Sagittarius: Chapter 9

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Minor Maga spoilers ahead involving Kurogiri. If you get mad at spoilers, just stop reading now


Chiron had explained everything he could to the staff over a secured conference call from Aizawa and Thirteen's shared hospital room.

The space hero, while obscured by a curtain that went around their bed for privacy, had been absolutely delighted to learn that they were co-workers with and going to be teaching two living legends. There were a lot of questions that went around, and Aizawa was aggravated that he didn't connect the dots, but more than grateful that Astolfo had shown up when he did.

Over the call, Chiron had warned the staff about the Nomu, what he had felt and discovered from fighting it. It wasn't a human with multiple quirks, further solidified by Aizawa's input that Shigaraki treated it more like a pet. It could have been human once, but Chiron would have had to have more time with it, the archer had told them. He apologized for killing it without thinking about the police investigation, but Nezu assured him it was fine and the use of his phantasm was omitted from the police report. Obviously, UA would be dragged through the dirt for a bit if word got out, but Chiron told the staff he could have it covered. A hundred years of networking and contact forging paid off and between he and Astolfo had at least four hero embassies and governments behind them, not to mention the Mage's Association— though they were rather reluctant about it.

There was another thing that bothered him, about the warp-gate villain, but he was unsure if it was just because of how close the Nomu was or if it was truly from the villain. Kurogiri didn't feel human either. Not fully, at least, but he wasn't sure. Only Thirteen, Nezu, and Aizawa were told this after the other teachers hung up. Chiron knew he was bound to show his face again and he'd rather confirm his suspicions than go off on a possible theory.

Furthermore, All of the students had been informed via mail that Astolfo had been an early transfer student who had arrived a day before he was supposed to because he recognized that there was trouble. It was brief and more than a bit suspicious, but there was nothing to be done with the sports festival approaching soon. Both he and Nezu hoped that the festival would keep the students' minds from the more than shady way Astolfo appeared.

His mind kept going back to Kurogiri, however. There was no doubt that the blackmist Quirk user was, at one point, a human. There was a vaguely human feeling to him, but it was far too faint. A dead apostle, maybe? He hoped not, because that would mean calling the Church to deal with it and he didn't really feel like doing that. The other option was a more... perfected Nomu. One that was fully coherent and able to think for itself. If that was the case, was the one who created the Nomu further ahead than he had originally assumed? How many others were like the warpgate villain?

All of these thoughts plagued Chiron as he walked down the hall towards Class 1-A. He slid the door open before he frowned, seeing Eraserhead standing at the front of the class. He apparently escaped from the hospital. Despite both he and Recovery Girl's work on healing him over the two days break, the hero shouldn't have been up and moving.

"You should be resting," Chiron sighed as he trotted in, having since discarded his human form now that the students had seen him already.

"Shouldn't your ribs be getting treated?" Aizawa said at the same time, the other man attempting to use the injury that Chiron had sustained to turn the argument onto the archer. Chiron sighed.

"First of all, my ribs weren't broken," he told him, a look reminding the hero of his accelerated healing rate, "Secondly, even if they were, I'd be less of a mummy then you are now."

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