Sagittarius: Chapter 2

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Chiron's teaching outfit is based on the craft essence "Mentor and I" from Fate/Grand Order. It's wholesome.


"I'm glad you could make time in your schedule to meet me," Chiron said as he glanced up from reading a newspaper, adjusting his glasses. The large hero, wearing sunglasses and a baseball hat, nodded as sat down in front of him— the chair comically small for him.

"I hope you don't mind, but I ordered something for you to drink while we talk," the centaur said with a smile.

"Ah, my thanks," All Might said, his grin never leaving his face. "If I may ask, what of your horse body? Certainly, you can't sit normally in a cafe booth."

Chiron laughed. "You're right, though horses do sit like dogs tend to. Nonetheless, you're right. It's an... Ability of mine. Part of my Quirk, one could say."

"Oh?" The hero blinked from behind his sunglasses. "So you're a mutation type of sorts?"

"Mm, you could say that, but not exactly," he told him with a smile, folding the paper and setting it down as the barista walked over. The black-haired man set down a cup of tea for each of them before walking off.

"This tea should agree with your stomach," He said, already taking a sip of his own. "Mister H and his father have been making medicinal teas and teas for those with certain health needs for a while."

"Oh, so you know the owner?" All Might asked, Chiron ignoring how pale the hero got when he mentioned his stomach.

"I do," He told him, setting his cup down. "Though I admit, the last time I was here was about fifteen years ago."

All Might did a spit take, coughing and sputtering. "Fifteen years?" he asked as Chiron wiped his face with a hum.

"Is that so surprising?" he asked with a smile before laughing at the sputtered attempts the hero made to explain himself. "I'm joking, Mister Hero," he told him, "You're right, fifteen years ago I would have been in my late teens and as you can tell, I'm not from Japan at all. I would have been in my birth nation, finishing up schooling... if I was a normal man."

He sat up straighter, looking past All Might. "Mister H, can you please give us privacy for a moment?"

"You got it, hooves," the barista said, moving from behind the counter and walking to the front door. He flipped the open sign and pulled the blinds, walking back to the counter before vanishing into the kitchen.

Chiron waited until the black-haired man vanished before he turned to All Might. "You don't need to waste energy in that form anymore," he told All Might, who flinched, smile straining.

"Whatever do you mean?" he asked, sweat dripping down his brow.

Chiron leaned forwards, fingers lacing together. "Mister All Might, I'm going to tell you a story, I hope that in the meantime you make yourself comfortable."

He reached up, taking his glasses off and folding them before setting them aside.

"Once, a long time ago there was a woman who was one of the Oceanids of Greece," he began, "The daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. She was a beautiful woman, so beautiful that Kronos, the Titan of Time and father of many of the gods, chased her. He chased her down and raped her in the form of a stallion, resulting in their child being half human and half equine. When she saw what her child was, she was disgusted and abandoned him. She implored the gods to transform her into anything other than anthropomorphic as she could not bear the shame of having such a monstrous child. The gods granted her wish and transformed her into a linden tree. Effectively orphaned, this child was later found by the god Apollo, who decided to take him in as his son. Apollo taught to him the art of music, lyre, archery, medicine, and prophecy. Apollo's twin sister, Artemis, later approved of his decision and taught him more about archery and hunting." The brown-haired hero stopped, making sure that the large man was listening before he continued.

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