Sagittarius: Chapter 17

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Final exam arc starts now get hype! Woo!


If anyone asked Chiron, he would say that everything that happened in Hosu was pretty well accepted by the three students and Gran Torino. Astolfo (and Gray, once her number had been given to those three boys, the nerve of them, texting his pretend-daughter so quickly!) had been getting texts from Iida, Todoroki, and Midoriya on and off on the way back to U.A. Chiron had gotten a few calls from Gran Torino as well, asking for clarifications, but for the most part, things settled down.

The day after they returned from internships, Chiron had pulled the few students who didn't know about Servants to the side and told them the bare bones of what he and Astolfo were. Following that, Gray transferred in. The transfer went pretty smoothly, though Jiro and Uraraka had been concerned about her joining during the final exams. She had assured them that it was fine before Add made a ruckus, causing some amusement as the Mystic Code was shaken in his cage.

The aftermath of the Stain incident passed and the students fell into routine again.

Things were pretty calm for the students.

Well, as calm as students studying for final exams could be.

Astolfo and Gray had both had other students in and out of the apartment for studying. It appeared that Gray had picked up on El Melloi II's teaching habits and between her and Yaoyorozu, he hoped the students would do alright.

Some of the students who came over asked him questions on Pre-Quirk Era Ancient History— many were curious about Grail Wars and the Servants who fought there and how they became known as 'heroes'. Those who asked him were startled when Chiron told them about Gilgamesh and how he would have been considered 'evil' by the current era's standards, yet he was a hero.

It was the same for many other heroes he told them about— Robin Hood would have been marked as a villain, he told Kaminari one day after explaining the legend, even though Robin Hood's ideas were similar to many heroes in that he believed the poor should be helped. Even the still legendary Oda Nobunaga would have been marked as a Villain, though there weren't too many arguments on that, due to how ruthless the War Lord could be (wait until they found out that Oda Nobunaga was a small girl, Astolfo had joked with him after they left).

And still, there were many more who were disgruntled at the idea of people like Gilles de Rais and Jack the Ripper were even considered to be as such. More than one student went back that day, thinking about the current ideology of Heroes and Villains and Chiron did hope that none of them decided to turn into a vigilante.

Despite the extra lectures the questions towards him generated, the students seemed to be having fun at the apartment. He had told Astolfo that while he had the rest of the students over that they had a full range of everything in the apartment— within reason, of course. He didn't want anyone in his room where he was keeping a majority of their assignments!

He was quite glad that they were all studying together though, it warmed his heart when he was back from meetings to see Gray and Iida quizzing their friends on the couch while Astolfo and Ojiro made the best of what they had. Some of them staid for dinner as well and he made sure that anyone who wanted to could take home leftovers. Bakugou had (angrily) asked to watch him cook the one time he had been over, using the excuse that he didn't get American Measurements at all and also wanted to know "Shit about that fucking Drake woman" while he made dinner. Chiron had only chuckled and agreed, slowing his movements for him to keep up as he worked, all the while telling him about the woman who was known as El Draque.

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