Sagittarius: Chapter 4

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The Greek Embassy had come through yet again and Chiron found himself contently settled in a nice apartment for his stay in Japan. Conveniently, it was near the school, so it shouldn't be an issue to walk, or gallop, to the grounds in that case.

In the end, Chiron had told Nezu that he'd prefer to opt-out of judging. He didn't want to judge his students on how they acted on the exam when he first met them.

He also had told the principal that the second servant would be arriving in Japan for a few days. It would be best to meet them, instead of them getting in trouble for looking like a young teenager and riding around on a mythical beast looking for him.

Stepping out onto the roof of his apartment building, Chiron shielded his eyes from the sun as he gazed up at it. It wasn't long before a dark shape blotted the light out as it descended from the sky.

A cloud of dust and dirt was kicked up as a feathery creature landed, wings splayed out. A Hippogriff with the coloration of a bald eagle glared at him before vanishing as a pink-haired figure slid off of its back.

"Yosh! I'm here!" the person exclaimed, grinning and giving the archer a peace sign.

"So it seems," Chiron chuckled, patting the youth on the head. "Were your travels well, Astolfo?"

Indistinguishable to the normal man, Chiron knew better when it came to the pink-haired, androgynous Rider servant. Despite the fancy attire and the ribbons adorning the pink locks, Astolfo was a boy.

The only other servant from that time as well.

"Yep! Though I took some stops across the continent to eat good food," the Rider hummed, "So, did you find that 'Greater Evil' or whatever?"

Chiron shook his head. "Not exactly, I have a hunch on what it might be, but for now I have to wait until he shows himself."

Astolfo 'oh'd softly before he nodded. "I get it! So, what are you doing now, huh?"

"I'll be teaching soon at U.A. High," he told him, "The one who subdued my suspect is also teaching there."

Astolfo perked up. "A school? Why am I not surprised!" he laughed before he bounced on his feet. "Maybe I should finally go to Hero School? I'm gonna be leaving in a few days but should I come back and transfer in? I'll be back in about two weeks to bother you again anyways... Hmm..."

Chiron blinked. "Astolfo it's been nearly a hundred years and you still haven't gotten a license?" he asked and the boy just laughed.

"Well, I have one from France, but that's it. Most other countries don't bat an eye when I use my quirk, but Japan seems to be the only nation with strict restrictions on Quirks. I mean, America has their restrictions but it's like, weird. People don't care over there," he told him and Chiron sighed, shaking his head.

"You probably get questioned nonstop too, don't you?" he asked and Astolfo grinned.

"I always tell them to look up the twelve paladins when asked!"

The archer just chuckled at that, reaching over and patting his head. "As long as you don't get kidnapped or anything because of it," he told the rider, who laughed again.

"Enough talk, though, Chiron!" Astolfo huffed, "Feed me! I came all the way out here to see you, you know!"

Chiron smiled. Even after all these years, the Rider hadn't changed that much.

It was nice.


Class 1-A was certainly something. He had taken a look at their files before they had come back from whatever Aizawa had decided to do with them. He knew that the homeroom teacher wasn't overly fond of him still, but from what Mic said that was pretty normal.

In the end, he had chosen to simply give them a pretest to assess where each of the students stood, if they knew a good bit about basic anatomy, then there would be no need to review what they knew. If they didn't then he would start from the beginning.

"Good morning, class," he greeted, smiling as the last of the students filed into the room and sat down. "I'm Philyra-Sensei. It's a pleasure to meet all of you."

"Are you a hero too, sensei?" one of the students asked. Chiron glanced down at his roster, spotting the black-haired boy quickly. Sero Hanta.

He smiled, nodding. "Yes," he told them, "You probably wouldn't recognize me, though. I'm originally from Greece, but I came here to teach anyways. My Hero name is Archer of Black, though most call me Archer. If you wish, you can call me that if my last name is too hard to pronounce."

Another blonde near the front scoffed, leaning forward in his chair. "What's your quirk anyway, huh? You don't look like much. I mean, who wears a suit to a hero fight?"

He glanced to his roster before he sighed. Bakugo Katsuki. Apparently Aizawa had called him the 'wild child' during the judging of the exam. That, or Mic was covering for his own comment. Either way, Aizawa didn't refute it when Mic had told them at the staff night out after the final students were chosen for the hero course.

"A number of heroes actually quite like to look their best in suits when they fight, Fourth Kind and Gang Orca for example— but that's beside the point. My quirk, hm..." he hummed, smiling still before he placed an index finger to his lips. "I think there's enough in the hero name, though if you're still grasping for more information... well, all I can say is look into the myths of Achilles, Jason, Heracles, Asclepius, and Castor and Pollux. There's one common hero in all of them."

Bakugou scoffed again, scowling and looking out the window in frustration. The green-haired boy behind him seemed to be jotting what he had said down at a lightning speed, however.

Astolfo and he had agreed when Quirks first emerged that if anyone asked they would simply refer the asker to legends. On paper, Chiron's 'quirk' was named 'Heroic Legend: Sagittarius' or sometimes other, similar things depending on the country. Astolfo hadn't gone to a hero school and gotten a hero's license for Japan, but his quirk was known as something similar— 'Heroic Legend: Paladin'. Japan's quirk laws were unique to the rest of the world, though many followed their gun and other armed weapon laws when referring to quirks.

It was easier that way and Astolfo had learned that Switzerland, Israel, and the United States had the loosest laws— no matter how much America boasted about being the safest nation.

Chiron clapped his hands together, startling several of the students. "Enough questions, now! This class is on general health and physical aid. I will be teaching you every other week and you might see me working as a substitute for other teachers in the case that they aren't available. Now... let's start with a placement quiz!"

He laughed a bit at the student's shocked and panicked faces as he picked up a stack of papers. He walked to the front, handing them out before he walked back to the front podium.

"Make sure you answer every question the best you possibly can and leave anything you don't know blank," he told them, adjusting his glasses. "I need to know where you all stand in regards to the knowledge of the human body. Ah! And be warned, any overly inappropriate answers will be marked off, no matter how right you might be."

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