Chapter seven

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Short reading here.. I promise the chapters will get a little thicker once you start it's like you have to finish until the end which is why I update throughout the day for you guys . Feel free to give me any pointers or feedback during this journey with me. Enjoy reading loves❤️any errors you see I apologize I'll try to fix it!

Tonya's Funeral //

Today was the funeral and Travis was dreading this day. His first wife was gone. Loni and her brother agreed to move in with their grandparents on their mother's side. Leaving Travis alone and heartbroken. The doors of the church opened and the ladies began to sing "Heaven Belongs To You" . As tears streamed down Loni and her brother's face Travis's heart dropped down to his stomach... there Tonya was in her coffin. She had a small smile on her face, her hair was curly her brows were neatly done and her makeup was just gorgeous. A 25 year old dying from cancer? Why Tonya? Travis thought to himself. How could someone so young die so soon...

Loni's POV:

As time passed during the funeral it was my turn to speak... I was hesitant at first but I got up and wiped every tear away.. this is for you Tonya . My heart. My bestfriend . My main lady.

"T isn't our biological mother but she was more of a mother to us then our own mother. Our mom turned to drugs after her and my dad split up, and when he married T she took care of us like we were her own. She claimed us. Not once did she ever look at us any different she'd always tell me that I was her child and that she would always love and protect me even if her and my dad split up. Nobody knew about any of this except our immediate family. No one knew her real age she looked very mature for a 25 year old she rocked everything she wore."

My body began to freeze up but I pushed through for Tonya

"We found out about the cancer three months before she died. She had kept this from us the entire time. My dad wanted her to have his child but she would always tell him she wasn't ready, when really she knew the risks of having her own. He never payed any attention to it but I knew it was something wrong. When we found out about her being pregnant after the autopsy was done I cried the entire night because I knew my dad wanted her to have her own child with him, she would always tell him that WE were enough for her, but deep down I know she wanted a child to call her own. I loved Tonya ... she's my mom and she will forever be my mom , our mom. Eternal love."

The room went silent you could hear a pin drop. I told the truth. And everyone was taking everything that I had said in all at once. My dad couldn't do anything but cry . He stood up and walked over to Tonya's body kissing her one last time. He loved her, they both loved eachother. This was what he needed. He needed to have his own moment with her one last time before they rolled her out to be put six feet under. My dad will forever remember how Tonya stepped up for us no matter how young she was. She was a great woman and an amazing mother.


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