Chapter Three

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"Well why does you Mum want me?" 

"She had a baby when I was five gave it up for adoption but is feeling guilty." tears rolled down his cheek. " She wants to see you before she passes on." Confusion rolled into my brain and knocked me out cold 


Ella's P.O.V

I woke up. My vision still blurry. 

"El wake up! Are you OK?" Jess!! She's OK

"Jess your.. OK?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"We just got kidnapped." I said in a duh tone. 

I looked and One Direction was standing behind her sheepish looks on their faces. 

"What are you looking at?" I growled. 

"Were so sorry. Zayn's Mum is dieing and she wanted to see you before she.. you know." Liam spoke in a sad tone.  I looked at them all and confusion washed over me. 

"If Mrs Malik wanted to see me why didn't you just come to my door and get me with my parents permission?" I asked "You didn't have to take Jess either!" I said almost yelling. 

"She told us to do that but I remember when you were given up for adoption the people being very strict. They didn't want us a part of your life." 

I looked at Zayn and frowned. 

"You still have not gotten to the part WHY Jess was also brought along on this  joy ride!" I said sarcastically. 

"Well you guys spend most of your time together and well we couldn't just let her there."

Jess took the moment and spoke up. 

"They called his Dad, and he explained everything. Zayn also got a 15 minute lecture on WHY it's not OK to abduct little girls off the street." I giggled. 

"What? Why are you laughing?" Zayn asked. 

"Well you kinda forgot something. Our parents are probably worried that we did come home from school. How long have we been here for?"  Jess looked at them waiting for the answer. 

"It's only been 3 hours. So we have enough time to fly into Bradford and let Mum see you." 

"I need some prof that this is real. I still don't believe you." 

He pulled out his phone and put it on speaker phone. The phone rang. Finally a man's voice - Assuming it's Zayn's Dad. 

"Zayn! What's up? Why are you calling again?"

"Dad I need to speak to Mum. Ella wants to say hi and make sure this is real."

"Of coarse she does son! You only kidnapped her and her friend." I heard shuffling and noise in the background. 

"Zayn? Is that you?" I hear the frail sound of a feminine voice on the other line. 

"Yeah, Mum Ella want's to talk to you."

"Ella? Are you there honey? Hi." Her voice was dry and had no excitement at all. 

"Erm.. Hi! I'm Ella."  The boy's chuckled. 

"Honey I know this is hard to belive but I'm your Mum. When say was 5 Yaser and I had another baby - You. But I had work and Zayn to take care of so I put you up for adoption. I'm so sorry honey! I wish I could have raise you but time's were hard then. When your parents came and said they wanted to adopt I was reluctant to give you up. But I thought and thought. I knew it was the right thing. You became Ella Jones. We still have a copy of your birth certificate. It states that Trisha malik and Yaser Malik gave birth to Ella Malik on Febuary 1st 1994." Stunned I handed the phone back to the closest person. I looked into the blue eye's of Niall Horan. So blue and deep like the ocean I could sail for days. I sighed. 

"Urm Ella why are ya looking at me like that?" I shook my head. My cheeks turned red. 

Jess giggled. 

"You were her favorite. She kissed your posters and said you would get married one day." I gasped shocked at what she said. 

"She if I stay your friend after we get out of here." I teased. A fake hurt look crossed her face. 

Niall looked proud. 

"See lads, Pretty girls do think I'm hot." I blushed, my cheeks turning a reddish color. 

"Aww look Niall you made her blush." Louis teased. Niall took his turn to blush. 

"Aww Louis you made him blush!" I said. Out of the blue Niall blurted out something I could not understanding him. 

"What the HECK did he just say?"

Niall's chosen words didn't fase the boy's. They were acting as if it were normal. 

Liam calmly spoke up. 

"He said he was hungry." The mention of food made me hungry. My stomach took the time to introduce it's self to the boy's. Niall smirked. 

"Your hungry too!" We better get the beautiful lady some food." He said picking me up and running down the stairs. He set me down on a chair. and got to work making food. 

Sorry the update is so late guys!! I had some thing I had to do. I will update tomorrow. 

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