stay here. Mom and Dad were so mean. Don't forget strict. I think i'll stay with my REAL parents."  Zayn eyed Ella. 

"What you fine ladies chatting about?" Louis asked. 

"About me not wanting to go back to my parents."  Ella said casually 

Zayn's eyes popped. 

"WHAT!! Why do you not want to go back?" I frowned. I looked at Ella and she sighed. She WAS going to tell them. 

Ella's P.O.V

I sighed and looked at every single person in the room, Even Jess, She looked shocked. I know why she looked shocked. My past wasn't exactly the BEST. 

"When I was 5 years old, My Mom and Dad  started fighting, My Dad would start screaming and then He would leave. He sometimes would come back and hit my mom. She tried to protect me but Dad.. He hit me. That drew the line. My Mom called 911 and he went to jail for a few years. For abuse and DUI. He had 5 that he never paid off. After he was released my mom never trusted him. So he moved and got Married again. My mom became depressed. I knew the only way that she would be happy again, Was if she started dating again. So I confronted her about it and she thought it was a good idea. She set up an online dating account and met a few guys. They never lasted, There was one guy my mom loved and he loved her. He was good with kids. One night my Mom had to work so she asked him, James was his name. My Mom asked him to babysit me. He was good the first few hours. I asked him for dinner and he instead went into the kitchen.." Tears came to my eyes. 

Zayn was the one next to me. He grabbed me and squished me into a hug. I hugged him.  I continued on.

"He came back in and had a beer my mom had in the kitchen. She would never drink more than half a bottle. He got drunk and he beat me with his belt. My Mom came home not soon after. I have scars all over my back."

"What did your mom do when she seen him beating you?"  I shook my head no. 

"She did nothing. She did even know. He sent me to my my room and get cleaned up so my mom didn't see what he did to me. He told me not to say anything,. So I didn't.  I love my mom but she's still dating that that THAT SCUM.!"

That was it. I lost it. I bawled my eyes out. Zayn squeezed me harder. 

"Don't worry. If we get arrested I'll tell them all about that guy, James." 

The rest of the boys soon joined the hug. I cried myself to sleep.... 

In the arms of the people that... Care about me. 

Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was very busy and couldn't get on my computer. ILY my beautiful readers.


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