Sagittarius: Chapter 5

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There seemed to be more reporters every day. At first, Chiron had waved them off with a smile, but after the other day's breach in security, he was starting to grow agitated.

Breaking down the security gates and storming the grounds? What in the gods' names were those reporters thinking? Still, something was off about it. As if someone had instigated a declaration of war against the school.

He wasn't the only one who thought that either. Thirteen, Midnight, and not to mention Recovery Girl and Nezu had agreed with him. Especially with the gate disintegrated.

Since then, he had started hanging out on the roof of the main building when he wasn't teaching. From there he was able to keep a watch out from a high vantage point.

That's where Thirteen had found him just before noon, lightly tapping his shoulder to get his attention as the archer gazed out over the grounds.

"Eraserhead and I are teaching a rescue class," the space hero had said when Chiron turned to them with a tilt of the head. "I was hoping that you could join me in meeting Class 1-A down at USJ."

He thought for a moment before he nodded with a hum. "Some early, hands-on first-aid would do those children some good," he agreed. "I'm assuming this is a practical, then?"

"Yes," they told him, nodding again. "All Might was going to be there, but he's out of commission, used up too much of his power, so it'll be us three. Even then, I still would have invited you."

Chiron tilted his head with a smile. "I'm flattered. But it would have been four teachers if he was well, right? That sounds like a lot, but then again... All Might could accidentally cause more trouble with his punches..."

Thirteen laughed a bit at that. "You're right, he and Eraserhead are both great heroes, they're just not exactly rescue and support types."

Yeah, they could say that again.


The students hadn't been expecting him to meet them all inside when Thirteen and Aizawa led them into USJ. Chiron had to admit that their shock had been a bit amusing.

After all, not even the ever through Midoriya could scrounge up much information on his hero record aside from the barebones— where he was from, the fact that he had an international license, and what his hero name was. Certain students like Bakugou and Kaminari weren't overly confident in his combat ability, which was a shame.

The suit and glasses he normally wore probably didn't help much. The scholarly look that Astolfo had insisted on often threw people off, after all.

"Welcome," he greeted as Thirteen walked over to him before turning to the students.

"This pace is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters," the space hero said, stretching their arms out to their sides. "A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, et cetera! The Unforeseen Simulation Joint! USJ for short!"

Chiron smiled as the students erupted into awed cheering, nodding to Aizawa when the man walked over.

"Hey, Thirteen, Archer," he drawled, glancing around. "Where's All Might? He should be here by now, right?"

Chiron sighed. "From what Nezu told Thirteen, he had been out heroing while coming over to the school," he told the dry-eye inflicted hero. "And even though I managed to heal and strengthen his body a bit, he ended up using all his time up."

Thirteen nodded again. "Yes. Now he's resting in the break room."

Aizawa sighed. "That one's as irrational as he is tall..." he uttered, shaking his head. Chiron chuckled at that.

"Well, shall we?" Chiron asked and Thirteen nodded, holding a hand up.

"Oh, but before we start," they said, raising their voice and addressing the students. "A thing or two... or three... or four, actually..."

Chiron hummed, smiling as he tuned Thirteen out, glancing over the students before he glanced at Aizawa.

The erasure hero had nicked his bow from where he had it set aside. "How many arrows can you use with this?" he asked lowly as Thirteen explained something to the students.

Chiron took it from him before he held his hand up. "Two or three if you want to be safe and normal," he told him. "But because of my Quirk, I just fire off how many I feel. Sagittarius gives me endless arrows, why not use them."

"So what I'm hearing is you can fire an entire rain of arrows?" Aizawa asked dryly and Chiron laughed.

"Something like that," he said and the black-haired man smirked a bit. Seems like the erasure hero was finally warming up to him a bit.

"That is all!" Thirteen's voice made the two both look over, seeing the space hero bow. "You have my gratitude for listening so intently and patiently!"

"That was awesome!" Uraraka cheered, though it was almost drowned out by Iida's clapping and exclamation of 'bravo'.

Aizawa leaned on one of the railings, clearing his throat. "All right, first thing's first..." he started before trailing off as Chiron stiffened, turning and staring down at the fountain in the center of USJ. A small break in space made of something that was like mist or shadow had appeared. It grew bigger by the second before Chiron moved, raising his bow. It distorted before two glowing eyes appeared and a pale hand grasped the edge of the break, opening it wider. A pale face with a hand on its face peered through before tons of villains streamed out of it.

"Archer-" Aizawa started but never got to finish as Chiron materialized three arrows between his fingers. He let them fly, taking down a few of the first emerging villains.

"Huddle together and don't move for now!" He ordered, "Aizawa, you're with me! Thirteen, protect the students!"

"Right!" Aizawa said, pulling his goggles on.

Kirishima peered down, swallowing. "Wh- what? What is that?" he asked, nervousness tinging his voice. "Has the training started already?"

"Stay back!" Aizawa barked, making the few students who had started to move forward in order to get a better look flinch back. Chiron reached up, taking his glasses up. As he did, a golden light spread across his body, the black and white suit and glasses vanishing and being replaced with his battle attire.

Some of the students gasped at the change in attire, but he ignored them, materializing more arrows in his hand.

"This isn't training," he told the students, "those are real villains."

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