Chapter Six

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Jess's P.O.V

The boy's insisted that they take us to the mall to get some new clothes. Girls being girls we agreed. Now we were on our way to the local mall.

"So girls, where do you want to go first? American eagle? Hot topic? What stores do girls usually go to? Liam asked with a confused look.  I giggled.

"We tend to go to the same stores as you boys. We were hoping that we could meet you if we got lucky." Zayn looked up from his phone with a shocked look on his face.

"You stalked us?" Louis asked teasingly. I flushed.

"N-no we didn't stalk you. We like your sense of f-fashion." She spits out with stutters.

"Yeah so you like suspenders and blazers? Polos and high tops." Louis sassed back. It was Ella's turn to flush. Zayn must have noticed it.

"Louis cut it out mate. Can't you see that their getting uncomfortable! How many other fans did you meet because they stalked us? A lot. But these girls admitted it." He smiled at me and Ella.

"Zayn I was only playing! No need to be harsh." Louis and Zayn squabbled for the next five minutes.

Liam pinched his nose. He's got a headache. I reached in my bag and pulled out my small bottle of Advil. I got up crawled over to him. I Kneeled in front of him and handed him my Advil. He smiled and took it. Zayn watched me and seen that Liam was taking pain killers. Zayn punched Louis's arm and pointed. Louis let me pass and crawled to Liam.

"I'm sorry Lili!! I didn't mean to give you a headache. Please forgive me!!" He asked fake crying. Liam smiled.
"Of coarse buddy."

Louis got up and sat back down in his seat next to Niall. 5 minutes later the driver was dropping us off in front of the largest mall I had ever seen.

"Wait is this a mall? It's so BIG!" Ella asked. I smiled at her. She grabbed my hand and pulled us to the door.

Louis came running up behind us.

"Last one in gets an egg to the face." Louis smirked evilly. Everybody ran to the door but Zayn. Louis stood their smirking. Ella took the time to run back and grab his arm and pull him to the door. He looked surprised but realized what Louis did. When they got inside with the rest of I opened the door and yelled to a dancing Louis.

"Erm, Louis do you like brown eggs or White eggs?" He opened his eyes and looked around. He turned and saw us standing in the safety of the building. He looked fake hurt but ran in the building.

"I guess I'll take what you give me." He huffed.

I smiled at the craziness of the boy's and my best friend Ella. I'm finally happy.

Ella's P.O.V

I walked into Delila's and browsed around. Niall came in behind me and browsed as well.

"Niall why are you looking in the women's section? The men's is over there." I said pointing to the sign. He smiled up at me and nodded.

"I know but I just wanted to get something for a special lady friend of mine." My heart broke into a million. I mustered up the fakest smile I could give.

"Ok." I simply stated. I looked at a blue dress. It was gorgeous! I looked at the tag. $100.00!! I sadly put the dress back and walked out of the store. I passed Niall.

"I'm going to go wait for you outside with the lads." He nodded and smiled. I walked out of the store and sat down next to Jess.

"Ok," She said "What did you see and how much did it cost?" I sadly looked at her.

"It was the most gorgeous thing I have ever laid my eyes on! It was a teal pleated dress. It stopped right below the knee and it was longer in the back. I loved it but it was $100.00. I surely don't have that I said standing up and stretching my legs.  Jess looked behind me and smiled.

She pointed behind me.

"You mean that dress?" I turned and saw Niall walking out holding the dress with a smile on his face. I smiled at him and sat down with the boy's

"Ella, I seen you were looking at this and I wanted to get it for my special lady friend." He said. I can not believe him He saw me looking at it and he buy's it for his girlfriend. My heart shattered into a million more pieces.

"Oh." Was all I said again. He looked nervous at me and smiled.

"It's for you." He scratched the back of his neck. I looked at him shocked.

"Niall you didn't have to do that for me. Where on earth would I were this at?"

"On a date with me tomorrow night at 7:00" I blushed at him and nodded.

"Of course. I would love to!"

Sorry I didn't post sooner guy's :/

I HAD to watch #DWTS sorry. I wanted to see if Sadie Robestson won. #TeamQuackAttack!!! I hope you like it!!

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