Chapter Twelve

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Part TWO ‼️ be prepared to cry, I'm sorry guys

After hearing his "dad" confess his truth, Travis sought out for answers. Was his mom a hoe back in the day and just didn't know who his dad was? Was she hiding something from him? Did she purposely not tell him? These thoughts were circling around inside of his head. Maybe it's best if he didn't know who his real father was. He grew up spoiled, never wanted for nothing, his "dad" raised him very well. His life was not fucked up without his "real father" in his life. Maybe his mother did what was best for him during that time. He didn't want to come at her sideways because she was still his mother, she gave him life, and he knew not to ever talk to her with disrespect no matter how angry he was about the situation.
Travis and his mother talked and she finally told him that over 40 years ago she met a guy named David Richards. His mother and David had an affair and it didn't end too good. She was still married to Travis's father who's not his father but he is his father. She hid the secret for as long as she could until Kendrick ( Travis's dad) finally told her that he knew about her sleeping with another man.
Kendrick has problems producing in his relationships before he got married to Travis's mother. He never told any of his partners because he was too ashamed. The doctors had told him that he was unable to produce any children and that adoption was his only other option, so when Mrs. Knight told him about Travis he knew that he wasn't his child. He didn't want to tell her because he was happy to finally have a child that he could call one of his own. David disappeared.

Kendrick's POV

My wife cheated on me and I knew about it the whole time. I just wanted a child of my own, and I didn't care about what they had going on. I paid David to stay away from my wife and my soon to be child and he agreed to leave town and never return. I gave him $100,000 which was what he wanted and he was gone, just like that. I raised Travis teaching him everything. I was adopted, my mom struggled to have a child and when she did get pregnant with me she was raped. I never blamed her for giving me up, and I knew why she did it. I was not a blessing to her I only brought back memories of whoever took advantage of her. Her name is tatted on my chest and my name is tatted on hers. She loved me. And I loved her. She died right before Travis was born. The same day we met and got our matching tattoos. Atleast she died with that weight lifted off of her shoulders.
Me paying David was only to protect Travis. David was a drug dealer and I didn't see no purpose in him sneaking around with my wife. He was a threat to my family. Some people ask how did I get over her cheating on me truth is I never did. I'm in a whole relationship with Nicole White, who is also my wife's step sister. As long as the bills are taken care of and my grandkids are taken care of, my wife will never know. Truth is me and his mother both have done dirt, but having a child on me was not the right thing to do, especially if your sister is just a call away. This affair has been going on for years, and everything we do is done in private.

Travis's mom's POV

Travis kept asking me about David what was he like, how'd he look and truth is he looked exactly like Travis. David still kept in contact with me even still to this day, and I know all about Kendrick paying him to stay away from me. Every week I would send him pictures of Travis, and when he graduated he was ducked off but he was there. For all of his games whenever Kendrick wasn't around he was always ducked off watching Travis's every move. He loved Travis and I never kept him too far from him.
The money Kendrick gave David he flipped it and gave me and Travis double that. He took good care of Travis without Kendrick knowing. Travis was spoiled rotten he was my only child so of course anything he needed he got from both fathers. David found out about him having prostate cancer a long time ago. Travis told me about him having it two years ago, and it's crazy how things happen. He had texted me and told me that he loved both me and Travis. I knew David and Travis both wanted to meet so I made arrangements for that to happen so that Travis could get answers before it was too late.

Travis POV

I sat at the table waiting to see who would walk in as my father . Mom said he looked exactly like me so I was trying to find him. Each person that walked in went to another table, was he standing me up? I ordered some food and got comfortable but my phone wouldn't stop ringing... it was Lia. She sent me numerous texts messages telling me to meet her at the hospital. What was she doing in Florida?
I left the waiter a tip and paid for my food I was out the door in less than a minute. Who would be at the hospital? I thought. Was it my mom? Any time Lia texted me I always stopped what I was doing to run to her she was my baby whenever she needed me I was always going to be right there.

15 minutes later //

Walking into the building I seen Lia's brother Daniel and his wife crying. His wife's dad is in here on his death bed. Daniel told me that her dad has prostate cancer and he's had it only for two months but it didn't look good for him it's spreading throughout his body. Damn we all got that shit don't we? I thought. Now is not the time to crack jokes. Why did Lia call me here if this had nothing to do with me or our family? I walked around looking for Lia when I seen her and my mom talking. Why the fuck is my momma here? This ain't adding up.
"Lia what's goin on your brother is here why did you call me here"
Lia: " look we have to lay everything on the table right now okay?"
I nodded my head, what's going on.
My mom: "You and Kim have the same father. The man that's in there on his death bed is your father"


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