Chapter Ten

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Jess's P.O.V

I walked into the kitchen and ran into a firm chest. I looked up and saw Harry. I blushed.

"I-I'm sorry H-Harry. I wasn't..." He cut me off placeing a gentel kiss on my lips. I was shocked.

"Harry what was that for?" I really liked it. He was a good kisser.

"To shut you up. I know you weren't looking. I was on the other side of the kitchen. I wanted an excuse to run into you. I wanted to talk to you.  I knew what this was. I can tell by the way he looks at me. When I say his name he blushes and smiles. He thinks I don't see it. Boy I sure DO see it. He grabbed my hand and led me to the couch.

"This has been eating me away for weeks. When you rolled into me on the first day you were here, I loved you I fell hard. Jess Williams I love you.... So much....." I was shocked. My heart swelled. I looked into his eyes'. He wasn't kidding. His eyes' were filled with nothing but pure....Love.

"Harry I know you do. I see it in the way you look at me and when I say your name you blush and smile." He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"I love you, Jess." I never thought I would say this....

"I love you too, Harry." He smiled widely. His dimples popped out. I giggled. He pulled me into a hug., kissing the top of my head. 

Niall's P.O.V

I sat on the bed cuddling with Ella. I looked at her. She was pure beauty. Her long brown hair fell perfectly. He eye's reminded me of chocolate. That's it! Her eyes' were the color of rich creamy milk chocolate. Great, I made myself hungry.

"Ella I want chocolate!" I wined. She giggled knowing my eating habits.

"I know you do Ni. I do to. What made you want chocolate? We're watching a movie about a rat making soup." I chucked.

"I was thinking of how beautiful you were. Your long brown hair falls perfectly. Your eyes' are the perfect brown. The color of chocolate. Rich creamy milk chocolate. "She giggled blushing. She hid her face in her sleeves.

"Aw El, Don't blush. You look beautiful." Her face went from pink to red in seconds.  I kissed her warm cheeks and picked her up throwing her over my shoulder.

"Ni!" She squealed. "Put me down! I can walk, I've got feet." I laughed and set her down on one of the many barstools in the kitchen. I ran to the cupboard and shuffled through it for the bad of dove chocolate that I stashed a few weeks ago. I finally found the dark brown and purple bag. I grabbed it and tried to open it. When it did all the little wrapped pieces flew on the floor. I gasped.

"My Chocolate!! It's ruined!!!!" Ella laughed. She hopped down from the bar stool and bent over, picking up the purple wrapped pieces. I smiled. I bent over and helped over pick them up. I placed them on the counter and smiled.

"Well we had chocolate." She frowned.

"We still have chocolate, Ni. It's just dirty." I chuckled. I grabbed a candy out of the bowl Ella put them in. I unwrapped it and smiled.

"Just like your eyes"

"What's just like my eyes'?"

"The color of this chocolate is the same color of your eyes'." She smiled and blushed.

"Your eyes' are the same color of the ocean. So blue and deep. When I first met you I thought I could get lost in them for days." I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"AWW!" We both turned to see them boy's and Jess standing in the door. I blushed and looked at Ella, Who was also blushing.

"Cut it out guys." I said laughing. Zayn walked with his crutches to the fridge.

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