A Night To Remember

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HELLO THERE! I’m Rayne! This is a story that I started writing quite awhile ago, and I have posted it to quite a lot of other sites. It is my first story though so have mercy on me.  It is a werewolf story and I am aware that werewolf stories on here are quite plentiful. I am working on another story as well that is not a werewolf story so if you don’t like this maybe you’ll like the other one when it gets started! Loves!


Copyright RayneGenesis @ 2012

Of Farms, Friends, and a Night to Remember

Little Brooke. The name says it all. It’s a small town in the middle of nowhere. The only thing surrounding it is trees, and mountains. In Little Brooke we take pride in what we have. Our farms, market, candy store, and theatres. We have a small dentist’s office, as well as a small doctor’s office. We have a clothing store, but most of us go to the nearest city, Sunset to buy our clothes. Our store is more for tourist (if we ever have any. Let’s be honest. Who vacations to a place called Little Brooke…yeah. No one) My dad owns one of the farms down here. We generally like to keep the farms as far from the forest as possible so no animals can come and feast our poor livestock. That hardly ever happens though. The last time that happened was before I was even born. My favorite animas on the farm are the goats. Mostly because they look like little wizards with their horns, and goatees. I also like the chicks just because they are so fucking fluffy.

Contrary to most beliefs we do not live on our farm. In fact we live about ten minutes away but, Earl (one of the townsfolk) lives by his farm which so happens to be next to ours. So he’s agreed to take care of it for us if we aren’t planning on coming up. Usually that doesn’t happen since my dad goes to the farm just about every day.  My mom just stays at home. She is all obsessed with those fantasy romance novels with vampires, and fairies, and shit.  After she finishes one she usually goes to the library and squeals about how hunky Edward is with the teenage girls. Sometimes I wonder why she married my dad since he in no way what-so-ever represents a hot vampire.

I guess I should probably tell you about myself now. I’m Wyatt. Wyatt Green. Spawn of Greg Green and Donna Mathison. Conceived lovingly in the back of a gray pick-up truck. I am 17 years old. I have blonde hair which I got from my mother, and green eyes which I think must come from one of my deceased relatives since none of my parents have green eyes. My best friend is Rory Parker. I usually spend every waking moment with him. He’s a complete moron. I still admire him for not being able to acknowledge that fact. He has some ridiculous friends though namely, Carson Tuttle. That big brute thinks he’s all that and a plate of apple crisp. Lord knows he’s wrong. Besides him, the most hideous thing I’ve ever seen is the girl he’s aiming for. Carla Jensen his new Adonis, you would think that stereotypical popular girls with, bleach blonde platinum hair, fake tanned skin, and THE BIGGEST LIPS I HAVE EVER SEEN. (Most of which mass comes from her…arms. Not her ass you sick bastards what are you thinking…anyways). Would skip small towns like ours but, no she’s here alright. Every time I look at her I just have to ask God. Why? There must be a reason for putting girls like this on the earth. Right? Never mind that. The real mystery is why guys are attracted to girls like her. We must not have any standards at all. I would continue to elaborate on the continuity of this dilemma but the door bell is ringing.

I hop downstairs careful not to fall (I’m a klutz by nature) and throw the door open. “MY MAN!!!”

“What do you want?”

Rory looks at me with false sadness.” Can’t a guy come see his closest compadré without being accused of wanting something?”

“Of course,” Rory brightens.” But we both know that you aren’t that innocent.” He sighs.

“Okay. Carson invited us to go camping.”

“Not that meat head again!” I start to shut the door but, Rory stick his shoe in and continues.

“It’ll be great! Just us three, some booze, and some girls. Come one man, please! I need to get laid. Not just me you too. Do this for me Wyatt, please!” I sigh. I guess I can go as long as there is booze.

“Fine, but you have to give me your allowance for this month.”

“DEAL! Now go get ready. Carson is already out in the truck.” I peek out the door and sure enough there is Carson waiting in his monster of a truck. He waves idly, but I can see in his expression that he wants us to hurry.

“Just a second, let me go pack what I need and tell my mom.” Rory hoots, and skips out to the truck happily. I sweat the only reason Carson hangs out with us is because no other guys want to be his friends. It’s because he’s a man whore. Sighing I turn back into my house. Looks like this is going to be a fun night. A night to remember.

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