Sagittarius: Chapter 13

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I burned my tongue on soup.

Anyways, it is I! The Penguin! I return with Chapter 13! Just so it's clear, there is not any romance with Chiron, Astolfo, or anyone that's outside of canon or implied canon. If it's implied canon, then it won't be glaringly obvious. Canon relationships only. For the most part. There is one that's not as implied but they do get a whole episode in the anime. You'll find out who later on, like probably in the second, main installment of this series. Anyways, it might be another five or so days, maybe a week before the next chapter goes up since I'm getting busier with college work.

That said, I do have another question regarding this. Would you like the Two Heroes movie to be a separate book or would you like it to be within Sagittarius? I'm leaning towards separate, at least on ao3 but what do you guys think?


"So you're saying that your servant was Archer, Tomoe Gozen, and you were both attacked this afternoon after a fight against Rider?" Chiron started and the young man in front of him nodded.

The church overseer was sitting in the pew behind them as Chiron questioned the now-former Master of Archer. He and Astolfo made it to Fuyuki in a few hours, meeting the overseer and the former master as soon as they arrived. The injury that the young man had sustained wasn't pretty, as his hand with the command seals had been cut off. It was a clean-cut, but that wouldn't have mattered at all— no matter how clean an amputation was, it would still hurt and the marks that granted him the ability to summon a Servant and hold a Contract were gone.

"Yes," the young man said after he nodded. "We had been attacked by Rider and her master in an abandoned lot... she's the one who cut my hand off, but then they fled after that. They didn't even fight Archer..."

He rubbed his arm as Chiron frowned.

"A berserker appeared, or at least, I thought it was a berserker. I was confused because we knew that the Berserker was a child in this war...and this guy didn't look like the blonde kid we met the other night," the young man continued, "I mean, he was definitely an adult, at least, I think they were a man. Masculine sounding. There was a hood over his face and a mask of some sort, so I dunno... I had told him that he shouldn't be at that lot since you know, I didn't know if Rider was planning on coming back or not. But he didn't, and then, some sort of arrow from his head... and Archer— before we knew it. I... I couldn't do a thing... he moved so quickly and killed Archer without hesitation..."

Chiron glanced to Astolfo, who frowned.

"Sounds to me like you ran into a Quirk user..." Astolfo said. "Any idea who, Archer?"

Chiron shook his head. "I have speculation but... nothing concrete." he stood, brushing his tunic off.

"Father," he turned to the church overseer. "Keep this young man safe, if anyone who doesn't feel like a mage or a mundane comes through the door, use your Black Keys no matter what."

"Right," the man said, nodding as he and Astolfo headed out of the church.


At first, when the former master had told them that Tomoe Gozen had been attacked by a man, Chiron had feared the worst. But with all the other details, he was at a loss at who the killer could be. Both he and Astolfo had gone to the abandoned lot but found nothing that could be a clue. They had moved to the harbor afterward.

"You're certain that a Servant, the Archer, was killed by a Quirk user?" Nezu asked as he and Astolfo stood on one of the shipping containers at the port of Fuyuki. Night had broken and he could feel the last bounded fields being set up in areas of designated combat for the Grail War. The other masters and servants had been informed by the Church of him and Astolfo— neither of them wanted to interfere with the Grail War and by letting the Masters know, they'd be spared from any surprise attacks. The Masters and Church members, along with any local mages, were also aware of the recent killing of a Servant and all precautions were being taken.

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