Chapter Twelve

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Harry's P.O.V

I walked into the house with a sleeping Jess in my arms. I walked her upstairs and placed her in her bed. I smiled and kissed her forehead. I pulled the duvet over her small body and walked out of the room closing the door. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch with the boys. They looked away from the TV for a quick second. Smiled at me and looked back. Liam changed the station to the local news. He loves keeping in time with what's going on in the world/local. The blonde lady from the day before popped on the screen after the commercial break.

"A week after the kidnapping of Jess Williams and Ella Jones, A scared mother reports her daughter missing. Now Jenny Carmike reports with the latest." A brown haired women showed in front of the place where we took Jess and Ella.

"Last week 2 teenage girls, Ella Jones and Jess Williams were kidnapped from this street corner. Not a week after 17 year old Lacey Grande went missing. Sources say that she skipped school but never came home. Her parents are worried sick. If the capers of Ella Jones, Jess Williams and Or Lacey Grande, please come forward. Their parents miss them to no end. I looked at the boys worry on my face. What I saw was me looking in the mirror. The same expressions were written on their faces as well. I sighed.

"Zayn, if you took Ella and Jess why on EARTH aren't we in Bradford right now. So Ella can see your Mum!?" Sadness swirled in Zayn's eyes.

"I'm sorry.." Was all he said. Why is he sorry? If he were sorry we would be out the door and on a plane to his hometown right now.

"What are you sorry for?" Niall Asked. He took the words right out of my mouth.

"I should have taken her to see Mum as soon as we got her. Now I caused this mess. Now if we return them our careers will be down the drain." He looked sad. I pity him. His Mum is dying and he is blaming himself for our careers getting trashed. It's not just his fault. We agreed to the plan. It's all of our faults.

"Thanks Haz, But it is my fault....It's ALL my fault. I could have just walked to the door and asked he mom if she could see Mum." He put his head in his hands. I walked over to the phone and picked it up. I dialed the private jet company. A gruff sounding man answered.


"Hi I need our private jet ready for 4:00"

"Name please?"

"Direction. One Direction." The boys laughed at my James Bond joke.

"OK. Do you want the same pilot?"

"Yes sir!"

"Where will you be going?"

"Bradford, England. Please!"

"Sure kid now it will be ready at 4:00."

"Thanks!! Have a great day!" I hung the phone up and smiled.

"Lads were going to Bradford! The sooner Ella see's Mrs. Malik the sooner we can take the girls back." They all nodded. We walked up the stairs and into our rooms. I should go wake Jess up. I walked down the hall into Ella and Jess's shared room. I smiled they were both still sleeping. I gently shook Jess. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me.

"Morning Haz. Why so early?" I chuckled.

"Babe it's not morning. It's 2:00. I called the jet company and they have a jet for us to go to Bradford so Ella can meet her parents. Her REAL parents." Jess smiled and got up. She walked to her closet and started pulling her clothes out. Niall walked in and seen me and Jess. He smiled at us and walked over to her bed. He sat down and kissed her cheek. Her eye's opened.

Ella's P.O.V

I was sleeping until I felt the soft lips of my boyfriend on my cheek. I opened my eyes and smiled at his. He pecked my forehead.

"Princess, Harry called the jet company. We're leaving for Bradford soon. I smiled and jumped out of bed. I threw open my closet doors and got all of my clothes out. I smiled at the rainbow hill on my bed. My smiled quickly turned into a frown.

"How are Jess and I supposed to get our clothes to Bradford?" Niall's eye twinkled. He walked out of the room. I heard a knock on one of the doors. Minutes later Liam and Niall walked into our rooms. Their arms were full of luggage. I smiled and thanked Niall as he put the luggage on the floor next to my bed. I pulled the biggest one out of the pile and filled it with my clothes. There were still some pants and a few tops. I grabbed the small suit case and pilled that too. All of my shoes went into their own bag. I pulled my sock and undergarment drawers out of the dresser I shared with Jess. Niall giggles when he seen my 1D socks.

"What?" He still giggled.

"You have 1D socks." I looked at him crazy.

"Yeah so?" He just kissed my head and walked out of the room.  I piled all of the socks and undergarments into a small bag. There was only the carry on left. I grabbed my phone and My hair care products and zipped it up to wheeled all of my stuff into the living room. The rest of the boys soon followed. I smiled at Zayn as he walked out of the room his carry on was hugged to his chest. Hair spray and combs spilled from the top of it.

"You are my brother aren't you?" A confused look crossed his face.

"Yeah why?" I pointed to his carry-on bag. I grabbed my bag and opened it. I dumped it on the table. His frown quickly turned into a giant smile. He helped me pick them pack up and into my bag. Harry and Louis were carrying the bags out to the car. When all of the bags were in were piled into the car and drove to the airport. I guess I'm going to meet my real parents now.....

I'm SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN SO LONG!!! I FEEL SO BAD :'( I was so behind on my math work I had to bring it back up. Please just except this update as a peace offering. *Gives you chapter* OK Bye!!

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