Chapter Thirteen

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Ella's P.O.V

I looked over from my plane seat. I got to sit next to Jess. Lacey was next to Zayn. Harry wanted to sit next to Jess. I had to admit, I wanted to sit next to Niall but I wanted to girl talk a bit. 

"Are you nervous?" Jess asked. Zayn must have heard because he looked back at me and smiled.

"A little it's my birth parents! Why wouldn't  I be nervous?" She shrugged her shoulders and laid her head back. I tapped her shoulder and pointed to harry in the next isle. He looked sad.  Niall was awake. I crawled across the row and tapped his shoulder. I whispered in his ear.

"I'll get Jess to move over here in your seat and you can come sit with me. OK?"  he nodded. He got up and Jess came and sat next to Harry. Snuggling into his arm. He looked at her and smiled, Kissing the tops of her head. Niall sat down and I did the same. He didn't Kiss my head though....

"Your one smart cookie you know El." I smiled up at him and nodded.

"Iv'e been told a few times." He smiled and finally kissed my head. I pecked his cheek and fell into a deep sleep.

5 Hours Later

"Ella! Ella! Were here!" I opened my eyes and blinked a few times.  Liam was in front of me. I sat up and looked over to see a sleeping Niall. I kissed his cheek. Sleeping beauty woke up as soon as my lips touched his cheek.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" He chuckled and smiled at me. Liam coughed.

"Actually its 3am" My eye's popped.

"What! I can't be up this early! I need to rest my brain and body!" Niall got up and hugged my side.

'It's Ok go back to sleep. You need rest." He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the waiting limo. 'Wow a limo' I thought. Niall hugged me in his lap. I soon fell asleep.

Anonymous' P.O.V

I shrank back as soon as I seen the boys and girls get off of the plane. I smiled when I see Ella get off. But that smug smile turned into a deep scowl. Niall was caring a SLEEPING Ella. I stamped my foot. I had to get her from the clutches of the people that took her. Ok I'm not any better. If I plan on taking her, than I get arrested too. I need to find a way to get Ella. That little brat ruined my life. I'll be sure to make her's even worse. I laughed a deep laugh and patted the gun in my pocket.

Mrs. Malik's P.O.V

Zayn called a few minutes ago. I am very excited. I haven't felt this good in months. I will finally meet my daughter!! Ok I know I have three others but I have raised them. Ella was the Baby that got away. Yaser came in with a small bag. The little bag that we had hidden in the attic so we would not feel guilty for giving up our baby girl. He smiled as he pulled out the small air tight bag full of photos of Ella when she was a baby. He handed me the small photo of me, Sweaty holding Ella for the first time. She was still a mess. I smiled as I remembered holding her. Tears started falling down my cheeks. Yaser rubbed my back soothingly. Squeals echoed from down the Hall. They must be here. Yaser helped me get into the wheel chair. I haven't walked in a while. Yaser placed me gently in the soft seat. He wheeled me to the living room. My three daughters looked at me and smiled. I kissed every one of them on the cheeks. Zayn hopped out of the car and ran up to the door. He opened it quickly. The smile on my face expressed the happiness I had for my only son. I smiled and kissed his face over and over again. He smiled and hugged me. He hugged his sisters and his dad. Finally the rest of the boy's walked in with three girls behind them. I didn't know which one was Ella. One by one all of the boy's kissed and hugged me. Liam was extra careful when he placed the small kiss on my cheek. I smiled at the kind brown eyes looked down at me. Niall grabbed one of the girls hands and led her to me.

"Mrs. Malik..... I would like you to meet you daughter. Ella Jones." Niall Said. The tears pricked the back of my eyes. Soon they were sliding one by one down my cheeks. Yaser handed me a small box of tissues. He was crying himself.  Ella started crying. She hugged me and sobbed in my shoulder.

"M-mom." She sobbed. I cried.

"It's OK honey I'm here." I rubbed the back of her head. She stood up kissing my cheek. I smiled and kissed her's back.

She moved over to Yaser. He had the biggest smile on his face.

'D-Dad " She cried. He pulled her into a long hug.

"I'll never let you go again princess!" I looked over at my other daughters. They all had tears in there eyes. I smiled at my little family. After 5 minutes of tears and joyful welcoming. I looked over at the other girls. They looked out of place.

"Boys Shame on you for not introducing these lovely ladies." I smiled at them. Harry was first.

"This is Jess, Ella's Best friend and my girlfriend." I smiled at her and kissed her cheek."

Zayn was next.

"This" He waved his hand over to the girl. "Is Lacey. Jess and Ella's Best friend. Plus My girlfriend." I smiled at the beautiful girl.

"Welcome to our family Lacey! I'm glad I got 2 daughters today." Niall looked sad.

"Niall What's wrong?" I looked at Ella. She smiled at him and nodded.

"When I introduced Ella, I never said she was my girlfriend." I smiled.

"It's OK. I'm just glad that I got a new son today too!" Zayn patted Niall on the back.

I looked around at the people that love me. I hope I can keep it that way.

I hope you enjoyed this!! Like I said I'm sorry that it's a few days late. I have been sick./injured for some time. Who do you think the anonymous person is? Does Ella know him/her? Well you'll have to wait!! Sorry!



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