Sagittarius: Chapter 6

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As the last of the villains marched out, the white-haired man at front scratched at his neck and a black creature with its brain exposed stood next to him.

"Eraserhead and Number Thirteen.... and an unknown variable," the black mist uttered, "According to the teachers' curriculum we procured yesterday Mr. All Might was supposed to be here, and yet...."

Aizawa grit his teeth. "I knew it," he spat, "Yesterday's incident was because of you louts..."

The white-haired man in the center seemed to be irritated as he leaned back, tilting his head. "Where is he... we went through so much trouble and rustled up so many of us to bring along. You can't tell me that All Might, the symbol of peace, isn't here!" He hissed as the villains advanced towards them. Chiron narrowed his eyes.

"Maybe if we kill a few of these kids he'll come out to play."

Chiron let his arrows fly at that before he leaped down the first flight of stairs, materializing more in a flash and firing them off with lightning speed. He briefly heard Midoriya say something before a flash of black in the corner of his eye signified that Aizawa had joined him.

"Ha! These two think they can take us all by themselves?" A villain wearing what looked to be a mask similar to an ox or bull in shape snorted. "What idiots!"

He barely finished his sentence before Chiron was upon him, dropping his bow and striking him with his palm. The villain went flying and he swung his leg out, slamming into another. Aizawa flew past him overhead, using his capture scarf to take down villains while negating quirks left and right.

Chiron's hand shot up, catching a porcupine-looking villain's attack, breaking the spike with his hand before he rolled out of the way of another. He grabbed his bow, landing in a kneeling position and firing off arrows again— two of which detonated and sent villains back. The greek servant moved quickly, using a mix of Pankration and his archer abilities to take down villains and guarding the steps. A blade was swung at his head but was easily dodged as he grabbed the villain's wrist, shifting the momentum of their attack back onto them. He slammed them mercilessly against the ground, immobilizing the villain after they spat up blood on impact.

He glanced at them briefly before he turned his eyes to the other villains, shifting his footing as more rushed at him.

He nailed one in the solar plexus, sending them back against two others before he grabbed another by their outstretched arm. He flipped this one over as well, the villain landing just as hard as the first and groaning before passing out.

The crowd of villains began to back up and run towards Aizawa, only to stop when he leaped up and over them. He landed a bit in front of them, bow drawn again before he fired off another round of explosive arrows.

The next round of villains rushed him again and he wasted no time laying waste to them— using his bow to deflect blades before he fired off more arrows.

A movement from the corner of his eye made him whip his head to where the white-haired man was standing. A black creature was standing next to him, but the black mist had taken off, heading towards the fleeing students.

"Thirteen!" He yelled over his shoulder, leaping out of the way of another villain before striking them with a kick. He knocked another unconscious with a roundhouse to the back of the head before he leaped up, firing another round of arrows.

He glanced back to Aizawa, cursing a bit as he noticed the white-haired man making his way to the currently occupied hero. He landed with ease, turning and sprinting towards Aizawa.

The distance between the two was too great on two legs. Hooves hit the ground as Chiron discarded his human form, startling the few villains in his path. He dispatched them easily before he leaped up, firing an arrow between Aizawa and the villain. He shifted back to his human form as he landed, the villain stopped his tracks as he stared at the greek hero. He shifted his stance into his normal Pankration one.

"Quite cowardly to attack a man whose back is turned, though I wouldn't expect much from a villain like you," he said, eyes hard. The white-haired man stared before he scratched his neck.

"Nomu," he said, raising a hand and pointing at them. The creature rose, eyes focusing on the two of them. "This one. Take care of him."

Chiron tensed before he leaped away from Aizawa, tossing his bow to the side as it followed him. Aizawa rushed towards the white-haired man as Chiron dodged a blow from the creature.

It was powerful, generating winds with its punches. Chiron landed, leaping back from another hit and leading it away from Aizawa. He leaped up, dodging another hit before a second fist slammed into his side. His breath left his lungs as he flew back, barely able to land correctly.

He staggered, coughing blood as another strike slammed into his side again. Chiron flew back, rolling as he hit the ground. He called his bow back to him, materializing his arrows before firing. The arrows exploded on impact with the creature, slowing it down before Aizawa's capture scarf came out of nowhere, wrapping around the archer's waist. He leaped back, landing next to the erasure hero as the white-haired man stepped up next to the creature.

He materialized more arrows, firing them off at both villains but the creature smacked the arrows aside with a roar. It rushed at them, slamming its fist into the ground and sending them both sprawling. It shot after Aizawa and Chiron hoped that he would forgive him for using him as a distraction.

That one should still be around the city after all. He had to take his chances with him being able to see the signal.

Chiron rolled again, kneeling and firing off arrows. The arrows shot up, destroying the ceiling above them before he glanced to where the creature was beating on Aizawa.

He turned, firing arrows at it again, only for it to drop the mangled body of the erasure hero and rush him. He grinned, leaping back out of the way of a strike, firing arrows up into the hole he created.

"What are you trying to do, hero? Or is your aim so abysmal now that you can't shoot a target in front of you?" the white-haired man sneered as Chiron leaped out of the way of another attack. He landed by Aizawa, picking him up and catching his breath.

"I think my aim is the least of your worries," he said before a blur crashed into the ground behind the creature.

"Reinforcements!?" the white-haired man snarled as dirt and dust were kicked up around them.

"Those afar, listen to my words!" a voice cried out as pink hair and a red and white cape swayed in the wind. "Those nearby, look at my visage!"

A white lance flashed as the rider leaped off the Hippogriff, eyes narrowed. "My name is Astolfo! I challenge you to battle!"

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