Sagittarius: Chapter 24

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So my college sent everyone home because of the virus. Just a reminder to be safe. I'm probably going to start posting my Demon Slayer and Fate fanfiction today as well, so ye. That one's gonna have a slower schedule.



Chiron's leg swung out as he kicked empty air. He fist was thrown next as he repeated a one-man Pankration routine.

Hit. Doge then kick.

For the first time in ages, Chiron felt powerless.

The news of the attack on the training camp had hit like a truck and left Chiron with what felt to be the world pulled out from under his feet. A lost, empty feeling that pooled into dread.

Of course, that dread soon turned into rage.

From what Kan's report said, twelve students had injuries that ranged from minor to severe. Astolfo was one, currently in the hospital with broken ribs. He was healing quickly and was already ready to get back on his feet and fight.

Pixie-Bob had been seriously injured as well and was in critical condition.

Thirteen students were unharmed, which was a relief but...

Chiron took a breath as he paused his shadow boxing, gazing down at his hands.

Ragdoll was missing. As soon as he saw the smoke, Astolfo had taken off to find her in the woods. He had arrived in time to face down a Nomu that had appeared from nowhere, the boy had told him. It had been stronger than any others that he had fought and by the gods did he and Ragdoll fight. But he lost, the Nomu got Ragdoll after seriously injuring them both.

If that wasn't bad enough two students were missing.

Bakugou Katsuki was one.

Gray was the other.

Chiron didn't know if Gray was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up getting swept along with Bakugou or if the League of Villains had been after her from the start as well. He hoped it was the first option. Kan suspected it was such, as Bakugou and Gray had been paired up for the Test of Courage training activity, but it was worrying either way. If All for One had a traitor in the school, which was likely, the Villain could already know of the Servant status of Gray. She could have been a target for that reason.

But it could simply have been a case of wrong place, wrong time. He wasn't sure.

He wasn't sure and it was frustrating.

He could sense Gray still, just on the edges of his mind. She was still alive, so the League wasn't planning on killing them— yet.

He just couldn't do anything. He had been blocked from all sides when he made a move to go get her back. The Heroes wanted to plan, Aizawa said, and Nezu held him back. But only because Ishiyama and Inui grabbed onto the Centaur when he was about to lash out in retaliation to being told he couldn't go. The Police wouldn't let him move without them. It was ridiculous, he could put an end to the entire thing in minutes, but he was being held back.

He slammed his fist into the wall of his apartment, holding it there as he trembled, remembering what had happened just hours before. Currently, a meeting was going on, but he had only cast a resentful look at the Cheif of Police, ignoring Yagi and Nezu, before he left. Nezu had let him, believing that it was best to let him be alone than to be volatile in a place he didn't want to be in. An unhappy servant was not a good servant if they had no master to keep them in control.


There would be no taking All for One alive after this.

"I'll make sure he's dead," he uttered before he glanced at his phone as it rang. The Archer uncurled his first, feeling his anger subside for the time being. He grimaced at the cracks in the wall before he walked to where he had placed his cellphone on the coffee table.

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