Sagittarius: Chapter 25

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Raid Part Two Electric Boogaloo. Things are happenin'! Posting this early because it's done.


Astolfo knew he wasn't up to one hundred percent but still ended up agreeing to Best Jeanist's request for aid.

Red Beryl must have told him she met him and the hero had put the pieces together easily. The top ten heroes were all given information on the Servants after the USJ incident, so it didn't matter that much to him that he, nor Red Beryl, had figured it out. The rest of the Raid Team ended up learning about it too, but as long as it was contained, it shouldn't matter too much.

Chiron had been hesitant at first, and rightfully so, but agreed when Astolfo had asked him over the mental link. And with that done, Astolfo had turned his back to his friends without a definite answer when they asked where he was going. Guilt pooled in his chest when he ignored their questions on where he was going in his battle attire, but he did what he had to. They were still kids after all and for them to get involved would only end up in unnecessary injuries— and only if they were lucky.

"These guys are kinda gross," Mt. Lady complained as she held onto and pinned down several other nomu.

"Their brains are exposed," Astolfo said as Hippogriff pinned another down, his lance stuck through a second and keeping it still. "But, this is pretty important."

The giantess stuck her tongue out as Gang Orca held onto another nearby. "I know but still, don't you and Jeanist feel like it's a bit beneath you? I mean, you two are, like, a top hero and a Servant."

"Nah," Astolfo said, watching as Best Jeanist rounded up the last of the Nomu. "All I really care about is that Gray, Bakugou, and Ragdoll are okay." He turned, glancing over his shoulder at Tiger and Gang Orca. The brown-haired man was holding Ragdoll protectively to his chest as the killer-whale like man watched over them.

"What have they done to you, Ragdoll?" Tiger cried, holding her close as the green-haired woman's head lolled back. Astolfo grimaced. He liked Ragdoll, to see her in such an empty and unresponsive state was awful. He felt as if it was partially his fault that she was like this, too. If he only had been stronger then maybe...

"Apologies, Tiger. I had found her Quirk quite useful a long time ago," a new voice answered, making the Rider's head snap up as he felt his blood run cold. "Since the opportunity fell into my lap, I took it."

"Stop right there, don't move!" Gang Orca ordered as he moved up next to Best Jeanist and himself.

"Another member of the league, huh?" the orca uttered.

"Somebody lend a light!" Tiger called but Astolfo quickly stopped them, holding her lance in front of Gang Orca and Best Jeanist.

"No! Stay back!"

Beast Jeanist seemed to sense the urgency in his voice as the voice continued to talk to them. The blonde reacted quickly, pulling his hand tight and restraining the figure as soon as his foot stepped into the light.

"H-Hold on, Jeanist," Mt. Lady protested, "What if that's a civilian?"

"Think about it," Astolfo said as he gripped Hippogriff's reins. "This situation calls for all caution! He just admitted that he injured Ragdoll!"

"Exactly, a moment of hesitation could decide the fight," Best Jeanist agreed, tightening his hold on the figure. "We can't let these villains try anything!"

Something sparked and Hippogriff reared up with a screech of warning before white light, followed by searing pain, enveloped his senses.


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