Chapter Sixteen

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Haz!! Can't you see that Jess is crying. Her mom left her. She has nobody. Kiss her and tell her u love her" Harry's phone buzzed and he looked down at it. He looked over at Jess and she was crying silently next to him. He pulled her next to him. He whispered in her ear. He eyes popped. She nodded profusely. He smiled and kissed her. He texted me back.

Thanks mate. I told her she does have somebody. I asked her something important.

I read that and texted him back

What did you ask her??

I asked her to....


Niall's P.O.V

I looked at the phone, gob smacked. Harry really asked her that! Already! I looked back at him and nodded. I smiled at him and Jess. I can't wait for this.

Ella's P.O.V

After we got back to the hotel I walked into my room and plopped on the bed. I sighed. The past day's events have been so hectic. Zayn and the other boys shuffled into the room. I smiled at them all.

"Where's the girls?" Niall spoke up.

"There in their room." I nodded getting up. I opened the door waving to them all. I walked to the girls room. I opened the door. Lacey and Jess were squealing and jumping in a circle. I looked at them like they were nuts.

"What the heck is wrong with you both?" Jess jumped. Lacey and I laughed at her. She soon joined us in the laughter.

"Harry asked me a VERY important question." My eyes bugged.

"OMG OMG OMG!! WHAT DID HE ASK YOU!!" I practically screamed at her. She walked over to me and whispered it in my ear. I got up screaming.

"OH MY GOSH!! HE DID AHHH!" I joined their jumping screaming circle.  Zayn, Harry and Niall walked into the room. They seemed amused at our little screaming jumping feast.  

"What's wrong with you girls?" Harry asked, a smirk playing on his lips. Jess laughed.

"Like you don't know!" I giggled. I sat on the bed tired from my work out. Niall came and sat next to me. He took me in his arms, holding me to his chest. I smiled up at him. The tips of our noses touched. I giggled. Jess pulled out her phone and walked over to her bed. I knew what she wanted to do.

"You want to call your Mom and tell her the good news, Don't ya." She nodded tears in her eyes.

"I do but I don't have a mom now." I shook my head.

"My mom adopted you. Were sisters now." She smiled up at me and hugged me.

"Our dream of sisters is finally coming true."  I giggled.

"Yeah I guess it is." I yawned. Niall must have seen. He picked me up and carried me to my room. On the way the smooth movement of Niall walked lulled me to sleep.

Harry's P.O.V

I walked into my room that I shared with Louis.

"Hey mate." He nodded tapping away at his phone.

"Texting El?" He nodded.

"She's not very happy I took part in kidnapping 3 teenage girls. I told her that it was every girls dream to be taken off the street by 1D. She said no it's not. It's to be a princess." I laughed.

"I guess she's right. Being kidnapped isn't very fun is it."

"I wouldn't know. I was never kidnapped. Or was I?" He tapped on his phone some more.

"Hey mum!" I could hear what she said over the phone.

"Louis! What did I do deserve this call?" he laughed.

"I had a question. Was I ever kidnapped?" She screamed.

"Louis William Tomlinson!! What the HELL gave you the idea to call and ask me that?"

"I don' know." He didn't want to tell his mum he kidnapped 3 teenage girls.

"To answer your question, No, Louis's you were never kidnapped." I chuckled.

"Ok thanks mum. I love you!"

"I love you to son. Can I ask you a question now?"

"You just did!" I chuckled and got into bed.

"Are you drunk? High?" I laughed at her question.

"No Mom!!" He groaned. "It's who I am!"

"Well get some sleep. Your acting strange."

"Night Mum."

"Good Night Louis!" He hit end call.

"That was a strange phone conversation Louis."

"I know." He Laughed.

"Night Louis!"

"Good Night Hazza."

Jess's P.O.V

I walked over to the mini fridge and opened it. It was packed! I grabbed a Mt. Dew and took a sip. Yuck! I should give this to Ella. She loves this stuff. I capped the plastic bottle and put it back in the fridge.

"Who are you and where did you put Ella?" Lacey laughed.

"I'm right here. I wanted to see if I liked it any more than I did. She scoffed.

"You'll never like it any more than you do. That stuff it plan off nasty." She said.

I climbed into my bed after changing into my Pjs. I pulled the duvet over my body and snuggled into the soft bed. I closed my eyes. Thinking of the wedding I had to plan. Yes. Harry and I are getting married.

BOOM!!! Times 20!! Harry and Jess are Getting hitched!!!  : )

I hope you enjoyed it!! Some more than others >> (Ashley!!!) Please Check out my new story, Louis's Daughter. It's all about Eleanor and Louis (Calder and Tomlinson)

Love you guys!!


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