Sagittarius: Chaper 15

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Someone on FFN said they wanted chaos, so...

Anyways, I'm probably gonna start scheduling posts, so every Friday or Saturday there will be one and you'll be getting two chapters this week.

This chapter and the next will be a bit longer (Upwards 4,000 words, I try and keep the chapters at least at 1K because I personally don't like reading fanfic where the chapters are as long as college essays). It longest chapter we have I think is the next one with 6k. Anyways! Stain! Stain! Stain!


Explosions shaking the ground were the first and only clue that Chiron needed to realize there was something wrong in Hosu.

Astolfo had told him that he had seen Iida with Pro Hero Manual on the streets, and knowing what had happened to Tensei, there was no doubt that there was something going on with the blue-haired boy. Chasing down the Hero Killer was a risk in and of itself, for a student to be doing it was stupid.

Chiron left the hospital as soon as the first tremor that shook the building subsided. He stopped in his tracks, eyes widening as the hulking creature in the street turned to him. Part of a car's hood was still clamped in its hands as the archer took in its appearance.

"Of course you'd be back," He uttered, leaping out of the way as the hood was thrown at him. With bulging eyes and an exposed brain, there was no doubt that this was another Nomu.

"Astolfo, Gray, I'm giving you permission to enter combat!" Chiron ordered through the telepathic link that connected the three servants.


"Of course!"

Both of the other Servants responded almost immediately and he felt a burst of magical energy. No doubt that Astolfo had summoned Hippogriff and the two were already entering combat.

Chiron dodged another hit from the Nomu, materializing his bow and firing at the Nomu's exposed brain. The nomu bat his arrows to the side before lunging at him with a roar. He dropped his bow, smacking the outstretched hand with his full strength— throwing the nomu off balance. He kicked its legs out from under it before slamming his palm into its chest as it toppled over. The force from the hit sent the nomu flying, but it lumbered back to its feet mere seconds after crashing to the asphalt.

"Get down!" A voice barked from behind him and the Servant dove to the ground as a blaze of flame coursed overhead. He turned after he rolled back onto his feet, seeing the hulking form of the number two hero.

"I don't recognize you," the man said, eyes narrowed as he looked at the street. A second nomu was lumbering over as the first rose back to its feet with a screech.

Chiron stood, cracking his neck before he shifted into his usual Pankration stance. "I think that can wait for now," he said and the other man grunted, readying his flames.

"Fine," the Flame Hero said, "Just try and keep up with me."

"I think it's the other way around," He said before he leaped forwards, planting his foot into the nomu's chest and sending it flying back. Endeavor sneered.

"We'll see, don't underestimate me, newcomer!"


"Gray!" Astolfo yelled as he grabbed the outstretched hand of the gray-haired girl. As soon as the explosions started, he and Gray had started getting citizens moving and to what they hoped was a safer area. When Chiron had given them permission to fight, Astolfo instantly had his lance in one hand and summoned Hippogriff to him, Gray with Add in his Grim Reaper Scythe form.

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