Sagittarius: Chapter 10

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They had both felt it after school had been let out for the day.

It was when they were out shopping for groceries.

A disturbance in the air, the taste of static in the back of their throats. Chiron felt it pricking on his skin as he trotted down the aisle. Both of them stopped when they felt the emergence of the Minor Grail again, Chiron turning and looking out the windows at the front of the store.

Astolfo grimaced, setting the box he was holding in the cart. "Looks like it's that time again," he said, sighing. "I'll see if I can fly over later today in order to take spirit signatures in case any of them end up like us. I'll also see if I can get a way to contact the Church this time. Seems like we should keep tabs on the War this year..."

Chiron nodded, sighing before he smacked Astolfo's hand as it was placing another box in the cart.

"Hey, no," he told him, "You have enough snacks, we need to go and grab things for dinner."

The pink-haired Rider just stuck his tongue out, putting it in the cart anyway. It probably didn't help that Chiron just sighed before he continued on down the aisle.

"Very well, Astolfo," he said, "But that's the last one."

"Sure, sure~!"


The day of the festival had dawned four days after the two had felt the shift signaling a Grail War.

Astolfo had gone over just to meet the Overseer, but he and Chiron were planning to both go during internships to check it out. Normally, Chiron staid away from Grail Wars, but it was an exception this time.

He just had a feeling that something was going to be different.

Despite that, the exhilarating mood didn't change as the morning of the Festival saw Chiron arriving at the school quite early. Breakfast was already made and set out for Astolfo, the rider still at home sleeping as Chiron made his way to the other teachers waiting to walk down to the stadium.

Servants had no need for food, drink, or sleep, but many chose to sleep and eat anyways. For Chiron, it was also a way of healing injuries faster and gaining energy instead of relying only on the Greater Grail for mana. Astolfo was the same, and the fact that he happened to like all sorts of foods definitely helped.

Speaking of the Rider, Chiron had decided to take the boy's suggestion for the day and dress in only his tunic instead of donning his armor as well. Astolfo claimed it gave him more of the 'Greek Hero' vibe, though he had told the archer that it would have been even better if he wore a toga. The rider did go out to a local arts and crafts store and bought fake laurel branches.

Chiron had ended up showing him how to turn them into a well-made wreath and was currently wearing the one that he had made with the Rider.

Nonetheless, it seems as if Chiron wasn't the only one who had decided to step up their appearance. All the other teachers were in their best hero costumes, looking prim and poised— save one. Aizawa just didn't care. Still wrapped head to toe in bandages, scruffy as ever.

"Wowza, Chiron!" Yamada cheered as he trotted over to the rest of the staff. As soon as he had arrived the group started moving down towards the to the stadium to greet security and the vendors.

"Totally rockin' the Greek vibe! I like it!" The Voice Hero added, flashing him a thumbs up with a grin as Kayama nodded in agreement. Thirteen clasped their hands together, also delighted. After the USJ, he had insisted that the teachers simply call him by his True Name, rather than Archer or by his mother's name that had served as his false surname. It was easier on them and himself that way. And considering how Astolfo had practically ignored the 'last name' as well, it was no surprise that a number of his students were also starting to call him 'Chiron' as well.

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