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Finally, it's now weekend and I can't forget about the ghost who saved my life 2 days ago but he's still annoying for saying that I was his boyfriend.

It's kinda weird, right? Human and ghost in a relationship?

I was laying on my bed when suddenly I heard a voice in my room. Why they just can't leave me alone?

"Hey my boyfriend"

Damn, he again? How did he know my house? Did he followed me? This ghost is really a stalker.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked  annoyingly as he went closer to me, what the actual fuck is he doing?

"Just visiting my boyfriend" he simplified as he smiled on me. He sat on my bed and I gave him a strange look.

"Did I give you a permission to sit there?" I asked and he smirked.

"Why are you being like that to me?" he pouted, what the- this is my first time to tell this that he was so cute- wait what are you crazy?

"Can you just leave me alone?" I scoffed and he laughed, what's funny? Is this ghost is crazy or what? Is his head is broke?

"Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Well, you're asking now" I replied as I rolled my eyes, he stared at me deadly. He is so scary.

"I'm just joking, please don't stare at me like that and yeah you can ask" I said, why is he smirking? I think he's question is not quite good.

"Since I saved your life, can you be my boyfriend for 2 months?" I was surprised on what he just said, he is joking right? Please tell me yes.

"Why would I do that huh?" I asked curiously.

"Because I saved your life in return you will be my boyfriend" he answered, can I punch him? Can I?

"Did I ask for your help to save me?" I asked as he pouted again, why he is so cute when he is pouting?

"Please? I will help you not to be bothered by the other ghosts but except me and I will also help you in anything you need" he pleaded and his face were like saying 'please say yes'

"I'm gonna think of it" I said, why would I say yes? I don't want to have an ex who is a ghost, like the relationship out there he ghosted you and never came back.

"You say so, I will give you time to think about it but I hope you'll agree" he said, wait it's unfair right? He knows my name and I didn't know what's him.

"By the way, what's your name?" I asked.

"Yes" he replied, what a weird name.

"Can you be my boyfriend?" he asked.

"Yes, we recently just talked about it" I replied, I suddenly realized something, what the heck? It's just a prank?! His name is not actually 'yes'. Damn, I'm an idiot.

"Oh geez, you did just say yes?" He smiled widely, he's so happy, I see it on his face.

"No, I didn't. I just called out your name and your name isn't 'Yes' " I said, I'm so upset with his sudden actions.

"I don't care, I need to go now bye" he was about to leave when

"By the way, I'm Choi Beomgyu see you next time my Bub Taehyun" he said as he disappeared. What did he say? Bub? I cringed.

You're Beomgyu, cool. My room's door suddenly opened.

"Ah honey, whom are you talking?" My mom asked curiously, shit, what should I say?

"Ah, that? I'm just practicing my lines mom" I lied and I smiled on her.

"Did I bothered you?" she asked and I quickly shooked my head.

"If you need something, I'm just here, I'm willing to help you, keep practicing, you can do it, fighting" she said as she cheered me up, aw, she's so sweet, I love her so much.

"Thank you mom" I said and I give her a sweet smile.

My Ghost Boyfriend | Taegyu ✓Where stories live. Discover now