Sagittarius: Chapter 3

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The great thing about being immortal was that one ended up knowing people.

Already because of his affiliation as a servant from the Romanian Grail War, he had Romania's and Greece's hero embassies and governments contacting him if anything started indicating All for One movement in those areas. Britain's Mage association was also in contact with him, but he preferred not to have long conversations with them. Even if Caules' descendants and the descendants of his friends were there.

Not to mention that Wizard Marshall who was still alive.

No, Chiron preferred to keep his distance from all of that, but it seemed as if he would soon have students under his guidance again.

Nezu had taken a glance at the application after listening to Yagi's story and instantly agreed.

It had nothing to do with the fact that he was a bit biased towards the centaur sage, the mouse-bear-dog principal had said when the two were talking on the phone.

Both of them knew that was absolutely shit.

Nezu and Chiron were both quite friendly (he'd go as far to say fond, but Nezu might disagree so Chiron refrained) with each other. There was a common kinship between them both as both were at least partially animal and had a tragic past and a love for teaching.

Chiron had met Nezu on his last visit to Japan, about fifteen years ago. He had shared a table at a bookstore coffee shop when the now principal was still just a history teacher at U.A. High. The second servant that had survived the Grail war was with him as well, but had only met Nezu at the end of the first meeting as he was off looking at comics.

Unsurprisingly, the hyper-intelligent being had pieced together and figured his story out within the first few days of their friendship. It only took him a few moments to guess the other servant's identity, too.

Once again smoothing his tie out and adjusting his bag over his shoulder, Chiron walked through the gates to the school's campus. While he was not to be teaching yet, a before-the-year-ended meeting for all staff and the two incoming staff members had been called.

A shift in the wind before the sound of someone landing next to him made the centaur in human form look up at the shadow that had fallen over him.

"Good morning, All Might," he greeted the other new arrival.

"Good Morning to you as well, Mister Philyra!" the blonde hero greeted with an exuberant laugh, raising a hand as well.

"I do hope that this meeting isn't too long," Chiron hummed as the two walked into the school building, both flashing the IDs that had been delivered to them. "I would like to look around the school grounds."

"Oho?" All Might asked, raising a brow. "I should give you a tour!"

"I'll think about it," he told him with a slight chuckle. "It makes me at least glad that the grounds seem extensive. It would be nice to stretch my legs during my off time."

"Ah, that's right! You're in a more human form right now!" the hero said, nodding. "I suppose that would get cramped after a while. This isn't the first staff meeting I've gone too so you should be okay!"

"That's assuring," he hummed as they entered a meeting room. Nezu was there already, along with two other hero teachers, who eyed him with wary and guarded looks.

He only smiled and bowed to the black-haired and white-haired men in return as he sat down.

It wasn't too long before the other teachers had filed in and despite Nezu introducing him and the subject he would be teaching (Basic anatomy and first aid, the principal had stated) and then proceeding with the meeting in a normal fashion, there was a heavy tension in the room. Chiron knew it was directed towards him, but there was little he could do about it.

As the meeting drew to a close however, Nezu turned to Chiron.

"As I'm sure you all are aware, we have a new staff member. Luckily for us, he is already privy to All Might's condition," the small principal started as the other teacher's eyes turned to him.

"Well that makes things easier," one of the few women on staff said. Midnight, the R18 Hero, if his memory served correctly.

Chiron nodded. "It was a bit of a shock at first, but I was preoccupied with assisting others," he told them, "I'm a trained doctor and I have a marksman's eye. I noticed that All Might was in pain pretty easily and asked him to meet up with me the following day."

"So what's your quirk anyways, dude?" The school's resident DJ, Present Mic, asked. The blonde was leaning his head on one hand, using the other to make gestures as he talked.

Chiron blinked before he hummed. "Well, my hero name, Archer of Black, should make it obvious that I have some proficiency with marksmanship. My Quirk is also known as Sagittarius, which should also be a dead give away as well." He smiled, tapping the side of his head by his eye. "In short, I'm a marksman, similar to our coworker Snipe."

The cowboy hero looked up when he heard his name, nodding a bit. Chiron continued as Aizawa gave him a skeptical look.

"If you want further details, I suggest you check out the stories of Jason, Heracles, Achilles, Asclepius, Castor, and Pollux," he added with a smile. Aizawa glared at him but looked away as Nezu chuckled and Yagi sighed, shaking his head.

Aside from the two of them, and Recovery Girl, no one else on staff had any information on him aside from the bare basics.

He was a hero from Greece that had decided to move to japan but was in need of a job. Nezu granted him a job and that was that.

Eventually he'd have to reveal himself to the staff, but he'd cross that bridge when he got there.

"Moving on," Nezu said, "Since this is the last meeting before the next round of entrance exams, I'd like to know who will be here or who would prefer to opt-out."

"I want my usual position, yo!" Mic said, shooting up and raising his hand.

And with the blonde's exclamation, the staff and teachers began vying for spots in the Hall of Judgement.

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